As soon as everyone entered the cement factory, they frowned, only to see that the environment inside was really not good, there was cement dust flying everywhere, and it was harmful for people to smoke too much.

Yang Hao is also aware of this, and is still trying to find a way to solve it, the best solution is to make a protective shield, the kind that can cover the whole face, to protect the facial features

, otherwise the workers will work in this kind of place for a long time, and there will definitely be big problems.

After Li Shimin and they all covered the linen

, Yang Hao took them in for a walk, because the environment inside was really bad, Li Shimin and they also lost interest

, Yang Hao saw this, and hurriedly took them out and walked to the front of a cement road outside, which was the purpose of Yang Hao taking them to the cement factory.

This cement road has been repaired before, and the cement is mixed with sand and gravel, and no steel bars are used, and ordinary road conditions do not need to use steel bars to pave the road.

Yang Hao pointed to the smooth cement road in front of him, looked at Li Shimin and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is a cement road built with cement mixed with sand and gravel.

When Li Shimin saw such a smooth road, he was already hungry and thirsty, and when he heard Yang Hao say this, he strode over and began to walk back and forth.

Yang Hao looked at Princess Changle who was eager to try on the side, and said with a smile: "Your Royal Highness Princess, do you also want to go over and walk?" Princess Changle

nodded, looked at Yang Hao with beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "I think, I see that my father is walking very strongly, can I go over?" Yang Hao nodded and said: "

Of course you can, the road is for walking." Hearing

this, Princess Changle smiled and walked over with her skirt.

Seeing this, the other ministers were not far behind, and they did not wait for Li Shimin to speak, and walked towards the cement road one after another.

When Yang Hao saw this, he felt funny, just a cement road, which made these big people so scrambling to be the curious babies.

A few minutes later, Li Shimin and the ministers walked back

, Yang Hao took two steps forward, looked at them and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness the Princess, my lords, how is this cement road?

Li Shimin sighed with emotion: "Don't say it, just this kind of cement road, it looks smooth, not to mention, it is comfortable to walk, there are no potholes, and the carriage should be much more stable when walking on it, not to sway."

When the people present heard this, they all nodded in agreement

, and then, Yang Hao asked Li Shimin to ask someone to smash and smash it, otherwise how can this kind of advertising be enough, and the hardness of the cement road must not be displayed?

Ten minutes later, more than a dozen Praetorian Guards were tired and panting, walked

up to Li Shimin and said: "Your Majesty, this cement road is too hard, it can't be smashed at all, it is much harder than the wall, it's amazing."

Li Shimin nodded, waved them back to rest, he naturally saw it just now, not only him, but everyone also saw it clearly

, just the smash just now, there was no damage to the cement road, at most one or two small cracks were cracked, which shows how perverted the hardness has reached.

Then, Li Shimin pointed to the cement road, looked at Yang Hao, and said arrogantly: "Yang Hao, how long will it take for me to build all

the roads in Chang'an City into this kind of cement road?" Yang Hao heard this and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is not easy to judge, the minister feels that he is not in a hurry to repair the entire Chang'an City, he can repair some straight roads first, and as for other roads, he can plan Chang'an City and then repair it."

Li Shimin listened, pondered for a moment, nodded, just now he was too excited, forgot to consider, once this kind of cement road is built, if you want to rely on hammers and manual smashing, the difficulty is not ordinary

, you must first plan Chang'an City before speaking, you can't repair it casually, but fortunately Yang Hao reminded you, otherwise it will be a big trouble at that time.

At this time, Yang Hao was quite satisfied with their reaction, and the cement advertisement was successfully launched, and the next step was to take Li Shimin and them to the cast iron furnace.

It didn't take long, in the cast iron furnace, at this moment, Yang Hao, Li Shimin and other ministers began to sweat on their foreheads, and at this

time, the cast iron furnace was still casting pig iron at a high temperature, and the heat was really not something that ordinary people could stay.

And those workers who are working, their clothes are soaked with sweat, as if they are raining, and a lot of water can be wrung out with one twist.

When Li Shimin saw this, he also sighed in his heart that it was not easy for these people, of course, they only sighed.

Yang Hao stood beside Li Shimin, and briefly explained to them the various functions and principles of the cast iron furnace, saying too much they couldn't understand

, after a while, Yang Hao looked at Li Shimin who was constantly wiping his sweat on the side, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, go out, otherwise in half an hour, your whole body will be soaked with sweat, and there is no dragon robe for you to change here."

Hearing this, Li Shimin looked at the ministers behind him, and saw that they were staring at him at the moment, Li Shimin believed that as long as he said a good word, these people would immediately run outside.

Of course, Li Shimin himself really couldn't stand it, so he hummed lightly and said that he could go out.

When all the ministers saw this, their hearts were cheering long live Li Shimin.

In this way, in less than two minutes, all the people came out, and several large barrels of salt water had already been prepared outside.

At this time, Yang Hao saw Princess Changle coming over, so he laughed quietly: "See, it's for your own good that you

don't let you in, you're still not happy, now look, what are they embarrassed about?" Princess Changle nodded, she was not blind, so she looked at Yang Hao and asked, "Do you usually direct the workers to work here?" Yang Hao nodded and asked, "

Otherwise, I don't go in to command, who understands this?" But now, it's just a few steelmaking furnaces away, and I don't have to worry about it after it's done.

When Princess Changle heard this, she was a little distressed, and she couldn't help but want to step forward to wipe Yang Hao's sweat, and then said:

"You pay attention to rest yourself, if you really can't do it, don't worry about the steelmaking furnace for the time being, rest for a while, my father won't say anything about you, you have done well enough."

Yang Hao shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, you don't have to worry, it's much easier now, you don't have to keep an eye on it all the time, it will be fine in about half a month."

Princess Changle still felt sorry for Yang Hao and wanted to persuade her to do something more, so she caught a glimpse of Li Shimin coming over, so she quickly shut up.

Yang Hao saw Li Shimin coming over, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, why don't you rest first?" In the afternoon, the minister will take you to see the steel-making furnace and how to build the roof, how about it?"

Li Shimin took a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead again, and said: "Yes, I'm nothing, I see that the ministers are tired, and I can't bear it, so let them rest!"

Hearing this, Yang Hao secretly rolled his eyes, not wanting to poke Li Shimin, nodded with a smile, and led Li Shimin and them to rest in the tent.

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