Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 1471: Qin An can't be so good

At 11:50, Qin An actually made a table full of vegetables, and then sat down with Weng Lan. The two lighted candles and talked and laughed, making everyone silly.

Everyone immediately felt that it was not Qin An who was crazy, but that the couple were both sick.

Weng Lan stared at the delicious dishes, stunned for a while, then took a chopstick to pick up a bit of each dish, and cried as he ate, and finally cried again in the end.

Nima! This is really sick! The people piled up in the living room think so.

Qin An was not scared by Weng Lan who suddenly cried again, nor did he comfort him.

After a few minutes, Weng Lan controlled her emotions and raised her head to look at Qin An.

"You... didn't lie? Are you crazy?"

"Well, although there is no power, the memory is not completely faded. My soul has crossed into the bodies of six senior chefs, so now I am very good at cooking...Do you think I am now in front of you? The dishes are different from my old craftsmanship?"

"Hmm...but I still like to eat what you usually make!"

"Well, Weng Lan, whether you are true or not, let us finish the day peacefully! After all, you are the favorite woman in my life! Happy birthday to you! I wish to spend this moment with you. with pleasure……"

While talking, Qin An picked up the red wine glass.

"Somewhat unfair, I changed from the woman you love to my favorite, and you are still my only one."


"Thank you! Come back to celebrate my birthday with me in thirty-three years!"

"Do you believe me?"

"I don't believe it! But I am willing to deceive myself into believing, and then find a way to get you away! For... the quadruplets!"

Weng Lan picked up the wine glass and collided with Qin An's glass, and then drank the red wine inside!


This is a somewhat false night, this is a dark night full of fantasy.

At four o'clock in the morning, Tang Yu finally found a box of cigarettes in the corner of the cupboard in Qin'an's living room, and lit it with trembling hands.

Qin An and Weng Lan's bedroom doors were locked, but their voices could still be heard from inside.

How many times is it?

Qin An's physical strength is really good!

After tossing myself for an entire hour during the day, how can he fight Weng Lan for so many rounds at night?

Weng Lan is also a shameless woman! Doesn't she know that her house is not soundproof? Is it so cool?

In fact, this is really not to blame Weng Lan, because most of her voice is actually crying again.

"You...do you really have a lot of women?"


"Uuuuu...it must be like this! You have experienced a lot of battles, so you came back to bully me!"

"It's not you! Uuuu...you are not Qin An, Qin An can't be so good..."


From beginning to end, Qin An didn't say a word, he was fascinated by the night in this space, sinking for this woman's familiar but unfamiliar body.

Tang Yu is not the only one who is not calm. Passion is inherently contagious. Men who are uncomfortable after watching an action movie are generally sexual, cold or unsound.

Dong Zhian's eyes always stayed on Xia Ke's body.

She is a super beautiful policeman in the system of Hanghai City. She is currently only in the internship period. She is just a process of coming to them, and then she will go to the provincial government to work as a civilian.

Once, he had no illusions about her, the circle was different, he was mature enough, and he would not think about those who have nothing.

But now...?

Dong Zhian licked his chapped lips, his heartbeat accelerated, and he remembered some apocalyptic novels he had read before.

The old Wang next door is in his forties and looks a little blessed. He was smoking a cigarette at this time. His son is already asleep. This kid is 20 years old this year. He is very uncomfortable. He has no job. He is a little scumbag. The only advantage is that he is filial and coaxing outside. He treats his parents at home. He has always been kind.

Honeysuckle is a very simple-minded housewife. She has no serious work. She is a babysitter for her husband and children on weekdays. In her free time, she plays with the two little sisters downstairs. Master, a standard yellow-faced woman.

Honeysuckle has very little contact with Qin Xiaoyan and Weng Lan. Both of them are professional women, and they are much younger than Honeysuckle. Therefore, they would only greet them politely.

The old Wang next door was actually smoking cigarettes, but he didn't go when the honeysuckle let him sleep for a while. It seemed to be full of thoughts.

"My child's father, don't worry too much. Isn't there a police comrade here? Hey, I called my hometown, and my parents didn't answer it. I don't know what's going on there."

"Hey, let's resign at this time. I can't control the family affairs. It's good to be able to manage the people around me!"

"Yes... old man, you said that Qin An's family, who looked so quiet on weekdays, why is this so crazy now? This shout is ashamed!"

"Don't listen to evil!"

The old Wang next door scolded his wife in a serious manner, frowning, as if his thoughts were getting worse.

On the other side, Liu Tianyu and Qin Xiaoyan couldn't sleep either.

They sat in a daze on the sofa in the living room.

Finally, Liu Tianyu got up and said angrily to Qin Xiaoyan: "Damn! Go home, don't stay here!"

He just took a step, Xia Ke stood up and stopped and said: "Don't go back, didn't you listen outside? The roar of monsters is getting more and more, and it is estimated that the army will no longer fight when the army is evacuated! These monsters start to disperse, you open the curtain Take a look, the neighborhood is crowded with darkness. It is estimated that some of them have already entered. If they climb upstairs or accidentally get on the elevator, it will be broken! It is very dangerous for you to go out, everyone is still together it is good."

Liu Tianyu looked at Xia Ke, the exquisite facial features, the police uniform that highlighted the different style, suddenly blushed, and the fire break in his heart became more vigorous.

There are three bedrooms in Qin An's house. Liu Tianyu stood there hesitated, turned around and took Qin Xiaoyan's hand and walked towards one bedroom.

"Hello, Tianyu, what are you doing?"

"Why? Of course it's sleeping! Do you really want to sit until dawn?"

Qin Xiaoyan felt Liu Tianyu's special emotions, looked at a few people in the room embarrassedly, and whispered:

"Then you go to sleep, I...I can't sleep when I change the bed!"

"If you can't sleep, don't sleep, just lie down with me! Damn, they are messing around over there, why should I give them a couple of spectators?"

While speaking, Liu Tianyu tried harder, and Qin Xiaoyan was about to be pulled into the room by Liu Tianyu.

Hey... Very helpless, Qin Xiaoyan sighed softly, but really couldn't refuse.


"Gao Feng! Erhe! Sanchuan! Fragrant tea! Where are you? Auntie, where are you!"

Qin Potian let go of his throat and yelled loudly, but there was no echo but nothing happened.

This is a strange place, with walls several hundred meters high on both sides, and a two-meter-wide corridor in the middle, with no margins on either side.

Qin Potian was here after waking up. He had walked for a full day, but he still didn't end.


With all his strength, Qin Potian punched the wall beside him, and a hole was punched in the huge wall immediately, and Qin Potian drilled through. Looking back, the hole in the wall really compounded, and all the broken stones that fell on the ground disappeared, as if the wall had been intact, he just passed through the wall!

And this side of the wall is not special. It is still a long corridor with no borders. The width is two meters, and the walls on both sides are hundreds of meters high. Only a line of sky can be seen, but nothing else.

Shi Potian has walked through thousands of walls, but the same promenades are all nearby, here is a maze, a maze with its own rules.

Even if Qin Potian exhausted his strength to jump upwards, or summoned his wings to fly, he couldn't get himself too far away from the ground. Generally, he would be pulled back by the strong ground gravity just ten meters away. Unexpectedly, he couldn't escape his strength. To be precise, his ability was restricted to a certain extent, so the burst of power was not as strong as before.

"Dad! Where are you? I'm lost. I'm separated from my brothers. This is clearly a maze! I can't get out!"

The depressed Qin Potian howled for a while, crying in his voice.

After a long time, he raised his hand and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.

"Baotian! You can't cry! You are the strongest child of your father, you can't cry! You must find them, and protect them! Yes, don't give up, and don't cry!"

Closing his eyes, Qin Potian settled his breath and calmed his mood.

Regardless of age, as a strong man, Qin Potian has learned how to condense his vigor so that he can explode all the potential in his body and enter the strongest fighting state.

After a full ten minutes, please break open your eyes suddenly and roar.

"Don't want to trap the little master! People stop killing, and Buddha stop killing Buddha!"

When the voice fell, Qin Potian smashed the wall beside him with his body, broke into another infinite corridor, and then continued to sprint through the wall in front of him, then rushed into the next infinite corridor, and rushed forward again. Just keep rushing over!

While running, he kept punching and burst out with all his strength!

The air became wrinkled because of his powerful power, and the sound of bursts sounded from time to time, and finally turned into a gust of wind blowing and flowing in the infinite corridor.

I don't know how long he ran, or how many walls he walked through. Qin Potian gradually lost his energy. This was the first time he had lost energy. It was a situation that had never happened in his life.

Finally, tears flowed from his eyes, and Qin Potian was a little afraid, because of the loneliness of the labyrinth, and because of his own weakness.

But he did not stop. Qin An was very concerned about his son's education, and some allusions about perseverance rose in Qin Potian's heart.

Persistence is victory! Travelers are boundless! Road is always at your feet!

"Chong! Little master is not afraid of you!"

Qin Potian cheered up for himself, shouting loudly.


When he drove through another wall, Qin Potian was completely blank and fell straight down, seeing darkness in front of him!

Qin Potian gritted his teeth and exploded all the remaining energy in his body. He slammed a fist into the darkness. The strong fist wind formed a tornado and threw forward. The darkness was shattered and a bright light flashed by. Qin Potian was small 'S body fell into the light gap...

(The fourth is over, thank you again for the book friends who voted for monthly tickets today! Because of you, the dangerous city of the last days only exists. This is the most unreasonable truth.

If a writer is unsupported when he needs support, then this book will only be an eunuch, with no choice.

So thanks again.

Continue to cheer for pandas with survival faces. For the top 20 bonuses, I hope readers will send pandas to the monthly ticket list! )

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