And Wei Chi Jingde is also relatively calm, because he also knows some situations.

Li Jing touched his beard at this time, asked Xiang Cheng Biting Jin, and said, "Zhijie, what's the swelling situation? Who always bullies other Yang Hao's children? Isn't it ashamed?"

Cheng Biting Jin took a sip of Zhenguan wine, put down the wine cup, and said: "Who else, isn't it just those families, for their own interests, they can even have no face, what else can they say?"

You don't know how many people died in the Yang Mansion last night, and they were almost wiped out, do you think Yang Hao can not be angry? If I were replaced, I would have carried my long axe and killed other people's mansions. When

several people heard this, they were all a little shocked, no wonder Yang Hao said that he wanted to come back and blow them up, who would do it, but ......

A few people still don't want Yang Hao to do this, there is no reason, because Yang Hao can't fight others.

Qin Qiong asked: "Zhijie, aren't you going to stop Yang Hao? Aren't you afraid that he will make a big deal and won't be able to clean it up in the future?"

Li Shimin also looked at Cheng Yanjin with some expectation when he heard this, and he knew that Cheng Yanjin and Yang Hao had a better relationship.

Cheng Yanjin waved his hand and said: "Don't, if I stop him at this time, it's one thing whether I can stop him, if this happens to his family in the future, I don't know how he will blame me

," "

Besides, the family bullied him like this, if he didn't go to the family for trouble, my old Cheng would look down on him." When

a few people present heard this, they also felt that this was the reason

, sometimes, some things can't be done by good people,


some things are also unbearable.

Cheng Yanjin looked at Li Shimin at this time, and said with a grin: "Your Majesty, you have to be mentally prepared to keep Yang Hao, this kid, in the final analysis, Yang Hao touched the interests of the family because of casting iron." "

Cheng Biting Jin's words are a bit interesting, the meaning is obvious, Yang Hao is so offended because he wants to help you, the emperor, and help the Tang Dynasty cast iron,

if you Li Shimin don't keep Yang Hao next, then you can't say

it, although saying this may make Li Shimin unhappy, but think about it, let's help Yang Hao, this kid!

Hearing Cheng Biting Jin's words, Li Shimin first glared at Cheng Biting Jin, and then nodded slightly, can he not know this?

But if some things pass, it will not be easy for him, the emperor, to deal with them.

Li Shimin looked at Cheng Biting Jin and Wei Chi Jingde at this time, coughed lightly, and asked tentatively: "Cough... Why don't you two go and persuade Yang Hao's kid to stop messing around and endure it? When the time comes, I will help him clean up the family and them.

When Cheng Yanjin and Yu Chi Jingde heard this, they immediately shook their heads in unison.

Wei Chi Jingde was embarrassed and said: "Your Majesty, this matter is indeed overdone by the family, it is not that the ministers are unwilling, but the ministers cannot

persuade them, in case the family sends someone to kill Yang Hao's family in the future, this ......"

Cheng Yanjin did not speak, he said just now, he can't persuade him to do this, and he also supports Yang Hao to find trouble with the family.

Li Shimin was a little disappointed when he heard this, although he knew that they were unlikely to persuade him.

After being silent for a while, Li Shimin looked at Wang De and said, "Wang De, send someone to call Yang Hao into the palace." When the

words fell, Wang De retreated.

After thinking about it again, Li Shimin still decided to persuade Yang Hao a little first, otherwise Yang Hao would really kill someone, and the consequences would be very serious.

Let's say that Yang Hao's side, the group pulled a large carriage of earth-shattering thunder, a full 200, and went straight to Li's house in Zhao County, Dongcheng.

Although Yang Hao didn't know which family sent someone to kill his family, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt that the most likely thing

was this Zhao Jun Li family, anyway, if he didn't have an accident today, he would blow up the seven great families thoroughly, no matter which one it was, it would blow up a wave,

so he would take this Zhao Jun Li family first.

Not long after, Yang Hao and his entourage came to the gate of the Li family's mansion in Zhao County

, got out of the carriage, Yang Hao ordered people to move down 40 earth-shattering thunderbolts,

and walked to the door of Li's house.

Seeing this, Yang Hao grinned toothily and said, "I'm your uncle, get out of the way, don't get in the way of Ben Shao's explosion,"

"Brother Xue, let's knock them over first."

Yang Hao didn't want to talk nonsense, so as not to cause accidents.

When the six guards heard this, they were immediately furious, glaring at Yang Hao and the others, and one of them shouted: "Arrogant, do you know where this is......

?" Before he finished speaking, Xue Rengui rushed up, divided by two with three strikes and five by two, and knocked the six guards to the ground, whining and screaming

Seeing this, Yang Hao instructed the two family members to put a sky-shaking thunder on both sides of the gate and in the middle, took the lead, and asked Xue Rengui to take out the fire fold and ignite it.

Of course, the six guards were also dragged backwards by the family like dead dogs

, and with the ignition of the lead,

it took less than ten seconds to



Three loud noises rang out one after another, resounding throughout the streets and alleys of Chang'an City, and

some people who were closer to the Li Mansion were even more frightened by these three earth-shattering thunders,

not to mention the people in the Li Mansion.

And with the explosion of these three earth-shattering thunders, the powerful power immediately blew up the gate of the Li Mansion, and the pillars and beams on the gate shook slightly, seeing that they were about to collapse,

Yang Hao saw this scene and nodded with great satisfaction.

Then, leaving two family members to guard the sky-shaking thunder on the carriage, took Xue Rengui and the rest of the people and 37 sky-shaking thunder, and walked into the Li Mansion with a swagger.

Before Yang Hao and the others walked in, Li Kai hurriedly walked outside with a group of guards at home, and bumped into Yang Hao and his party head-on, Li Kai

was slightly stunned

when he saw Yang Hao, for Yang Hao, he had seen it once or twice from afar, so when he looked at it,

he knew that the young man in front of him was Yang Hao he wanted to kill recently.

When the enemies saw each other, their eyes were red, and the tip of the needle was on Mai Mang

, Li Kai stopped, looked at Yang Hao angrily, and said: "Yang Hao, what are you doing in my house? I didn't invite you to come, and you are not welcome here, take your people and get out

," "

Where is the guard at the door? Where is the death,

why are everyone let in."

Yang Hao looked at Li Kai with a smile, and said with a smile: "Hehe, you are the master of this Li Mansion, Li Kai

, right?" "Don't be in a hurry to drive me away, the account between us has not been settled

," "

Last night, it was you old man who sent someone to kill my family, right?"

Also, my repeated attacks before were also the work of your family, right

?" "You old things, do you think Lao Tzu doesn't know? Or when what you do is really seamless?"

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