Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1513: The festival is coming soon!

Qin An looked at the two young girls who were kneeling on the ground, their appearances were like sixteen or seventeen, but their true age was not known! And the looks of these two people are not inferior to Liu Ru.

Ah, the genes of the Qingjian tribe are really good, and there are many handsome men and beautiful women in this race a little bit discouraged.

"Thank you for your kindness, princesses, get up, you don't need to kneel in front of me in the future. I am an earth man, not your Qingjian. The earth man respects women, so I will respect you too! Respect your work."

Zhen Qing and Jia Xu were taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other, their eyes full of puzzlement.

So it's an earthling? why? Why did sister Zeng Huan assign them to take care of an earth man? Said it was the princess's order?

The two maids didn't understand, but they stood up respectfully, and bent down again to be rude to Qin An.

"Yes! Follow the adult's command. Sir, there is no pro-conference meeting in the morning, only the opening ceremony of the Shenyuan Festival. The princess has selected a good seat for the adults. After you have breakfast, we will take you there. have a look?"

"Okay! I heard that the Green Sword Clan’s Shenyuan Festival opening ceremony is very grand, I really want to go and see it!"

While talking, Qin An had already ate breakfast very rudely, and even told a joke to the two maids, which made them laugh all the time, and finally put down their vigilance.

Qin An seized the right opportunity and finally invited them to sit down for breakfast.

The two girls have never been treated like this before, and they ate at the same table with a man. This...this is too exaggerated!

At the princess's show pavilion over there, Linghua stretched her waist and opened the window to look across.

There was an open window on the opposite side, and I saw Qin Anzheng and two girls talking and laughing in the room.

The female sword **** who hadn't slept all night frowned slightly, and there was a hint of sourness in her heart.

"Huh! This kid!" Linghua was not afraid of being heard by the other party.

On the one hand, people with super vision will also have super hearing. Linghua has asked the palace mage to set up a magic circle on her show. First of all, the sound will not be heard, so when the window is closed, the opponent's perspective will not be activated. To effect.

"Huan'er, what did the other side eat?"

Zeng Huan was a little haggard, because she, like her princess, stayed up all night.

"Oh, I asked the two girls to send some appetizing dried plums, a few stewed eggs, and rice porridge, muffins, hot and sweet cakes!"

"Well, it's just ordinary food...Look at the sweetness they ate, which seems to be the delicacy of the mountains and the sea. Go and inform the kitchen. My Lord mainly eats a full banquet!"

"Huh? Princess, full banquet?"

"Why, I can't waste it once?"

"But the standard for the full banquet is twelve mixed vegetables, twenty-four braised vegetables, forty-eight thick soups, ninety-six hot vegetarian dishes, 192 hot meat dishes... ?"

"If you can't finish it, give it to the palace folks, just to improve the food for them!"

"It is estimated that cooking these dishes will take a lot of time. Shouldn't we go to the opening ceremony?"

Zeng Huan was very entangled, wondering what the princess was going crazy.

Linghua's mouth was raised high, and finally closed the window severely.

Yes, I have to attend the opening ceremony.

Humph, didn’t you just write thousands of broken poems? What’s so great!

"Okay, okay! Then prepare the same breakfast as them! Also, let the two girls, Zhen Qing and Jia Xu, come back to me and tell them not to eat with the earth men in the future, and lose my face! Also, tell them that since they are a puppy, they should not be more polite to him and speak rudely to me. It is good if he has any instructions to cooperate with him, but he must not be too obedient in speech. You must learn to lose your temper. Learn to pick and choose. For example, if he asks them to use footwashing water, let them reply: Humph! Do you still need to wash your feet? Can you take care of our water if it gets dirty?"

The black line on Zeng Huan's face.

"Miss, washing scripts is to get the water dirty!"

"I know, that's why it's so bitter and mean! Just order it, don't make him feel better! This princess will not be bought so easily!"

While speaking, Linghua inadvertently picked up the collection of poems and fumbled twice, and then put it in her storage space very carefully.

On the Star of Sword Spirit, in fact, many powerful people have storage space containers, which are like a backpack to carry around, except that ordinary space containers are very small, not comparable to Qin An's. A large warehouse-like ring of apocalypse.


After breakfast, Qin An, led by the two maids, began to walk towards the opening ceremony celebration venue.

During the walk, the two maids introduced to Qin An the customs of the Shenyuan Festival.

"In fact, many races celebrate the Shenyuan Festival, but the Shenyuan Festival celebrations of our Qingjian people are the most traditional and formal.

On the Sword Spirit Star, there is no unified time standard. The Sword Spirit Star is too big, and there are many sun and moon around. They alternately move on the outer orbit of the Sword Spirit Star, and then bring about different day and night phenomena. . For example, the one hundred and sixty-seventh continent where we were before, for each universe sun and moon we have to experience three suns, two moons, and a small star cloud! The so-called small star cloud clusters are celestial bodies that can emit light and temperature, but are very small in size. They gather together to form a huge nebula similar to the sun, and emit light that can pierce the eyes of people when passing through the sky. , The ground has to go through a five-minute glare period. When the small star cloud passes by, we will lie down, and then use the green sword to block our eyes to prevent damage.

This is just an example to show that the star of the sword spirit is big, so the customs of each region are naturally different.

Shenyuan Festival is the day when many creatures are born, and this day in each major cycle represents the beginning of life.

Therefore, on such a day, we admire life and refuse to kill. Any killing in the territory of the Qingjian tribe is not allowed. Only the strongest of the Qingjian tribe can punish those who do not follow the rules.

The princess is the strongest of our clan today, so in these few days of the Blue Sword Clan’s Spiritual Festival, in principle, only Princess Linghua can kill.

The rest of us will be polite, and even if we have hatred, we will let go first. Everyone will drink tea and chat. If we don't make it right after the Qingyuan Festival, we don't need to fight with our lives.

Women will also receive a certain amount of respect. At least men will not trouble women on the street. Doing such things on festivals is tantamount to blasphemy!

In short, you will feel a beaming kindness, no one will sullen your face, even if you hide a knife in a smile, all you see will be smiling faces.

But there is also a special situation, that is the challenge on the Shenyuan Festival every year!

The Qingjian people admire the force and the strong, so they will set up a martial arts arena in a few days of celebrations. This arena is a life-and-death challenge that you voluntarily sign up for! In other words, the contestant must have one of the deaths to end. This is not contradictory to the subject who respects life, because the contestants are showing everyone the tenacity of life and the preciousness of survival! The act of going all-out for the sake of life is often the most touching! And killing others in the arena of competitive life and death will not attract hatred. Again, everyone who survives actually also experienced the edge of death, so his remaining life deserves respect.

This year, the format of the martial arts competition has been changed, and it has been changed to a blind date and husband selection meeting for Princess Princess! No matter how many rounds of eliminations there are in the early stage, no matter how many finalists are born in the end, everyone must enter the final arena, and everything must speak with their strength! If you are afraid of the dead, please leave. If you don't dare to go to life and death, you will not be qualified to become a princess, and you will not be able to become the king of the future Qingjian clan!

Then there is another situation. If you are greedy for life and fear of death and leave halfway, it will be regarded as a blasphemy against the gods and will be destroyed by the criminal law of breaking your feet and hands. From then on, you can only be trapped in The street corner of the Qingjian clan territory was cast aside every day until death!

No one can bear this kind of ending, so once people are in the ring, even if they lose to their opponents, most of them will choose to fight to death, then they will be respected and worshipped! "

Qin An slowly nodded as he listened to the maid's narration. He could understand this endless duel method.

The Sword Spirit Star is a planet of supernatural powers, and most races have powerful abilities, just like every country has the most advanced weapons.

As the so-called militant military, the word "wu" is the first, the world will not be peaceful, it would be strange if there is no way to release force among people.

Well, he Qin An is ready, in order to achieve cooperation with the Qingjian tribe, he is willing to take his life to give it a go.

Every man actually has blood in his body, and Qin An naturally has it, but he is not the kind of person who always likes to put blood in his mouth.

A real man should see the truth in everything. Qin An has done everything in his life with no shame in his heart. It is not comparable to some villains who can only rely on comments on others to get vent.

While talking, the main venue has arrived, and here is the poem writing meeting yesterday.

Yesterday Qin An saw some people in the audience seats stacked with swords nearby. After a busy night, the seats have now been formed and many audiences have been seated.

There are more people gathering nearby, they are walking into the venue, some are also spectators, and some are actors participating in the celebration.

Although Qin An entered the venue through a special passage, he still felt the crowds around him when he entered. This reminded him of some of the scenic spots on domestic holidays before the end of the world. It was really a crowd of people.

In the end, the two little maids took Qin An to a high platform in the front row on the south side of the venue. There was an independent chairperson viewing platform here, which was regarded as VIP seats, much better than the outside environment.

What surprised Qin An was that there were only two people in this semi-enclosed viewing platform, that is, men and women women, Ling Hua and Zeng Huan with fake beards on their faces...

(Tomorrow is New Year’s Day, I wish you all a happy holiday! Panda is really hard, and deliberately wrote the holiday part to coincide with the holiday in the book, just to let everyone feel the holiday atmosphere, and then wish every one of my beloved book friends, Food and clothing parents, everything is going well in the new year, the panda pays you an early year, 2016 is about to pass, 2017...here we are!)

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