Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1514: Oriental Changqin

"Wow wow wow... the two Xiongtai beards are so lush, but the pectoral muscles are a bit too broad, and it doesn't match your figure..."

"Huan'er, tell someone it’s best to watch the show quietly. This princess sees someone’s poems well written. This viewing seat is just a reward. If someone thinks that the princess is kind and bullying, please help me. Palm!"

Zeng Huan was dumbfounded and stood still, not knowing what to do.

Qin An laughed and sat down at the round table. It was three meters away from the table of the princess. Both tables were filled with all kinds of food. The semi-enclosed space made the guests in the nearby seats invisible, except for the one in the front. Naturally, no other places can be seen in the square.

In fact, there are many such stands around the square, all of which are where VIPs are located. It is estimated that the spectators inside should be noble people like Linghua, right?

This is not the real rostrum. On a huge high platform 100 meters nearby, the Qingjian king, Linghua's father, is leading the queen and concubines to sit there. Of course, there are some princes and ministers of the Qingjian clan. .

Qin An was not interested in quarreling with Princess Linghua. While eating many small cakes, a specialty of the Qingjian tribe, he began to relax and watch the excitement.

Seeing that Qin An had become behaved and quiet, Linghua still felt a little disappointed.

Suddenly, the female sword **** who had never been in love discovered that it was fun to quarrel with a man... So she began to review her attitude when she just spoke. Is her tone a bit heavy? So the talent is honest? Princess Linghua finally felt what it means to suffer from gains and losses! She didn't know why she was like this, so she began to sulking.

When the festival bell rang, the Green Sword King began to speak. It was a handsome middle-aged man who looked only in his forties.

The first task of the opening speech is to respect the gods and thank it for the life and spirits it bestows. After more than a thousand people walked out, they came to the rostrum and bowed down to the king, thanking the emperor for allowing them to be born.

There are also some magic amplification equipment nearby. Qin An can hear the voices over there without having to turn on the super hearing. He was a little silly at the time.

"More than a thousand people... are all your brothers and sisters?"

Qin An couldn't help but curiosity in his heart, so he turned his head to speak to Princess Linghua.

"No, it's all my sister or brother. I am the last child of the father and the father has no children born after me... This is not surprising. For the Qingjian tribe, the average life span is tens of thousands of years. There are so many concubines and concubines, but there are only more than 1,000 children, which is considered a small number...

The parents of the Qingjian tribe don’t have much affection for their grandchildren, and there are too many children.

Most of these children live with their mothers until they are around 10 years old, and then enter the college to lead a collective life. They can graduate at the age of a hundred, and they can enter the official career at the age of 500. If they are mediocre, they can only be ordinary nobles or civilians. The chance to see my father is just like today's Shenyuan Festival.

The large-scale family of the Qingjian tribe has no relatives across generations, such as my father. In fact, some of his concubines were born by his sons, which means he married his own granddaughter...

This is not against ethics in our world, because of the time span.

Father Wang gave birth to his first son 20,000 years ago, so he saw the eldest son’s daughter decades ago, and he thought she looked cute and let her enter the palace!

The eldest son has not spoken to his father for almost ten thousand years, and naturally there is no family affection. He has become a commoner because of his unsatisfactory cultivation. He only hopes that his daughter can win the favor of the father so that the whole family can benefit and return to the noble again...

Ah, I am a special existence in a child. I have reached the realm of the Two Soul Sword Sect at the age of ten, so I have been raised by my father by my side, and now I am a sword god, so I don’t need to give it like my brothers and sisters. Father, please kneel down, no one would naively want a sword **** to kneel down! "

Qin An stopped Linghua's words and became demented. He was indeed an alien of a different race. Is this Nima too weird?

Princess Linghua looked at Qin An and suddenly smiled badly: "In other words, if you marry a Qingjian woman, then give birth to a son and have a granddaughter, then when your granddaughter grows up, you want to marry her. I will oppose it and I will probably thank you! Thank you for taking care of the mother clan so that they can contribute to the family and continue to open up branches and leaves."

Qin An's face turned green and he waved his hand hurriedly.

Damn, it was only after five generations that the Chinese were considered distant relatives before they could get married. Even if the third generation of the Qingjian tribe was unrelated, it was indeed a strange thing, and Qin An felt unacceptable.

Princess Linghua laughed. She actually understood the people on Earth. As an alien, she paid more attention to the natives of the planet, so Qin An's reaction was as early as she expected.

Look at this bad guy, his face is blushing, is he still very simple?

In fact, Linghua really wronged Qin An.

The reason why Qin An blushed was because he had already made up his mind and fell in love with his granddaughter... Obediently, it's so exciting!

After a group of children met the king's father, the king announced that the ceremony of "returning the gift" had begun.

The smile on Linghua's face faded and her expression became a bit solemn.

Qin An found that all the men in the venue were up at this moment, and then slightly bent over to the women around him and said thank you, most of the moved women wept bitterly.

Then this is the ceremony. Every man expresses his gratitude to the women around him. Most women will be touched by the word "thank you" and release their long-repressed resentment, and continue when the new year comes. Being a cow and a horse, waiting for a man, and then continuing to kneel and crawl around in front of a man like a dog. This has always been the fate of a woman of the Qingjian clan, and it is also Linghua’s greatest hurt. It is because she wants to break and feels deeply powerless. stem!

Women are so easy to deceive. What's terrible is not the strength of men, but how many women would rather accept their fate than change?

The ideology that has been handed down has poisoned the souls of most Qingjian women. When they feel that they can bow down in front of men, and when they all feel that women who do not kneel in front of men are unreasonable, how should they liberate them?

Qin An understands Linghua and also understands how difficult it is for her to look forward to. The cohesion of a nation can never be easily changed. What is right and what is wrong is even more incomprehensible as a human being on earth. Because most Qingjian women's ideological and moral standards are to obey men, and how many are really as advanced as Princess Linghua? Therefore, when Linghua wants to change the status quo of her family, resistance not only comes from men, but also from women. If we can't bring in foreign rented blood and population base, this trend is really almost impossible to change.

After completing the third process, the king finally gave a formal speech.

First, calmed the people's emotions, explained the trapped situation, and told the strong in the big family that they are studying how to leave the territory of Warcraft, but for some reasons, it may not be a result soon.

This incident was naturally taken in one sentence, and then the king announced the official start of the celebration of Shenyuan Day and expressed his blessings to all the people.

When the red tape is over, the opening ceremony of the Shenyuan Festival that people are looking forward to finally kicks off!

"Princess! Look quickly, isn't that Oriental Changqin? This is a well-known spirit-level singer among singers! How can he be in this space?"

"What's weird about this, he is also a participant in this selection meeting. Someone's competitors, it is definitely not easy to be the king of the Green Sword Clan!"

Linghua glanced sideways at Qin An, with a sense of responsibility in her eyes.

She had already felt that Qin An was definitely not an ordinary earthling. He was obviously hiding his strength in the hot spring lake that night, and he didn't realize it. He was really a super liar.

But even if he is very strong, can he eventually make the list of twenty-four people? No one can say this, because the contestants this time are really exaggerated and powerful. Although Linghua doesn't know the origins of these contestants, she can feel the waves that occasionally flash through the camp of the Green Sword Clan in Jingye. Powerful energy fluctuations from different attributes of different individuals.

"Singer?" Qin An spoke subconsciously.

"One of the nine gods, a relative of the third god! But the singers love freedom. Their power comes from Tiange, but they don't necessarily believe in Tiange. They have their own beliefs and pursue their own different lives. Whether this Oriental Changqin belongs to Tiange’s cronies can’t be judged from his race.”

Zeng Huan on one side answered with a blushing face:

"Well, Dongfang Changqin is a very famous spiritual singer, but he is kind to people and almost never fights with people. Therefore no one knows his true strength. He is famous because of his singing voice, Tiange The clan was originally good at the sound and charm skills, and Dongfang Changqin was even more messy in this way. His song "Tears of the Night Star" has spread almost across all continents of the Sword Spirit Star, so his name is even better than the sword The **** is bigger, and his followers are even more than the sword god. People love Changqin, his unrestrained manner, and his dedicated face when he sings! No one can emulate his songs, and no one can imitate him. Can match! Perhaps apart from Tiange, no one in this world can surpass him in singing! And Tiange rarely shows up, and does not seem to like singing. Therefore, the singers, everyone only remembers that it is just Dongfang Chang Qin, but forgot there is a third main **** Tiange! In a sense, this oriental long qin is the spiritual figure of the singer, but it is a pity that he does not like fighting, and he does not like to have followers. Most They are all alone at all times, and occasionally folk stories about a woman’s private meeting with Changqin come out, but they are all legends..."

In the narrative of Zeng Huan, the brain-dead fan, Dongfang Changqin, who is nearly two meters tall, dressed in white, and looks strange and handsome, has walked alone in the middle of Noda's venue.

Other audiences naturally discovered the figure of Dongfang Changqin a long time ago, so they immediately boiled.

Qin An's scalp was numb with the desperate shouting of the women.

Muddy horse, these women with green swords are not always kept at home, why are they still in the mood to chase stars?

"How should I feel that people nearby know Dongfang Changqin. He has also come to participate in your festivals before?"

"No, he has never been in the future. Maybe you know Changqin from the photo." Linghua's eyes narrowed and her eyes fell on the seemingly lonely figure in the center of the square. In fact, that was the man she had liked. what. It's just that this love is only in her heart, Linghua actually doesn't know Dongfang Changqin, she just watched him sing secretly, and was fascinated by it.

"The reason why people are so crazy is because they have heard Changqin's singing...Since my father invited Changqin as the first guest at the opening ceremony, you are also fortunate to be able to appreciate it, Xiao Dog, open your ears and listen to the moving melody..."

Small dog?

Qin An struggled, and just wanted to say something to mock Linghua, only to see that a strange instrument with a length of two meters and a width of ten centimeters had appeared in the hands of the Oriental Changqin.

This instrument looks like a sword, but it is different from ordinary swords in that there are four thin strings from the tip to the hilt.

Dongfang Changqin slowly raised his hand, and that hand was actually slender and long. It was both feminine and masculine. There is no harmony between Yin and Yang. Qin An has super vision to see clearly, and his mental power is because of him. The raised hand shook slightly, so Qin An hurriedly opened the Po Tian inviting to stabilize his mind.

Even so, a strange picture suddenly appeared in my mind. That face was obviously Weng Lan's, but the hand raised was Changqin's. Beautiful and indescribable fingers were gently brushing his cheeks, fingertips. The flow of emotions made people feel disappointed and heartbroken. Qin An remembered the eleven years of wandering in the United States looking for Weng Lan to no avail, and a stale air formed in his heart.

The fingers of Dongfang Changqin finally waved the strings, and the crisp and soft music sounded like it sounded in the ears. It was obviously soft, but it still penetrated the eardrum and resolved all the depression in Qin An's heart, as if suddenly plunged into it. In the arms of mother, all the grievances have become fleeting.

Qin An only felt that his eyes were sparkling and moist, and almost a drop of tears fell, while the nearby audience, both men and women, had tears in their eyes, but their faces still had happy smiles, which seemed very contented.

Princess Linghua's face was ruddy, and she was not affected by this range of spiritual power. Her eyes fell on Qin An's face. Seeing that the corners of his eyes were glittering but not crying, she couldn't help but secretly nodded in surprise!

Sure enough, it was very strong, and was not touched by Changqin's first skill of the Excalibur, "Clear Heart Sound"! Could it be said that Qin An's mental defense ability is estimated to have reached the realm of four souls?

Impossible, she couldn't feel that Qin An had such a strong spirit power, which meant that he was definitely not a Four Soul Sword Cultivator. The fluctuating spirit of Qin An's body felt like a Second Soul Sword Cultivator in just an instant. How can defense power be so strong?

(New Year is coming, I wish everyone a happy holiday! ~ New year, come on!)

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