"What if he comes? I don't want to see him."

"The master brought back a disciple, who should be here to pay his respects to you, the master."

Jiale whispered

"Hmm? Wait! Disciple!"

Taoist Simu looked at Lin Yi, suddenly grinned, stood up and walked outside.

Lin Yi and Jiale were confused and followed behind.

I didn't want to see him just now, why did he suddenly go out by himself?

When I came out of the inner room, I saw a big monk with a pretty girl standing at the door.

"Amitabha! Simu, you are back. I heard you moaning next door just now. Is everything alright?"

Master Yixiu said with a smile while looking at Taoist Simu.

Simu and Yixiu are old enemies. They have been fighting each other for many years as old neighbors.

When they met, Master Yixiu made a move.

"Humph, I'm fine! You come to greet me so early, what's the matter?"

Master Ikkyu didn't get angry, he just smiled.

"It's been such a long time since we last met. I heard you're back, so I came to see you. By the way, let me introduce you. This is my apprentice, Qingqing."

"Qingqing, meet the Taoist priest"

"I was wondering why you came here, it turns out you were showing off your apprentice"

"How could that be? I just brought her here to meet someone."

"Hello, Taoist priest."

Qingqing bowed to Taoist priest Simu obediently.

"Well, you too."

"Master, he is the Taoist Simu you often mention."

Qingqing looked at Taoist Simu curiously, and felt that the uncle's expression was a bit scary.

Taoist Simu's eyes suddenly changed. Is this old bald guy saying bad things about me behind my back?

"What did he say about me?"

Qingqing was a little nervous, her eyes rolled slightly, and she opened her mouth to ask

"Master said that you are kind-hearted and upright, and you have been slaying demons and monsters all your life. You will never let go of the wrong ones, and you are very considerate to your disciples. Even if you do something wrong, you will not be beaten or scolded, but will only say that you love them to death."

The more Taoist Simu listened, the more comfortable he felt, and the look he gave Master Ikkyu was also much more relaxed.

I didn't expect that this stinky monk understood me so well.

This girl is also very spiritual, no wonder Ikkyu brought her back!

""Master, what you said is so vivid, oh!"

Jiale smiled innocently, and couldn't take his eyes off Qingqing.

In this deep forest, Jiale was a young man, and when he saw such a beautiful girl, he naturally fell in love with her at first sight.

"Humph, you stinky monk, let me introduce you to him too. This is my nephew, my senior brother's new apprentice."

The Taoist priest Simu glared at Jiale, then proudly introduced Yixiu.

"Meet Master Yixiu!"

Lin Yi made a Ziwu seal with both hands and bowed to Master Yixiu.

Master Yixiu looked at Lin Yi from head to toe, and finally looked at Lin Yi's bright eyes. The more he looked, the more surprised he felt.

This child is full of spirituality, his eyes are shining, and he must be extremely intelligent. I didn't expect that Senior Brother Simu would find such a talented successor!

"Amitabha, the donor has great wisdom, I believe you will have a bright future and prosperous spiritual fortune!"

"You can speak some human language! Jiale, what did you do for breakfast?"

Master Simu was so happy that he finally suppressed this stinky monk.

Jiale smiled and said,"I cooked some white porridge."

"Master, I also cooked your meal, let's eat together"

"Hehe, how can I feel so embarrassed, but I can't refuse such a kind invitation, okay, okay."

Taoist Simu curled his lips,"Pretending."

Master Ikkyu smiled complacently and glanced at his apprentice.

"How about it? I said I don't need to make breakfast."

""Master, Master, please sit down and drink tea first. I'll go get the breakfast."

Jiale said, and went to the kitchen to get the food. Lin Yi and Qingqing followed to help.

""Junior brother, you don't have to bring out all the porridge."

Jiale was holding a tray with a few side dishes on it.

Qingqing was holding a bowl and chopsticks.

Lin Yi was holding a bowl of porridge and glanced at Jiale.

"Believe it or not, if there is no porridge, the table in the room will be in trouble."

Jia Le opened his mouth, stopped trying to persuade him, looked at Lin Yi with a strange look, and said after a while

"Believe it or not, with this bowl of porridge, it will be even harder to clean up later."


Now it was Lin Yi's turn to not know what to say.

No way!

Aren't the uncle and the master afraid of the heat?


"Monk, I haven’t seen you for so long, I thought you went to the Western Paradise!"

"I have been there, but they asked me to take you there! Can you go now?"

"I won't go!"

In the room, Taoist Simu and Master Yixiu pushed the table and pushed it up.

Lin Yi carried the porridge, Jiale carried the dishes, and Qingqing held the bowl.

Master Yixiu pushed Taoist Simu and sat on the palm of the ancestors.


Taoist Simu's eyes almost popped out, and a mysterious force surged from his body. He kicked the wall and pushed Master Yixiu back.

The two of them competed with each other and turned around. Taoist Simu's brute force surged, and Master Yixiu was also pressed on the palm of the ancestor.

"It's your turn!"


Master Ikkyu's eyes widened and he pushed with both palms.

The two people's strength collided through the table.

With a loud bang, the table was instantly scrapped.

Qingqing stared with disbelief on her face.

The bamboo table was broken!

Jiale was already used to it. He turned around and walked out, found a new table outside and moved it back.

""Master, Master, it's time for breakfast."

Simu and Yixiu, who had both won and lost, looked at each other and hummed in unison.

After sitting down, Lin Yi smiled and served a bowl of porridge to Taoist Simu.

"Uncle, take a rest after dinner. You can teach me sword skills at noon."

Master Simu glanced at Master Ikkiu, then hummed, took the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

Probably because of Lin Yi's face, he didn't fight with Master Ikkiu.

Ikkiu didn't provoke Simu, and after the two of them slurped two bowls of porridge, Simu got up and went back to the house to sleep, and Master Ikkiu took Qingqing back to the next door. After

Jiale brought Lin Yi a mattress, he went to wash the pots and dishes.

Lin Yi tidied up his room, closed the door, and then lay down on the small bamboo bed. After sitting on the arm of the zombie for two consecutive nights, he felt particularly comfortable as soon as he lay down.

Humming comfortably twice, Lin Yi took out a powerful talisman from the storage bracelet.

This powerful talisman can increase a person's strength. After sticking it on, you can become a strongman within the time of an incense stick.

"Taishang Laojun, please bless me to exchange for a good treasure! May you be blessed with infinite blessings!"

Lin Yi bowed three times to the void, then sat up with the momentum of a dragon.

"System, I want to exchange with the heavens."


The great power talisman in Lin Yi's hand flashed and disappeared in Lin Yi's hand.

Then Lin Yi's mind appeared such an audio


A Wei, in a dishevel, banged on the prison door frantically.

"Open the door, open the door!"

"I won't open the door no matter who knocks!"

"Hey, I'm Captain Awei! Open the door, open the door!"

The wooden door behind the big iron door was opened, and the man took out the key while looking at the situation inside the prison.


Master Ren is back from the dead!

He was so scared that he almost peed his pants. He screamed and closed the door again.

Ah Wei almost cursed out loud,"You bastard, I will kill you when I get back!"

However, as soon as he turned around, the corpse-like Master Ren pounced on Ah Wei like a hungry tiger.

Ah Wei screamed and hugged Master Ren, pressing Master Ren's head on his shoulder.

"Help, Uncle Jiu!"

Qiu Sheng took the opportunity to get the corpse-suppressing talisman from Uncle Jiu, and then pasted it on Master Ren's head.

When he saw this, Lin Yi had already realized that something was wrong.


The corpse-suppressing talisman pasted on Master Ren's head disappeared, and was replaced by a powerful talisman.

At the same time, A Wei saw that the zombies were not moving, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and blew the powerful talisman directly off Master Ren's head.

No one noticed that the talismans had been swapped.

A Wei and Qiu Sheng screamed and fled, the zombies were chasing behind, and Uncle Jiu's head was stuck in the prison bars. The scene was chaotic for a while!


"Damn! What do you mean! Why are you putting it here?"

I exchanged Uncle Jiu's talisman for another one!

During the two days of traveling with Taoist Simu, Lin Yi exchanged for an ordinary long sword and a Tang sword.

At least they are weapons made of refined steel, which can exert great power in Lin Yi's hands.

But what does it mean this time?

Does the system think I have been fleecing too many times?

Lin Yi scratched his head, looking at the corpse-suppressing talisman in his hand, puzzled.

"System, identify this corpse-suppressing talisman"

【Intermediate level corpse suppression talisman, created by Uncle Jiu in Mr. Zombie's world, it is a serious work with good effect, and can be exchanged for 15 exchange points after recycling. 】

Looking at this familiar yet different item introduction, Lin Yi deeply suspected that the system was doing it on purpose

…… ps: This chapter has a lot of words, please give me some flowers, comments and ratings, thank you very much, please leave more comments, even if it's just to urge me to update, I love you.

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