Hearing this, Li Chengqian glanced at Yang Hao on the side

, and thought: It seems that the father really values this Yang Hao, and there is no need for him to avoid it.

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian said directly: "Father, about the establishment of the academy, Erchen has already drawn up a plan with his uncle,"

"Father, take a look at ......"

Li Chengqian said and took out a few pieces of white paper from his wide sleeve and handed them to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin nodded, took the plan, and began to read it seriously.

Sometimes frowning and sometimes nodding, a

quarter of an hour later

, Li Shimin handed the plan back to Li Chengqian in front of him and said, "Take it over and show it to Yang Hao."

Li Chengqian frowned slightly, glanced at his father, didn't dare to say anything, honestly took the plan, walked to Yang Hao, and handed it to him with a smile.

Yang Hao was also a little puzzled, and muttered in his heart: What do you mean? What do you mean by showing yourself? What does it matter to me?

Thinking about it, Yang Hao still quickly took over the academy plan in Li Chengqian's hand, but he didn't hurry to open

it, but looked at Li Shimin and asked: "Your Majesty, can this minister see it? The minister has no official position, so it's not appropriate to see this kind of plan?" Li Shimin

glanced at Yang Hao and said: " If I let you see it, it means that you can see it, what are you afraid of, hurry up, see if this plan works, what needs to be changed, and then I will tell you what you think.

Hearing this, Yang Hao had no choice but to nod, and he didn't talk nonsense, and opened it directly.

After the same quarter of an hour, Yang Hao finished reading the establishment plan of the entire academy and felt that it was okay, but there were some things that Yang Hao did not agree with,

so he closed his eyes and pondered, thinking about how to change it.

When Li Shimin saw Yang Hao like this, they didn't bother him and waited quietly.

Almost two quarters of an hour passed, Yang Hao opened his eyes, looked at Li Shimin and the three of them, and said slowly: "Uh...... Your Majesty, some of the contents written in this plan, the ministers have some different opinions, do you want to listen?"

Li Shimin glared at him, the meaning was obvious.

Empress Eldest Sun pursed her lips and smiled.

Li Chengqian glanced at Yang Hao.

Seeing this, Yang Hao hurriedly said:

"Your Majesty, that's the case, the minister thinks that the original intention of our establishment of the academy is to let more children from the poor family read and have enough books to read," "And the plan in this is that if you want to enter the academy to study, you have to pay 300 yuan every month, which is actually not

much," "But Your Majesty, this 300 yuan is a lot of money for the children of the poor family, and some poor families can't come up with so much money,"

"In this way, there will be a lot fewer children from the poor family who come to study in the academy, then, it doesn't make much sense for His Majesty to establish this

academy," "Second, the academy is not suitable for being established in Dongcheng, we all know that there are many children of powerful people in Dongcheng, and there are also many wealthy people, and there will generally be private school gentlemen in their houses

," "And Xicheng is not good, there are mostly poor people, so the minister's idea is that even if it is not established in Xicheng, it should be established in the middle of Dong~Xicheng,"

"Third, the college should provide all the books and pen, ink, paper and inkstone to the students, instead of letting them spend money to buy them, the books are easy to solve, we can build a special attic for students to read books in

the college, referred to as the library," "As for the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, it needs to be provided by the college, of course, it cannot be taken out, and each person is prescribed how many pen, ink, paper and inkstone to use every month, and if the amount is exceeded, they will pay for it themselves, and the fourth ......

". Yang Hao talked endlessly, most of them were revised and adjusted after reading the academy establishment plan just now, and

he also had some ideas for adding to it.

Li Shimin and the three of them were greatly surprised, and secretly exclaimed that Yang Hao was really a talent!

Li Shimin squinted his eyes and looked at Yang Hao, his eyes full of appreciation and recognition.

Li Chengqian was embarrassed to listen from the sidelines, this academy plan was planned by him with everyone in the East Palace, and

it was discussed for many days, but when it came to Yang Hao, of course, after listening to Yang Hao'???s overall revision, he also knew in his heart that there were indeed many problems in the previous plan.

Empress Eldest Sun listened to it again and again, and her beautiful eyes were also full of appreciation.

Two quarters of an hour later, Yang Hao finally finished speaking, drank two sips of tea, wiped the sweat on his forehead,

the eldest grandson queen was more careful, seeing Yang Hao so thirsty, he drank all the water in the tea cup at once, as if it was not enough, so he hurriedly called Wang De and quickly sent the tea.

After Yang Hao took a breath, Li Shimin said: "Yang Hao, your ideas are feasible, but in this way, the academy needs to spend a lot of money every year, have you calculated?"

Yang Hao nodded slightly, and said: "Your Majesty, this is not much, if the academy has 10,000 students, it will cost about 100,000 yuan a year,"

Your Majesty wants to have more poor talents in the future, you have to pay first, and moreover, once Your Majesty does this, you can also win the hearts of those poor children, after they finish their studies, they will definitely be grateful

to Your Majesty, serve Your Majesty, and serve the court," "So, this is a mere 100,000 yuan of money every year, Your Majesty, are you out or flowers?"

Hearing the latter words, Li Shimin was stunned, this is not the same as flowers, is the meaning different?

Empress Gege covered her mouth and chuckled, and secretly said that this kid is really flowery, and his speech is interesting.

Li Chengqian glanced at Yang Hao again, thinking to himself that this kid's tone is also too big, right

? 100,000 yuan a year, is it said to be a mere one? Li Shimin began to ponder, 100,000 yuan a year, this money was put before, he couldn't take it out, and he wouldn't take it out to do these things

, not to mention that the academy would not only recruit 10,000 students after that, but it might reach 30,000 or 50,000 ......

In this way, it will cost more than 100,000 yuan per year.

After pondering for a long time

, Li Shimin looked at Yang Hao bitterly, and said leisurely: "Yang Hao, I~ I have no money! What should I do?"

Yang Hao was drinking the tea that had just been served, and when he heard this, the tea squirted out and coughed again and again.

After coughing for a while, Yang Hao eased up, looked at Li Shimin, and exclaimed:

"Your Majesty, don't lie to the minister, the minister has heard about it, a while ago, you just raided the home of the family official twice, there are hundreds of thousands of yuan, and now you say that you have no money, who will believe it?"

Li Shimin glared at Yang Hao and said, "You kid just saw that I have copied the house, I have money, good guy, why don't you see that I also need to spend money? The court also needs to spend money, and tens of thousands of workers in your cast iron base also need to spend money every day

," "Just tell me, how long can these hundreds of thousands of dollars be spent like this? I can't think about the next things?"

Hearing this, Yang Hao nodded and expressed his understanding

Indeed, if nothing else, the cast iron base now eats and drinks every day plus wages, and the cost is not too old.

So, Yang Hao said: "Your Majesty, you can rest assured to do it boldly, money is not a problem, the minister can make you earn this 100,000 yuan a year with your eyes closed

," "And now there are two factories of paper and carriage and restaurants, Your Majesty, are you afraid that there is no source of income?" "

You can also print books and sell them, you will definitely make a lot of money, don't you even think of this?

The more Yang Hao said, the more he despised Li Shimin, in his words, the meaning of disdain was strong

, and Yang Hao did not say that the next red brick and cement factories can also make a lot of money, just these businesses he just said are enough for Li Shimin to support the expenses of the court and the academy every year

, if there is no war and no natural and man-made disasters, it is more than enough.

When Li Shimin heard Yang Hao's words with contempt behind him, he was naked, gritting his teeth in anger

, and he was angry! However, after thinking about it, what Yang Hao said was indeed reasonable, and he mastered the printing technique, and if he didn't print some books to sell, wouldn't it be a pity and waste the opportunity to make money?

However, after thinking about it, it made sense, and being despised by Yang Hao in front of him, Li Shimin still wanted to beat him up.

And the eldest grandson empress and Li Chengqian on the side were also stunned

, this Yang Hao is also bold, right? Dare to despise Li Shimin so much.

Yang Hao didn't care, knowing that Li Shimin must be angry now, and he didn't despise a wave

of Li Shimin, he felt uncomfortable, mainly because he knew that Li Shimin was not a stingy emperor

, if so, he really didn't dare to talk like this, didn't his life matter?

After Li Shimin took a few breaths, he suppressed the urge to beat Yang Hao violently, and opened his mouth to say a sentence that was not shocking and endless.

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