Li Shimin coughed lightly embarrassedly, looked at Empress Changsun, and no longer talked about this damn topic,

but asked, "Ahem...... Guanyin, why are you here?" Empress Changsun

smiled slightly, and said: "The concubine has nothing to do today, and she plans to come over to see Your Majesty, plus I heard that Yang Hao entered the palace to meet Your Majesty, and the concubine came over, and the concubine didn't disturb Your Majesty, right?"

Li Shimin pretended to be unhappy and said: "What do you say, you can come and see me, I am happy."

Yang Hao was a little embarrassed on the side, wondering if he should slip away, so as not to disturb the pair of dogs...... Ahh

At this time, Empress Changsun looked at Yang Hao and said with a smile: "Yang Hao, I went to the cast iron base, but you have become a lot darker, which has made you tired."

Yang Hao touched his nose and said with a smile: "Don't say that, the queen doesn't want to say that, men have nothing black spots, this is the big man."

After speaking, he deliberately glanced at Li Shimin, who was relatively white and pure.

Li Shimin naturally noticed this scene, glared at Yang Hao fiercely

, and was so angry in his heart, Yang Hao was insinuating that I was not a big man, and I wanted to beat him up.

Empress Eldest Sun covered her mouth and chuckled, "What you said is reasonable, but you still have to pay attention to it, don't get sunburned."

Yang Hao immediately smiled and nodded.

Then, Empress Eldest Sun said with concern: "You didn't suffer any crimes in the cell two days ago, right? If you do, tell this palace, and this palace will call the shots for you."

Yang Hao suddenly felt a warm current in his heart, and thanked him: "Queen Lao's mother is worried, but the minister has not suffered any crime, but she stays in the cell all day long, and she is a little bored."

Empress Eldest Sun nodded, this year, not to mention the affairs

of the court, just talk about the royal family, Yang Hao has helped a lot and made a lot of money, otherwise, she, the master of the harem, has a lot of pressure to live, not only to manage the expenses of the harem, but also to manage the expenses of the royal children, and

from time to time to help the court, so if Yang Hao is really bullied in the prison cell, she will not do it.

Thinking of this, Empress Eldest Sun smiled, changed the topic

, and asked with interest: "Yang Hao, can you tell Your Majesty and the palace, why do you insist on fighting the Sea Kingdom? Just to see that they are unhappy?"

Yang Hao nodded, and said with a smile: "Queen Mother, don't you think their appearance is very unpleasant? When

Empress Changsun heard this, she covered her mouth and chuckled, thinking about

it, it is really a good person, the position of the person is to have a handful of beard, and she really can't get used to it, but if she can't get used to it, she will beat others, and she also said that she wants to destroy his country, is this Yang Hao a little violent?

Li Shimin was also speechless, of course, he didn't believe Yang Hao's nonsense

, Yang Hao insisted on this, there must be other reasons, just asked, he didn't say, and he couldn't force him to ask.

So, Li Shimin opened his mouth and said: "Okay, let's put this matter aside for the time being, don't worry, you can cast raw iron first, and then say, you also need pig iron to build a big ship?"

Seeing that the two of them said so, what else could Yang Hao say? What's more, his reasons were not enough, unreasonable,

he couldn't tell them the truth, right? If he said it, someone had to believe it, right? So he could only wait for the opportunity

, Haiguo must fight, and it is impossible to let them go in this life.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao smiled and nodded, looked at the two of them, and said, "What Your Majesty said to the queen mother is that this matter should be talked about later, and the minister should be prepared."

Li Shimin and his wife, hearing this, glanced at each other

, and thought: This Yang Hao really doesn't plan to let go of this sea country, where did the sea country offend him Yang Hao? Let him be more active than when he dealt with the family.

At this time, Wang De walked in from outside and reported: "Your Majesty, the queen mother, the prince is here, and he is asking to see him outside."

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Just let him in."

Wang De immediately retreated.

After a while, the crown prince Li Chengqian walked in slowly, and saw that his queen mother and Yang Hao were also here, and he was slightly stunned

, but he quickly reacted, stepped forward and saluted Li Shimin and his wife, and then looked at Yang Hao.

Seeing this, Yang Hao smiled and said, "The minister has seen my uncle...... Belch... I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

After saying this, Yang Hao was a little embarrassed, and at the same time wanted to give himself a big mouth, Made, he was really a little floating, his mouth didn't have a door, and he almost shouted out his uncle.

Li Shimin and his wife and Li Chengqian looked at each other, and the three of them were not fools, after all, Yang Hao said the word uncle, and what the last word was, they all understood it in their hearts.

Li Chengqian's face was a little dark, and he stared at Yang Hao unkindly, wanting to beat him up.

Empress Eldest Sun covered her mouth and smiled.

Li Shimin gritted his teeth.


hall fell into silence,

and after a long time, Yang Hao finally couldn't help this atmosphere

, looked at Li Shimin and the three of them, and arched his hand and said: "Your Majesty, since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has something to do with you, the minister will leave first."

Yang Hao was about to turn around and leave after speaking, not wanting to stay here anymore, a little embarrassed.

You can also take this opportunity to slip away quickly, otherwise you don't know when you will be able to leave the palace with Li Shimin to chat.

Just as Yang Hao turned around and took a

step, Li Shimin's broken shout sounded behind him: "Stop, don't you want to run, do I allow you to leave? Take another step, I immediately clicked you to come to Wang De's company."

Wang De, who was guarding outside, naturally heard this shout, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he gloated in his heart.

Li Chengqian clasped his hands in front of his chest, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he looked like he was watching a good show.

Empress Eldest Sun was a little red, then glanced at Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, don't scare Yang Hao, he is still a child."

Li Shimin slowed down his tone and said, "Sit down, you don't have to leave, I still have something to talk to you about later."

Yang Hao was helpless in his heart!

He knew that Li Shimin just didn't want to let go of

himself, and it seemed that he needed to cheer up his spirits, so as not to be fooled by Li Shimin, and get an official for himself.

After a few people sat down

, Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian and asked, "Gao Ming, what's the matter with coming to find my father?" But it doesn't hurt to say it. "

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