Zhui Xu

Chapter 403

403. Chapter 403 chapter and guess

“…sorry, the teacher, has added trouble to you…”

The midday sun scatters through the leaves, even if the leaves are lush, it is a bit hot in the meantime. Different from the sorrow and chaos in the courtyard, at this time under the shade of the trees, it seems that ordinary teachers and students exchange.

Zhou Pei spoke out what happened recently with Ning Yi, and then apologized to Ning Yi. “If I didn’t talk to me, they wouldn’t be jealous of these people today.” It won’t…”

“What’s the relationship, they are weak.”

For Zhou Pei’s guilt, Ning Yi smiled and said that it was fine. Then he said: “Between a few words, it has become awkward, but it is not so serious, but they have family history and influence. If you just take it, it will become such a voice. Xiao Pei doesn’t have to think about them too badly. In fact, they don’t necessarily want to tear your face with you, at most, it’s the same age. These things will soon disappear afterwards. As for the other literati, I have another battle. As I said, they are weak and don’t care too much.”

Zhou Pei stunned, and some did not quite understand what Ning Yi said: “But…”

Ning Yi waved his hand with a smile: “There are a lot of young people who are coming today, do you have a good impression on Xiao Pei?”

Zhou Pei bowed his head: “I don’t know…”

“They are interested in you, so come over and see the excitement. I told you this way, I don’t want you to take this thing too big. Of course, you grew up in Wangfu. These things should be better than me. In the future, most people still have to come and go. Don’t look like they are going to slap the table like they are today. The best way for a group of people is to always split a part, isolate a part, and hit the smallest part. The winners and losers of the table will never get on the table. You will be married in the future. These are very important.” He smiled and patted Zhou Pei’s head. “You are actually some high, so not so good.”

Zhou Pei had always bowed her head and nodded. At this time, she looked up and her emotions were slightly confused. I didn’t know why the teacher suddenly said her.

In fact, following Ning Yi’s coming out of the garden, Zhou Pei’s heart has always been embarrassing, although he is also talking, telling the story, listening to the teacher’s words. In fact, her heart is only the sound of squatting and screaming.

She didn’t even read the poem carefully, and now she doesn’t know what the teacher wrote.

If it is in the past, it will not be like this.

On the way, she has been jumping in her heart. I don’t know what kind of situation I will encounter, and how the teacher will respond. When she arrived, she stood there watching the situation, although she did not understand why, but the teacher did not want to write poems to “prove” to these people, she saw it. This kind of emotion, until Ning Yi said the phrase “it is so”, the teacher called her past, and then said: “Isn’t I said that I have a good time here…”

When she saw Ning Yi picking up the pen in her speech, the girl’s heart suddenly understood that the teacher’s poem was written for this matter.

Because of his own affairs, he decided to write a poem for the gang to look good. She thought of this matter, her heart was like a drum, and her mood was a little embarrassed. What did the teacher write, but did not go to see it, even if she saw it, she might not have come to mind. After that, all the way out, more emotions are just simple responses to 砰砰砰 and 砰砰砰. It was only at this time that he raised his head with some hesitation. The sun shone down the gap and shone into her eyes. What Ning Yi heard was a soft voice.

“Because you learn high, you are appreciated, there is nothing wrong with it, but when it comes to poetry and songs, learning is just a matter of life. Xiaopei is smart when you are young, and you are good at learning. You are also willing to talk to such people. Contacts, but the circles you live in later are not all such people, or their smart places may not be the same as you recognize…”

Ning Yi walked and said: “You can understand these things when you say them, but in the past, there may not be anyone who officially told you. It was originally your father…or Kang Mingyun told you, not too. It’s up to me, but Kang Mingyun is also a high-ranking person… Little girl, it’s really growing too fast, maybe everyone is not ready…”

Ning Yi looked at her, smiled and reached out in the air. It was probably the height of Zhou Pei’s previous height: “You will soon be married, and after you get married, the exchanges with them, and the relationship between the royal family and the royal family, It’s not as simple as opening a poem. There’s never going to be a literati, but the literati can be higher, but in your circle, there is not much freedom for you to choose your own friends. I’m pragmatic, I only hope that you will have a good time after you become a relative. It’s easier. Before that, there must be someone who officially mentioned it to you. You are very smart. If you mention it, you will understand it. Or, the words, the victory under the table, never get on the table. This is the rules of your royal family… Of course, I am very grateful to have you come over like this today.”

Zhou Pei is very smart, and Ning Yi said this, she will understand. The original screaming in her heart, this time is like being poured a warm water, very warm, but still can not help but feel embarrassed.

She suddenly understood that the teacher wanted to say this, of course not because her Qing Gao brought trouble to herself, but because the teacher also referred to the matter she was going to marry, really came to the table. Therefore, in the attitude of the teacher, she made a final reminder to her.

Of course, she understands the rules of the royal family, but she certainly understands that she is a high-ranking person. In such an occasion, when others praise her for learning and praise her as a talented woman, she will naturally feel happy when she chooses friends. It will also look at who is high or low because of such standards.

Even if I am restrained myself on weekdays, for example, I came to the capital city and made a big splash among the sisters. As an outsider, she will also feel a sense of glory and maintain good manners and attitudes for everyone. Does not mean that the height of this bone will not be revealed. If this is not the case, it will not cause others to be embarrassed, bringing the trouble to the teacher today.

The teacher talked about this, of course not because of trouble. It’s really realizing that I’m going to marry someone, and I’m about to enter another life before I suddenly make a point about it. Grandma Hummer will not say this kind of thing, and the teacher, then he will go to Shandong. After he returns, he may have to live in the capital, and he will go back to Jiangning to become a relative. After that, he may not even see it. Therefore, in this last few meetings, he made a point about his future life, which is not necessarily a formal disciple.

Realizing this, she had a sore nose and suddenly wanted to cry. The sun is shining and the tears are falling.

The wind passes through the forest, and the wood leaves are like water.

I haven’t really tasted the sweetness of youth, and the evening bell has already sounded in the mountains…

At the same time, another small episode in the other side of the garden is happening.


In front of Ji Qingqing, she said about Ning Yi’s beautiful words, even at the expense of Zhou Bangyan, whispering, but when Chen Sifeng and Yu Hezhong came over to ask about Ning Yi, Shishi shook his head.

For Ning Yi’s impression, her side has been changing and can’t be made clear.

When the old friends met at the beginning, he later felt that he was talented. When he met in the Weihe River, he had expected Ning Yi to plan his skills when he went northward. Only then did she discover that she still looked down on the child. Old friend. After she returned to Beijing, she focused on the situation of Ning Yi and Jiangning. The news of the tower was so well-informed. When she wanted to inquire, many things that were trivial and broken were reflected, and she corrected her Ning Yi step by step. impression.

When Liangshan thief broke into Jiangning’s jail, he once entered the Su Family, and nearly two and a half of the Su Family were slaughtered. Finally, Su Family zhui xu struggled to kill, and the murderous Liangshan murderer was forced to retreat. She couldn’t find out the meticulousness of the matter, and even if it was, it was often unrealistic. But such news is enough to let her know what happened.

When the boat went all the way north, Ning Yi once mentioned that he would go to Shandong after going north. His guess was too gentle. He only thought that he was going to do business or do something small, and asked people in Shandong. thing. That person…what is the prodigal Yanqing, telling himself about the benefits of Liangshan people, and he still doesn’t understand anything about the publicity of Liangshan Grand Theft, and he doesn’t know what his mood was at the time.

However, I was in the mood, and he was already in the layout. Later that night, the Jin’er Young Lady looked like a temper in front of her, perhaps because she was talking about Liangshan Chivalry. In the case of Jiangning, I was forced to retreat from the Liangshan murderer. Later, in the Luhe River trip, the weight of the opponent was almost full. Shishi was still clear, especially through the channel. With the approval of Chen Jin’s rules, Ning Yi was determined to be the master of action at the time, and she knew that her own speculations about him were somewhat naive.

As a result of the patchwork together, the situation becomes very clear. If the average person is robbed by a monk, at most, it is the newspaper officer. On the side of Li Heng, it seems that it is going to kill all the way. After going to Beijing, I will transfer to Shandong, and I will kill the other party’s house to take revenge! Chen Jinji can’t say exactly what Ning Yi’s background is now, but Shishi still understands that behind Ning Yi, he still has his background. This time, going to Beijing, it is necessary to unite and force, and use it for revenge.

Things can only form such a contour, and then there is no way to do it in detail. Shishi certainly does not have to check it out. When she met, she also asked a few words at random, and Ning Yi was careful. It is obviously not surprising that the other party can guess these things and answer them casually.

Shishi has been in the brother for so many years, and his mind is smart and clear. When it comes to people who are in the middle and upper positions of Yu Hezhong and Chen Sifeng, their minds have to be preserved. However, Ning Yi’s old friend obviously has the same or even higher number of paragraphs. She has to say that sometimes she can say a word casually, and she can understand the meaning behind her, be careful, have a sense of humor, and be able to accurately grasp the back. The intention, this feeling, and because the identity of a child friend does not need to be too fortified, in fact, very good.

But she still miscalculated something.

When I suddenly found that Ji Qingqing and others even targeted the Ning Yi, her heart was wrong and it was really funny and had great expectations. Throughout the process, she is curious about the ins and outs of things, so a few words are also tempted, Li Heng, there is obviously such a purpose. After confirming this incident, during the whole process, she was looking forward to laughing at the stupidity of Ji Qingqing and others, while picking up an opponent who should not pick.

She has already done a good job in Li Heng to the final battle of the Confucianism, or one by one to hack the other side of the martyrdom, one by one masterpiece than the scene of all the scholars. What I am thinking about is whether I want to say “Cangxi Sha” and add icing on the cake. But what she didn’t even think of was that the end of the matter turned out to be the end of the game, and the whole audience was turned over with a poem. It will be handwritten with a poem like this.

For Li Heng, my heart is still underestimated. When I think of it, her mood is a bit complicated.

If I saw the last time I saw in Jiangning’s poetry meeting and saw the feelings of Ning Yi and Yunzhu, she felt that this friend was really a talented person, and she was very talented. When she got this time, she saw Ning Yi in her eyes. There is an amazing big talent’s momentum and pressure, which is even more powerful and more amazing than what I once thought, and it feels like the feeling of everyone’s eyes.

He may be really in this regard… can not put everyone in the eye…

In addition, the sentence contained in the wave to stay, but also let her chew several times, but in fact, this sentence is not a sense of intimacy, but a little alienation. She doesn’t know if there is any reference to herself in this sentence, but no matter what, the word is really going to be pursued in the depths. It is a little bit derogatory. At this time, there may be not many, but also some elegant feelings. But in the end, there is a meaning of derogatory or slightly lower.

Shishi doesn’t mind Yu Hezhong, such friends as Chen Sifeng, who made her famous, but at the moment, this sentence has opened her distance from Ning Yi a little bit. The friend who was accommodating and low at first was suddenly in this sentence. There is something higher in the words. There is even a feeling of being above the looming. She doesn’t feel angry. It is just in her heart, she still feels extremely complicated, and even she has some uncomfortable feelings.

Some novelty, but it doesn’t seem to be annoying…

While she summed up her feelings, some people have reacted in the party. After all, because they are not convinced, they are looking for various reasons to say something like Ning Yi. There are not many people saying that poetry is not good, but after a while, there is a person who said that this Ning Yi refused to write poetry at the beginning, and now it is willing. This poem may be taken from where the young county owner came from. Such speculation has been echoed by several people, but several old people have not spoken yet.

Shishi didn’t care about this. It was so loud that it was going to go out tonight. Whoever is a clown who has no face can see it clearly. They may be able to find some far-fetched excuses in the egg picking. Is the speed of spreading news on the floor just being fake? Ji Qingqing wants to open her face in such a situation. My mother knows, I don’t know what it will be. The Tang Yue and Fu Qiu-shuang who were called over were obviously unaware of it, but they must have been beaten by their mothers afterwards.

Some thoughts were casually in my heart, but in the eyes, I suddenly noticed a figure coming over here. She is hesitating to stand up and say hello. The old man with a look of sorrow and sorrow has come over and arched his hand. Here, the middle-aged people are allowed to react. Before they get up, the other party’s words have already spread throughout the audience.

“The old man can protect Li Heng about this matter.”

In view of it, it is obvious that those who say poetry are not necessarily those written by Ning Yi. When he said this, the people who were still talking about it looked back and they were all stunned.

Oh, it turned out to be…

Shishi thought about it, and the puzzle about Ning Yi was put on a small piece.

Li Heng came to Beijing, the background behind him, is this old man?

Or is it… is the other behind him, the higher status?


Haha, 19, thank you. The starting point is ordinary, NB milk ride, wretched hunter is in place, second class three! ^_^

Recently, someone has posted a post about Li Bai. There is nothing to say about this, but there are a few similar posts. I am still PS: Troublesome people respect history! Regarding the relationship between Li Bai and Wu Dynasty, I have already made a high-profile discussion in the first chapter. I know that there are not many people who like to watch, but this is very important to the students.

Ok, this is a joke, but if you don’t pay attention to the settings in the first chapter, I will be very embarrassed. In addition, why no one feels strange when I copy the “Knights”?

Again: I really want to investigate, I said at the end of the chapter whether these will dilute the perception of the chapter, such as diluting everyone’s aftertaste of the chapter plot, if it will be diluted, in the future, this kind of interpretation will only be made in a single chapter.

Nothing should affect the book itself.

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