At this moment, Yang Hao was

very angry in

his heart! Isn't this situation exactly the same as the last

time his sister Yang Xiaoyan encountered it? It was only the last time he had himself and Princess Changle that his sister escaped this catastrophe, and

now that he thinks about it, Yang Hao is still a little afraid in his heart.

Now that he hears about this kind of thing, Yang Hao only feels that the family is the cancer of Datang, moths, everywhere

, the older generation, stinky, sinister and cunning

, the younger generation, uneducated, bullying the world.

Yang Hao's chest was full of anger, and he had nowhere to vent, so he had to scold again: "Scum, a group of naked scum...... Yang

Lingfeng didn't expect his son to be so angry, so he stood up and persuaded him: "Hao'er, calm down, you don't know that the people of the family are arrogant and domineering, and no one has to stop them, they are even more fearless, but it's a pity that those who have been bullied by them."

Yang Hao was still very angry, but he gradually calmed down and sat down again.

The father and son fell into silence

, and after a while, Yang Hao asked: "Dad, didn't the scum of the Cui family go to the trouble of Uncle

Lin's family again?" Yang Lingfeng shook his head and said: "No, their dirty things have also succeeded, where will they care about the life and death of Zhiyuan's nephew, Brother Lin and the Yun family did not go to report to the official, for fear of revenge for them."

Yang Hao nodded, pondered for a while, and said, "Well, when I finish attending the queen's birthday banquet tomorrow, I will go to Uncle Lin's house to visit."

Yang Lingfeng nodded, and agreed with this, after all, the relationship between the two families has always been good, and it can be said that they are world friends, not to mention, as long as the son does not mess around.

Although Yang Hao is angry about what the family has done now, it is not appropriate to do much now, everything has to wait for the queen's birthday to talk about it, otherwise if there is trouble before this, Li Shimin will probably be unhappy, regardless of whether you are reasonable or not.

The father and son then chatted about some family life, and after half an hour, Yang Hao walked out of the study.

After Yang Hao returned to the courtyard, he thought about it, and then called Steward Lin and asked him to go out and instruct the intelligence officer he had cultivated to inquire about what the Cui family's son-in-law usually did and collect evidence.

After that, Yang Hao went to the study again and wrote the plan he had drawn up in his mind before.

In order to avoid more people from being victimized and stop the family from continuing to act mischiefly, Yang Hao had to take out the plan in advance

, if he waited until all the things on the side of the cast iron base were all done, and then implemented the plan, it was estimated that it would take another month or

two, a month or two, not a long time, but it was inevitable that more people would be bullied by the family, not to mention that this matter was also very beneficial to himself, and the family could be suppressed.

Almost an hour later, Yang Hao took the draft plan in his hand and read it again or twice, and after confirming that nothing was missing, he folded it, put it in an envelope, and collected it.

Time was in a hurry, and in the evening, Steward Lin returned to the small courtyard with the preliminary evidence collected by the intelligence officers.

Yang Hao opened the letter and saw that the content inside shocked him, as far as the Cui family's son-in-law has done in the past two years, he can be shot more than ten times in the next life.

After reading the letter, Yang Hao asked Steward Lin to instruct the intelligence officers to continue to inquire and collect evidence, which does not require too many crimes, but must be true and effective, and at the same time collect evidence of the crimes of other family members.

Time was rushed, and the night passed quickly.

On the morning of the second day, Yang Hao got up early, and after washing, he was ready to take Xue Rengui and Yang's mother to the palace.

If Princess Changle hadn't sent someone to inform her that she needed to bring Mother Yang, the lady of the command, to go with her, Yang Hao wouldn't understand, thinking that she would be able to go.

At the gate of Yang's mansion, Yang Lingfeng looked at Mother Yang, who was wearing a dress of Mrs. Decree today, and felt a little sour in his heart, Yang Hao was also born by himself, why can't this kind of good thing of participating in the queen's mother not take his turn?

Mother Yang is face was full of smiles, of course, there was some nervousness, after all, this time she was going to enter the palace to meet the queen mother.

After getting into the carriage and bidding farewell to the sour Yang Lingfeng, the three of them went all the way to the direction of the palace.

When I arrived in Dongcheng, I happened to meet Cheng Yanjin and his group of generals on the way, and they all went with their families.

On the way, Cheng Yanjin rode a horse, looked at Yang Hao sitting outside the carriage, and teased: "Yang boy, are you still not a gentleman? "

Hearing this, Yang Hao immediately looked at Yu Chi Jingde and them, only to see that they were grinning silently at this time

! Yang Hao touched his nose and said disapprehantly: "Hi! What's so embarrassing about this, how comfortable it is to ride in a carriage, not to mention that I am not a military general.

Wei Chi Jingde smiled at this time: "Having said so much, don't you know how

to ride a horse?" Yang Hao didn't feel embarrassed, but grinned: "Riding a horse is not strong, tired and panicked, I'm too lazy to ride, or comfortable in a carriage." When

everyone heard this, they were speechless!

Talking and laughing all the way, everyone soon arrived at the gate of the palace.

Yang Hao helped Yang's mother get out of the carriage, and then followed Cheng

Yanjin and them, and when they arrived at the gate of the palace, there were officials responsible for receiving gifts on both sides of the list, Cheng Yanjin and they asked the guards around them to present the birthday gifts that had been prepared

, Yang Hao saw this in the back, and also asked Xue Rengui to give his gifts.

Cheng Yanjin asked curiously: "Eh, Yang boy, what kind of gift did you give? It's just a small box, is it a night pearl?"

Yang Hao smiled and said mysteriously: "Hehe... Uncle Cheng, don't ask, if you ask, the queen will be happy to use it.

Hearing this, Cheng Biting Jin cut off, didn't take it seriously, thinking that Yang Hao was bragging!

After giving the gift, everyone entered the palace together

, and Xue Rengui was also brought in by Yang Hao, which was also Yang Hao's asking process to bite them, saying that it didn't hurt to bring one or two more people in, so Yang Hao dared to take it.

When they were about to arrive at the Ganlu Palace, there were palace ladies who came to lead the female dependents of civil and military officials to another place to arrange seats, after all, men and women had to sit separately.

Yang's mother was already nervous, and when she saw that she had to sit separately from her son, she was even more nervous, holding her son's hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

Yang Hao naturally saw his mother's nervousness, so he patted the back of his mother's hand, and said with a smile:

"Mother, take it easy, it's okay, there is a son, wait for you to go with the palace maid to find a place to sit down, just like in our house, you should eat, drink, if anyone dares to embarrass you, you tell your son, your son cuts her."

Hearing her son say this, Yang's mother's nervous mood gradually relaxed, and at the same time, she secretly thought to herself: I can't lose someone to my son.

Thinking of this, Mother Yang was even more relaxed, and her trembling hands stopped shaking.

And Cheng Yanjin and Wei Chi Jingde, who were walking in front, naturally heard what Yang Hao said to

Yang's mother, and after a little thought, they knew that Yang's mother was participating in such a large-scale and solemn banquet for the first time, and it was inevitable that she would be nervous.

When the two of them read this, they both explained to the ladies beside them.

Cheng Yanjin turned his head and pretended to be fierce and looked at Cui's and explained: "Mother-in-law, wait a minute, remember to take care of Yang Xiaozi's mother more, tell her some rules, do you hear it, otherwise I will cut you when I go home, and I will make you kneel on the washboard after cutting, you know?"

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