As soon as Cheng Yanjin's menacing words fell, several people around him who were familiar with him looked at him incredulously, and immediately showed an expression of wanting to watch a good show.

Yang Hao was also a little surprised to look at Cheng Biting Jin, I didn't expect Uncle Cheng to be a real man, a real man, so hard! And Cui's

would want to cut Cheng Biting Jin first, but after considering the occasion, he had to suppress this behavior, and at the same time thought to himself: You Cheng Hanhan, you want to cut the old lady, right? Let the old lady kneel on the washboard, right? When you go back, the old lady will cut you and let you kneel on the washboard, hum!

Thinking about it, Cui's still gave Cheng Yanjin enough face, bowed slightly, showed a smile, and said to Cheng Yanjin: "Yes, master, the concubine knows, you can rest assured."

After speaking, Cui's walked towards Yang's mother with a smile on his face.

Let's say that Wei Chi Jingde's side also explained to his wife Bai, but he didn't pretend to be forced like Cheng Yanjin, and then Bai also walked to Yang's mother's side.

The other generals also took advantage of the situation to look at their wives and mentioned that they wanted to take more care of Yang's mother.

As soon as the Cui family walked to Yang's mother's side, they immediately smelled a jasmine fragrance, and they faintly smelled this smell just now, but they didn't know who it was coming from, so they would all understand.

So Cui Shi looked at Yang's mother and asked, "Eh, sister, this fragrance on your body is so fragrant, can you tell my sister, what kind of spice gouache do you use?"

Bai and other women also looked at Yang's mother expectantly, waiting for her answer.

Mother Yang saw that Cui's and the others were all smiling, so she quickly smiled and said to Cui's: "Sister, you're talking about the jasmine scent on my body, right?" This is not a spice gouache, but a perfume made by my son Yang Hao himself, and when applied to the skin, there is this fragrance. Hearing

this, the Cui family and the others were a little surprised, and they all looked at Yang Hao, who had already walked towards Cheng Yanjin and them

, seeing this, Yang Hao did not hide it, and said with a smile: "Ladies and gentlemen, as my mother said, this perfume is indeed made by me out of boredom, if you like it, wait a few days, I will remake some and send someone to send it to you, and now I don't have it on hand."

Cui Shi and the others were naturally very happy when they heard this, for this kind of perfume, which woman would refuse it? Would they not like it? Even if they are not young, it is the same!

Just as everyone was talking, a palace maid walked over to them, and after sweeping everyone around, when they saw Yang Hao's figure, they walked quickly to Yang Hao

, bowed slightly, and said with a smile: " Lord Yang, my princess asked the slave maid to come and lead Lord Yang's mother to the seat, may I ask Lord Yang, where is Mrs. Yang?"

Yang Hao looked at Huan'er, pointed at his mother, and said with a smile: "Her Royal Highness the princess has a heart, the one who wears the costume of the seven-grade lady is my mother, you go over, and I will let Her Royal Highness the princess reward you when you go back."

After speaking, Yang Hao looked at Huan'er and laughed badly.

When Huan'er saw this, her face immediately turned red, and she hurriedly bowed, and turned her head to Yang Mu and them in response.

At the same time, on the other side, behind Yang Hao and them, at this moment, there were two or three family officials staring at Yang Hao and them, quietly discussing,

and after a while, these two or three family officials all whispered something to the ladies beside them, and when the three women heard this, they all glanced at Yang Mu, and then nodded.

After Mother Yang and the others left, Yang Hao and the others also left for the banquet.

On the way, Cheng Yanjin said to Yang Hao very squeamishly: "Yang boy, did you see your uncle and me just now?" We men, cousins, just want to be tough, and we have to be fierce to the mother-in-law

in the family, you know?" Yang Hao nodded approvingly, gave Cheng Yanjin a thumbs up, and said: "Uncle Cheng, you can do it, it's enough for you, a real man."

When Cheng Yanjin heard this, he immediately raised his head and laughed, and the laughter became even more sassy.

When Wei Chi Jingde and the others saw this, they all secretly despised Cheng Biting Jin, a stinky and shameless wife

, and of course, they didn't poke him in person, after all, sometimes it is very necessary to put a fork in front of the juniors!

At this time, in the open space of the square outside the Ganlu Palace, the stools and tables have all been placed neatly, and a high platform has been set up, ready to be used for singing and dancing.

After Yang Hao and the others arrived, there were eunuchs who led them to their respective places to sit down.

Cheng Yanjin and the others were

naturally led to the front row to sit down, and Yang Hao, according to his status as an earl, was naturally led to sit almost at the back.

Yang Hao didn't care, and after saying goodbye to Cheng Yanjin and them, he followed behind the eunuch and walked to his position.

After Yang Hao sat down, except for Xue Rengui, there was no acquaintance around, so he looked around boredly

, the seats in the field were clear, the man on the left was sitting, and the woman was sitting on

the right, so Yang Hao began to look to the right to find his mother, because there were too many people, and after watching for a long time, Yang Hao didn't see his mother, so he had to give up.

After a while, when Yang Hao was waiting for a boring breath, there were some communication sounds from behind, Yang Hao couldn't understand the bird language, but the language felt a little familiar.

Just as Yang Hao was confused about which nationality they were, an exclamation sounded from behind: Oh......!


this classic sentence, Yang Hao couldn't help but lie down, and then turned his head to look behind

, only to see a group of more than 30 people from the sea country, looking around while walking, and exclaiming from time to time, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

Yang Hao frowned slightly, when he saw this group of sea people, he felt disliked, and his eyes were full of disgust.

Thinking that they had been coming to Datang for nearly two months, and they must have been reluctant to go back to Haiguo in order to learn the culture and craftsmanship of Datang, Yang Hao was even more displeased

, so Yang Hao called Xue Rengui, got up and walked slowly towards them.

And a group of people from Haiguo were still looking left and right at this time, exclaiming, and from time to time quietly pointed to some women sitting in the right direction, Yang Hao saw this scene, and even quickened his pace, and

the person responsible for leading these Haiguo people in was a seven-grade official of Honglu Temple, named Gu Jie, Yang Hao approached them with a calm face, looked at Gu Jie who was wearing a seven-grade official uniform in front of him, and asked, "This colleague, are you responsible for leading them in?"

As he spoke, Yang Hao pointed to a group of Haiguo people.

Gu Jie didn't know Yang Hao either, but when he saw that Yang Hao was wearing an earl's costume, he smiled and nodded, and responded: "Yes, may I ask who you are?"

Yang Hao replied simply: "My name is Yang Hao."

After speaking, Yang Hao didn't care about Gu Jie, and looked down at the Haiguo people who were still chattering in front of him, just at this time, someone said a duck stack,

so Yang Hao shouted to them in a deep voice: "Eh... I said, can you people from the sea country shut up? Open your mouth and stack it, and you can also stack it when you close your mouth, I duck your sister! You are so noisy that you have less money, do you know? If you don't shut up, you will cut you less. "

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