Li Shimin strode in first, Yang Hao saw that there were all the bigwigs in the DPRK and China behind him, thought

about it, and didn't salute one by one, so he was too tired, so he faced them, bowed his hand and said hello, and made a gesture of invitation and let them in.

Li Shimin walked for a while and found that Yang Hao didn't follow, so he shouted,

"Yang Hao... Where have you gone?

Wang De on the side smiled and said, "Your Majesty, Count Yang is behind."

Li Shimin's call, Yang Hao, who was walking at the back, also heard it, and hurriedly responded: "Hey... Your Majesty, the minister is here. Hearing

this, Li Shimin turned his head to look behind, good guy, Yang Hao actually ran to the back to hide, is this okay?

So he scolded with a smile: "You black boy, why don't you come over quickly, why are you hiding so far away?"

Yang Hao hurriedly trotted up, touched his nose, and said meaningfully:

"Your Majesty, the status of the minister is not high, without Your Majesty's permission, you can't walk in front of the ministers of the country, right?

"If someone is a minister in front of His Majesty, the minister will have to go to the prison of the Criminal Department to eat prison food!" Yang

Hao finished speaking, and glanced at some family officials.


Li Shimin heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "Nonsense, who dare to see me? You are most familiar with this cast iron base, why don't you come to show me the way and let them come?"

"Although you stay by my side, I will ensure that you are fine, and what I said, the Buddha and the old man cannot be swayed." When

the crowd heard this, some laughed, and some remained silent.

Yang Hao naturally nodded and agreed, and he wanted to lead Li Shimin and them to visit all parts of the cast iron base.

At this moment, a small commander of the Praetorian Guard stepped forward and reported: "Your Majesty, Her Royal Highness Princess Changle is here, and now she is at the gate of the cast iron base, do you want to lead her?"

Li Shimin frowned slightly, and then immediately said: "Well, go and bring her over." The

little commander answered.

Yang Hao on the side was also a little surprised, why did Princess Changle come with her? Is there anything fun and delicious here? I don't know if I am swollen

? After a while, the dusty Princess Changle crossed the crowd, came to Li Shimin, and asked with a smile: "Father, how is it?

When Li Shimin and Yang Hao saw this, they didn't understand why Princess Changle reacted.

Yang Hao touched his face and asked puzzledly, "Uh... Your Royal Highness Princess, did the minister's face scare

you?" Princess Changle shook her head, pointed at Yang Hao, and said, "It's not this, Yang Hao, how did you become so dark?" like a piece of charcoal.

After speaking, Princess Changle couldn't help but laugh, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, she would have to hold her stomach and laugh a lot.

Yang Hao was helpless, touched his nose, and stopped talking, no way, his current self is indeed much darker than before.

Li Shimin's face was full of black lines, coughed lightly, looked at Princess Changle, and pretended to be angry and scolded: "Liqing, don't be rude, look at you, do you talk like this?

Princess Changle quietly stuck out her tongue at Li Shimin, and then adjusted her state and returned to her proud princess appearance.

Li Shimin didn't ask why his daughter came, and Li Shimin was still a little forced to count his daughter's thoughts.

So he said: "Okay, don't run around when you come, follow your father's side, and go back together later."

Princess Changle nodded obediently, and then secretly glanced at Yang Hao.

Seeing this, Yang Hao grinned silently at her.

All this, the two did secretly and tacitly.

After a farce

, Yang Hao also began to lead the way, constantly explaining to Li Shimin and them along the way, the first place to arrive was the red brick factory, Li Shimin was quite interested, so he asked Yang Hao to lead them in.

After coming in, there were not many people working inside, this was specially arranged by Du Wei and them in order not to have accidents, otherwise there would be gangsters, it would be a big trouble

, of course, a small number of people were still left to work, so that Li Shimin and they could also see how the red bricks were produced.

Yang Hao first took them to take a look around how the workers produced red bricks, and they had never seen them, they actually watched with relish, and asked two questions from time to time

, asking how this can be done, and asking how that can be done like this

, Yang Hao was asked with a big head, so he had to pull up Du Wei and Fang Zhizhi, who were less than half a bucket of water,

and help them to answer their father.

After reading these, Li Shimin and the others walked to the red bricks that had been fired, touching and knocking, like a curious baby.

At this moment, Yang Hao coughed lightly twice and said to Li Shimin:

"Ahem... Your Majesty, do you want someone to test the hardness of this red brick? Also, there is also a wall built with red bricks and cement, and Your Majesty can let people try to resist smashing.

Yang Hao's voice was not small, or Yang Hao deliberately said it loudly, which attracted the sideways eyes of the surrounding ministers and aroused interest, including Li Shimin.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hao snickered in his heart and said secretly: Here, the big fish are going to be baited.

Li Shimin touched his beard, and immediately ordered a few Praetorian Guards, each with a hammer to smash

the red bricks, the surrounding ministers naturally looked at it with great interest

, and several Praetorian Guards smashed nearly ten times before the red bricks were smashed in half, and some of the stronger ones were smashed into several small pieces.

Subsequently, Yang Hao took Li Shimin and them to the front of the wall that had been built more than one meter high

, as before, Li Shimin ordered the Praetorian Guards to smash hard, and the result was naturally shocking Li Shimin and others

, the toughness of the wall was simply terrifying, and more than a dozen Praetorian Guards worked together to smash it from various directions for two quarters of an hour before smashing down a wall.

Seeing this, Li Shimin asked Yang Hao on the side in amazement, and said

, "Yang Hao, how did you kid come up with this? This wall is really tough, even if it is windy and snowstorming, this kind of wall can't collapse, right? That is, the roof above cannot be covered with red bricks and cement, otherwise, it is really safe to live inside."


the same time, all the ministers also understood, no wonder Yang Hao blew up the family's mansion before, and swore that the newly built mansion for them was definitely better than the current mansion.

Yang Hao saw everyone's reaction, and his heart was naturally happy, this is a naked free advertisement

, and who are the people present?

are all big shots, and when they go back to publicize, their own red bricks and cement, etc... Are you still afraid that you won't be able to sell?

but for now, the advertising is not enough, and the next display is needed.

Everyone's thoughts were only in an instant, and when they heard Li Shimin's question, Yang Hao replied with a smile:

"Your Majesty, your question is very good, you can rest assured, this minister naturally has a way to solve it, the roof is no longer with the previous tiles, but something else, this minister will take you to see and understand."

When Li Shimin heard this, he nodded, Yang Hao said this, he was also quite looking forward to it, what should be used for a roof that is not covered with tiles?

The ministers are also itching in their hearts, and they can't wait for Yang Hao to take them to see a wave.


, after visiting the red brick factory, Yang Hao led Li Shimin and the others to the cement factory.

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