Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1472: Father and son meet again

Qin An was actually a little tired, but he couldn't let go of Weng Lan's body.

Weng Lan had actually collapsed, but she couldn't bear such Qin An.

The two are like newlyweds, licking the beauty of love, forgetting everything, and living in each other's world.

Finally the entanglement ended again, and they really couldn't move anymore, so they hugged each other and felt each other's existence.

Qin An felt that he should say something, but he couldn't say a word.

When the sun rises, he will bring himself back to reality and end the world as beautiful as the flowers before him. There are still people waiting for him over there.

Weng Lan didn't speak, she didn't think about anything. She had been satisfied with Qin An after seven years of marriage, but she did not expect to lose to tonight, the life of a beautiful and harmonious couple... It turned out to be like this!

When the two were silent, Qin An, who was lying on the bed, suddenly widened his eyes, and there was a bright light on the wall of the roof, after which a figure fell and hit Qin An and Weng Lan.


Weng Lan’s cry screamed loudly. She wrapped her body in a quilt and jumped out of the bed. Eventually, she fell to the ground with soft legs because of the false footsteps.

Weng Lan's cry this time was full of panic, which not only spread outside, but also frightened people.

Liu Tianyu let go of Qin Xiaoyan’s hand, and the old Wang next door quickly stood up and his whole body was tense. Xia Ke deserves to be a very awesome policeman who graduated from a professional college. He picked up the axe used by Qin An from the side and stepped forward. Kicked open the bedroom door.

"What's going on? Someone turned into a zombie...Ah? Ah!"

Xia Ke quickly closed the door, then turned her back and panted heavily.

"Xiao Ke! What's wrong? What did you see? What happened?"

"I see... I see..."

Xia Ke's face flushed, and the first thing she saw was Qin An's ferocious brother, so she escaped, but this can't be said, it's so shy.

Recalling carefully, Xia Ke recovered calm and frowned:

"I saw Weng Lan fall to the ground... It seems that a little boy is sitting on Qin An's belly... Yes! Little boy! But how come a little boy appears in their room? Is it their child? Impossible Ah, the two of them have been doing that kind of thing before, will they let the kids watch by the side?"

"Their family has no children!"

Qin Xiaoyan spoke softly, and then felt a little creepy, and her back became cold. She remembered a ghost story she had heard before, called... "The Little Boy Under the Bed"!


In the bedroom, Qin An finally recovered his calm, and then cried out in surprise.

"Batian? It's really you!"

"Dad? Oh my god, it's dad! Oh, I found you! Dad, I lost my brothers and sisters! Oh!"

At this time, Qin Potian's clothes were tattered, his small face was dark, and he looked extremely embarrassed. Qin An was distressed.

"Hey, don't cry! It's okay, we're looking for them if they are lost! How did you get here?"

"I don't know! Originally I was on the Longyan fighter plane, but then I fell into a coma. After waking up, I found myself in a huge maze! So I tried to break through the walls, and then I fell from the top. Up!"

Qin An raised his head, the ceiling wall was not damaged, that is to say, there should have been an energy transmission space magnetic field just now!

Haha! In any case, Qin Potian's arrival surprised Qin An!

He finally proved himself for the past 33 years! He is neither crazy nor stupid, he is just drawn into a huge psychedelic space by mysterious energy! Who is it? Who is making the shot? Is there a resurrected main god?

"Qin An..."

Weng Lan's voice trembled a little, still not free from the fright before.

Qin An's body trembled slightly, and his face became a little unnatural.

However, this expression only flashed by, Qin An quickly pulled Weng Lan onto the bed and hugged him, and then said with a smile on his face:

"Weng Lan... he is the son of my host with the super body sword god, called Qin Potian, who should be a few months younger than our four children. Breaking the sky, this is... Weng Lan in the illusory world. "

At the end of the introduction, Qin An's face dimmed again.

Yeah, why am I so happy? This is an illusory world! Everything is actually fake, and Weng Lan...so.

"Mother Weng Lan? God, you are Mother Weng Lan! I finally saw it! I grew up listening to the love story between you and Dad..."

"Little bastard, do you know what a love story is?" Old Qin An patted Qin Potian on the head blushing.

Qin Potian said anxiously: "Of course I know! Mom Xiaoyan, I always tell me!"

"You... your name is Qin Potian?" Weng Lan's face was a little pale, she tried to sit up under the quilt, and left Qin An's embrace, then stretched out her hand from the quilt and gently stroked Qin Potian's dirty cheeks.

"Oh, yes."

"You look like your father."

"Hey, of course! The quadruplets look like their father, but I think their mouths look like you."

Weng Lan raised her head, the smile on her face was beyond interpretation.

"It turns out... it turns out to be true?"

Qin An sighed, then nodded.

"So... Am I fake?"

"No! You are real in this virtual world, but I don't know if this world can exist when I escape this space... Weng Lan, no matter what, before I leave... I will be by your side! "

"Then if you leave, will I disappear?"


"Alright! Qin An, I cherish you now, just as I loved you for seven years! I will not disturb your world. Let us be happy before you leave!"

Everything is said without saying.

When love can be interpreted with tolerance and understanding, it is true love!

"Let the child turn his head first and I will put on my clothes."

After Weng Lan confessed to Qin An, she became sleepy and shy.

Qin An nodded, put on his shorts first, and then closed the door, pulling Qin Potian to the corner, blocking his vision with his body, and began to inquire about the maze in detail.

Without any clue, Qin An asked Qin Potian to experiment with the power, and it really became impossible to use it.

However, Qin Potian's genes are too strong. Although his strength is not so magical, it is still a bit exaggerated and compelling for humans in the pre-apocalyptic era!

Fortunately, there is finally an obedient little thug following by his side, so some things will be easier to handle.

"Dad, I'm actually a little tired. Can I sleep with you? You didn't wear any clothes just now. If you have to do something screaming, I can go out to sleep..."

"Shoo your sister!" Qin An patted Qin Potian on the head lightly.

"Don't pat the child on the head, it will be stupid... I really don't know how you educate the child. Come to Po Tian, ​​come to Auntie."

After Weng Die got dressed, she adjusted her emotions, and then stepped forward and pulled Qin Potian into her arms.

Qin An felt that he was a bit wronged. Qin Potian was actually not precocious. It was just that Qin An had too many women, and they almost had to pay public rations every night. Sometimes they had to work overtime during the day. The children were accustomed to hearing and seeing them. I really don't think this is a big deal.

All three eventually lay on the bed.

Qin Potian was happy, and finally had the backbone.

Qin An and Weng Lan are in a complicated mood, but they really have no energy. They have been tossing for several hours, and now it is more than four in the morning, even if they are thinking about something, they don't have the energy.

"Mother Weng Lan! I want to call your mother, I have called you that way for so many years! Although we have never met before."


"Mother Weng Lan!"

"Hey, good..."

The corners of Weng Lan's mouth were smiling... She turned out to be a mother.

It's a pity that the child loves men the most, but the child's mother is not her, but what... Sword God? So weird! What does the future look like?

Finally, there was no sound in the room, and the three tired people fell asleep.

But the people outside the room were no longer sleepy. There were a lot of zombies outside, but they didn't call at this time, as if they were asleep.

Who is the boy who suddenly appeared in Qin An and Weng Lan's room? Where did it come from? It's weird.

Everyone originally wanted to go in and check, but Xia Ke refused, because she had seen the expression on Qin An's face before, with a look of surprise on his face, and he knew the child.

Then the question comes back. If the child appeared suddenly, where would it come from? balcony?

In short, this night is a bit ridiculous. People who are troubled by chaos slept soundly, and people who were disturbed by not so complicated thoughts only slept for a short time before dawn, and they became dark circles and panda eyes at dawn.

Qin Xiaoyan didn't know why she breathed out a deep breath after her husband Chen Tianyu fell asleep, as if she had escaped a catastrophe.

What's wrong? Isn’t it right for a wife to sleep with her husband?

Is it because of what Qin An said?

Before falling asleep, Qin Xiaoyan secretly thought that what Qin An must have said was a lie! Will she love this fat man to death? Dream it!

Qin Xiaoyan didn't know that everything that happened here did appear in some people's dreams.

In the real world, Qin Xiaoyan, Tang Yu, and Weng Lan all have dreams with each as the protagonist, and in a period of time, they will not be out of this dream.


At 8 o'clock in the morning, the sun is still rising in the east as it did in the past. Whether it is true or not, the world has completely changed in front of the aborigines.

Qin Xiaoyan fell asleep leaning on the corner of the sofa. At this moment, she felt that someone beside her was pulling her arm.

When she opened her eyes, sleepiness came quickly, and she wanted to continue sleeping. She didn't sleep for long at all.

"Mother Xiaoyan? Did I wake you up?"


Xiaoyan's mother?

Who is calling her mother?

Qin Xiaoyan is a little angry, can this kind of joke be made?

Working hard to open her dim sleepy eyes, Qin Xiaoyan saw a small, handsome face in a daze.

Qin An? No, it's a kid who looks like Qin An's five senses...

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