Zhui Xu

Chapter 402

402. Chapter 402 chapter one by one, Li Taibai

The grass was green, and the river wind blew the gauze that drooped down the pavilion. Not far away, the figure that left the poetry is close to the courtyard door, and some people chased it up nextside, yelling: “You don’t go, make things clear…” “Ning Li Heng, thinking that this is over!” “There is no such thing as a mystery!” But then I noticed that the rear movement was not right. Some people stopped and went back to see.

Xue Gongyuan’s temper tantrum, holding a poem and preparing to chase it out, is also the basis for others to prepare to retain Ning Yi. When the elders speak, you dare to run, and the rest can block people in the name of guilty conscience. Only afterwards, the reaction that appeared on Xue Gongyuan was really confusing and unclear. For what was written on that piece of paper, people made it like this, and not many people could guess.

If Ning Yi really has the talent to learn, it may be a good poem written on paper, but at this moment, writing a poem will run, but it is self-deception, and later, it will be said that this person is too arrogant. Thought that a poem can be used to control the audience. Some of the elderly people who have been there have experienced many big scenes. It can make Xue Gongyuan look amazed. The few people in the crowd have guessed that the paper is nothing but a secret thing. Xue Gongyuan is clear, but one See you, you have to seal the kind.

Ji Qingqing frowned, and for the first time felt that Ning Li Heng might have taken the handle of Xue Gongyuan and wrote it in a whisper, so Xue Gongyuan did not dare to pursue it. In the middle of the alarm, he shook his head in his heart and concealed the mouth of Xue Gongyuan. He could not hide the long mouth of so many people. At most, Xue Gongyuan was also ruined. In the city of Liangliang, what kind of literary sects or official officials have made it easy to sneak a reputation, but things that are old and not guaranteed at night are everywhere, she sees much more.

It’s just that Ning Li Heng is smart. I know that the situation won’t come back. I will leave this kind of thing and leave. If I can really get Xue Gongyuan into it, even if many people question it, after all, I’m not on the spot to be the name of “swindler”. It’s hard to break the name. Ji Qingqing thought about this possibility, and turned his head to look at his opponent Li Shishi. The other person sat there with one hand on his lips and didn’t know what he was thinking. But as for the case, the person is her friend, she brought it, although this time she is not ruined, but she has been hooked with her, and this collision before the Dragon Boat Festival, she is greatly devastated, presumably already thought of this Point, if she is her, she can only sit there and pretend to be calm.

The sun is shining, after all, it is a sunny summer noon. In a short period of noisy and suspicious, each person has their own minds and speculations. More people, of course, just guess what poems are, whispering whispers: “…Mulan’s 枻沙棠舟,玉箫The gold tube sits at both ends. What is this sentence…”

“It’s just neat, but… is it average?”

Just listening to two sentences, there is no conviction in the discussion, and the middle school has been sternly surrounded: “Xue Gong…”

“Gongyuan, what happened?”

“I will take a look, let me see what I have written, public, you let go…”

Pan Hongda, who has serious temper and temper, is the poetry draft from Xue Gongyuan. Xue Gongyuan reacted. He put down the rice paper, swallowed his throat, and looked around. The look was still complicated and his eyes were not talking. That Pan Hongda began to read poetry with anger. After reading the first two sentences, it was a gradual change of color. Yan Zhongzhong, Mo Gong and others followed.

They are all people who have been crawling for so long in the literary world. Ji Qingqing can think of them, and they can be psychologically prepared. Under such circumstances, if you want to force others to ruin, others can do anything. They also thought about it. If there is anything wrong with this poem, look at it here and you can choose to deal with it for the first time. Think about whether you can cover up the past. But after seeing each other’s poems, they all looked up and looked at each other: “This poem… this poem…”

They are uncertain, and Yu Shaoyuan, Fang Weiyang and others have been curiously surrounded. Previously, Ning Yi put the poems of Shaoyuan down with his own poems. At this time, Shaoyuan smiled and said: “Masters, can you tell the poems of Ning Young Master? “It’s a bit of a cure.” He expected that there was something wrong with it. First of all, he had to spread things out. The first “Nan Nujiao” written by him today is the essence of the accumulation of thin hair for many years, and it is really impossible to be suppressed by people…

However, he said this, Pan Hongda and others over there looked at him, and someone helped Xue Gongyuan to sit down next to him. Strictly look at this situation, and then look at Yu Shaoyuan, finally sighed and handed the poem to him: “Alright, Shaoyuan, you and everyone to read a thought… Yeah.”

His god sighed, and Yu Shaoyuan was slightly confused. In his hand, he took the manuscript and directly unfolded it to see the people around him. Someone has already said: “Shao Yuan, quick read.” Fang Weiyang and others began to look at the side, Yu Shaoyuan bowed his head and read it directly: “Mu Lanzhi’s sand raft, the jade gold tube sits at both ends. Set a thousand miles, with the waves… Oh, let go.”

At this time, poetry, all pay attention to rhythm, Yu Shaoyuan directly read it, but also swaying, the speed is moderate, enough to give people the time to remember, the first few sentences are just fine sentences, but when reading “Loading with the waves”, Yu Shaoyuan also smiled softly. Some people around you laughed: “It’s also normal.” But there is not much to say, because the verse is actually very good, almost impeccable, but it is not enough to directly shock people.

Yu Shaoyuan went on to read the next sentence. It was “the immortal has to wait for the yellow crane, and the sea passenger has no heart to follow the white gull.” At this time, his expression has changed slightly.

However, all around are listening to people, his face can not show anything for a time, even the stagnation of the mouth is not good. I paused a little, and looked at the people next to me, shouting on the paper: “… Qu Ping Ci Fu, Hanging the Moon, Chu Wangtai hollow hills… Xing Yi pens shake the five Yue, poetry into a smile! Ling Yuzhou… At this time, the temperament of poetry and sorrow has come out, and Yu Shaoyuan’s tone follows the rhythm. When it comes to “Xing 酣 笔 摇 摇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个 整个I can’t help myself when I read it out, but he thought that he couldn’t do it after all. After the tone was high, he was depressed and became quite weird.

His lips moved and looked at the last two sentences. He couldn’t read it again for a while, and his eyes swept over everyone around him. Some of the literati who listened to this poem had a re-reading, some bowed their heads, and their fingers were still rhythmically beaten on their legs, failing to notice the inadequacy of Shaoyuan. Just in his slight disappointment, Fang Weiyang, who was next to him, had finished reading the poem and shook his head and turned away. After a while, the crowd slightly digested the two sentences, and when they did not see the movement for a while, they looked up: “Shao Yuan, what about the back?”

“Back…” His words seemed to be gently from the throat, but then he smiled: “…If the name is rich, if it grows, Hanshui should also flow northwest. This poem, you can taste it.”

As if he was a little hot, he took out the last two sentences and handed out the poems directly. Someone immediately took them. Some people also said: “This poem is also general… yes.” The nextone answered: “This poem…” Everyone in the room did not want to immediately give this poem a rating, but looked at the expression around, for a time. No one dares to give a tone to this poetry evaluation. No one wants to be the first one to talk about it and be desecrated. But no one wants to say that this poem is very good. They are waiting for others to speak.

Everyone has already heard it, and took the poem and passed it on. Some of them have already seen it. Often Ning Yi left the direction, bowed his head and chewed it, and went to see the poem. I feel that I don’t want to squeeze any more and then write the poem to the paper next to me. For such a moment, it was only the group of literati who were out of order. The Qingjun master over there, Ji Jiqing and others on this side were somewhat left out.

Ji Qingqing listened to the poem again, and decided in his heart that it might not be able to go anywhere, just look at Yu Shaoyuan, but he is biting his head in a place not far away, holding his own “Nian Nujiao”, the look of change indefinite. Look at the side, Shishi sat on the futon there, covering her mouth with one hand, but it was like what was screaming at her, her body gently swaying from side to side, her eyes smiling and her smile clear. The other hand’s white fingers are stained with wine, so I write on the small table in front of me. It is obviously the poem left by Ning Li Heng. With the rhythm of the rhythm, she has a feeling of being alone and enjoying herself. Occasionally I laughed again.

Ji Qingqing sat there, soft-eyed, with a slight smile, but the heart could not expect such a result, and not many people guessed that the poem was simply a poem. In theory, poetry is no matter how good it is. There are only a limited number of poems written by Ning Yi. Even if the poems written by Ning Yi are comparable to those of Shaoyuan, you can come up with a lot of words. But this poem exceeds this category.

If it is not because of the enthusiasm and aggressiveness of this group of people, Ning Yi does not want to take this poem out of the scene, at most, Su Shi’s first love poem “浣溪沙” is enough to live in the market. But when things develop to this point, the meaning of this poem is different. Li Bai’s “On the River”. To describe it in one sentence, this is one of the works that Shixian is the most representative of his thoughts.

One person in the ages, Li Taibai.

If the impassion is enthusiasm, and the poems of Li Taibai are the ones that can shock people’s hearts and shock others in the first time, especially in the face of those who have been with poetry for a lifetime. “Qupin’s words are hung in the sun and the moon, Chu Wangtai’s hollow hills. Hing’s fall and pen shakes Wuyue, poetry into a smile and proud of Weizhou!” There is almost no complicated study and analysis. Here, there are not many people who can afford it.

Although in the later generations, it may be because of the reason of “staying with the wave to stay”, this poem has not been selected into any textbook, and the fame does not seem to be as famous as the wine, but it is Li Taibai. In the 30s and 40s, Dacheng’s work is relatively normal, but it is as smooth as a river. It is in one go, and it is placed in this poetry. Where is the Wuyue, Ling is more than Zhangzhou. It is simply taking advantage of the general trend to force the people in front of the poetry. If this is not the case, it will not let Xue Gongyuan speak out.

No one thought about it, this slap in the face will be so exaggerated. At this time, a group of literati whispered, and the rich children of Qingjun County whispered whispers. They joined in the excitement, because Zhou Pei praised her teacher too much. Everyone grew up in the squat, where would Convinced, but after watching the fun, I did not think about enmity, this time whispered: “I can’t think of her teacher is so exaggerated…”

Over there, Ji Qingqing sat next to Shishi, and she was entangled in her own sentence. She said, “I can’t think of this Ning Li Heng. I can really write such a good poem. Compared with Shaoyuan, it’s hard to tell, Shishi sister…” She looked calmly at the front and turned her head to the side. She seemed to talk to Shishi casually and affectionately, and she heard Shishi “whistling” and “whistling” and laughing two times. Somewhat strange, looking at the head, Shishi was squatting. Occasionally smiled, but still consistently beautiful, but this time the finger is still on the table, the eyes did not look at her.

“Call… Late Qing sister, little sister doesn’t know what you are doing…”


“Do you know if you have a great brother… call…”

“Shishi sister…what is this…”

“I just sat down… I saw you forced him… I just laughed, huh, oh, late Qing sister…”


“I don’t know how good he is… but the little girl only knows…” Shishi smiled and lowered his head. His hand held a moment on his forehead: “Zhou Meicheng once believed that if he was in front of him, some would not write poetry… …Sister Qing Qing, why are you… you have to force him, oh… I can’t help it, it’s so funny…”

Although the two sides have always been peaceful and harmonious, but they compete for fame, in fact, they have already torn their faces several times in private. Shishi always shows people with a sense of intellectual elegance, wisdom and clarity. But if they are evil thoughts, they are often sharp words, often indifferent words, they can stab people to not get up, not the kind of people who are obedient. At this time, the people did not pay attention, she smiled open here, Ji Qingqing’s face was also stunned for a time. Zhou Meicheng did not dare to write poetry in front of him? If this is the case, she will recall the development of the whole situation, and she can clearly see what kind of harlequin she has become in the eyes of the other party…

Her face is cloudy and complex, and it is difficult to say. However, in Shishi’s heart at the moment, she did not care about how the tragedy of the opponent was beaten. What she was thinking about was the whole process.

To be honest, at the moment, the word Ning Yi broke, and even she was somewhat scared, so that the image of Ning Yi, which seemed to be clearer in her mind, became somewhat vague and mysterious.

It’s said that it’s really cool, but he thinks…what is it…

Just as Shishi thought about these things in his own heart, Ning Yi had already taken Zhou Pei out of the manor and went out on the tree-lined path.


OK, the starting point of the brush is normal, the milk is in place, 1=4!

The 22nd monthly ticket, thank you, let’s go to 20 or less. ^_^

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