Yang Hao looked concerned, looked at Yan Kun with some seriousness and advised.

Yang Hao still appreciates Yan Kun as a person, through the three days of getting along a while ago, it can be seen that Yan Kun is a diligent and conscientious person, hard-working, and

does not look like he is superior to his subordinates, so Yang Hao kindly advised, lest he go down the wrong path.

And Yan Kun listened to it at first, his face was confused and confused, he blinked, looked at Yang Hao puzzled, and

finally reacted, daring to love Yang Hao This is thinking that he is asking him to take out the silver to bribe him

, Yan Kun wants to vomit blood,

I really don't know how Yang Hao's brain grows.

Then he coughed dryly and said, "Brother Xian, don't misunderstand, I mean to let you take out His Majesty's handwritten edict, and I will give you the Heaven-shaking Thunder." Hearing

this, Yang Hao looked at Yan Kun with a stunned face, and saw that his expression did not seem to be fake, only then did he realize that he had really misunderstood people just now

, and touched his nose a little embarrassed, then coughed lightly, and said righteously: "Ahem, Brother Yan, I know that you are not that kind of person,"

"However, I don't have His Majesty's hand, I came in a hurry this time, and

I forgot to ask Your Majesty."

Yan Kun frowned, and said in embarrassment: "Brother Xian, in this case, I won't be able to give you the Heaven-Shaking Thunder, you also know, although I am the person in charge here, but every outflow of the Heaven-Shaking Thunder must first ask Your Majesty before it can be taken away

," "You, without His Majesty's hand, I can't handle

it!" Yang Hao smiled and said, "

Brother Yan, I knew you wouldn't agree, so what, I...

Then, Yang Hao leaned close to Yan Kun's ear and whispered, after speaking, Yang Hao

sat back in his seat, looked at Yan Kun, who had fallen into a bewildered face,

and waited for his reply.

Yan Kun was indeed a little stunned at this time, to be precise, he didn't dare to believe

Yang Hao's words, because what Yang Hao said was too subversive of his cognition, but if he thought about it seriously, Yang Hao could not even create a bigger weapon of destruction?

Thinking of this, Yan Kun swallowed his saliva, calmed down, looked at Yang Hao, and said, "Brother Xian, what you said is true, not kidding? Can you do it?"

Yang Hao didn't speak, smiled and nodded.

Yan Kun looked at Yang Hao for a while, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, but you have to promise me that you can't use these earth-shattering thunders

to kill people, okay?"

Yang Hao immediately replied: "Don't worry, this Brother Yan, it's definitely not going to kill people, but if someone wants to die, it's another story."

Yan Kun nodded and said, "In that case, let's go and get the Heaven-Shaking Thunder."

A moment later, Yang Hao followed Yan Kun and more than a dozen workers carrying the earth-shattering thunders to the big carriage prepared by Yang Hao outside.

After that, Yang Hao did not waste time, hurriedly said goodbye to Yan Kun, and left the royal garden with Xue Rengui and others.

At the same time, the palace manna hall is in the side hall.

At this time, Li Shimin was eating beef hot pot with a group of generals, drinking Zhenguan wine, and boasting about the courage of the year,

Wang De walked in at this time and reported: "Your Majesty, Cheng Chumo and Wei Chi Baolin are two lieutenants asking to meet.

Li Shimin was already drunk at this time, a little drunk, and he didn't react at first

, and then frowned, thinking: Didn't the two of them protect Yang Hao on the side of the cast iron base? Why did they come back at this time, could it be?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin looked at Wang De and said, "Let the two of them come in."


long after, Cheng Chumo and Yu Chi Baolin hurriedly walked

in, and as soon as they came in, they smelled a strong smell of beef

, and looked at it, oh, good guys, there are several people sitting in the center of the hall at the moment, and their own father is also there, sitting together,

eating beef hot pot that the two of them have never eaten.

Without waiting for the two to salute, Li Shimin looked at the two of them and asked first: "Yang Hao has returned to Chang'an City?

Cheng Chumo replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, and Yang Hao looked furious when he came back, and the ministers were afraid that he would do something, so they hurriedly entered the palace to report to Your Majesty."

When Li Shimin heard this, he felt that it was not good, so he asked: "Then is Yang Hao going back to the mansion now, or has he said anything to the two of you when he comes back?"

"Saying that they deceive people too much, it is simply that they don't leave people a way to live, and it is okay to send people to kill him repeatedly, but if they move his family, he will have to pull a few backs when he dies. Some

of the latter words were added by Yu Chi Baolin himself for Yang Hao, which can be regarded as saying a few words for Yang Hao, in case Yang Hao does something radical next

, it is understandable, of course, from Yang Hao's reaction, it can be seen that Yu Chi Baolin is not wrong,

this is indeed the case.

Cheng Chumo nodded, and then said: "Yes, Your Majesty, the ministers just heard Yang Hao's words, so they hurriedly entered the palace to report, Yang Hao was really angry this

time," "

The ministers have never seen him so angry, even if he was poisoned and assassinated, he was not too angry, but this time I am afraid that something will happen."

Li Shimin listened a little big, he also knew that Yang Hao was afraid that he was going to come back to settle accounts with their family this time

, and he wanted to stop it, but he couldn't say it, and he was also afraid that Yang Hao would be dissatisfied in his heart, and he would not do his best for him, the emperor,

and would not contribute

to the Tang Dynasty But don't stop it, I'm afraid that if Yang Hao, this kid comes to Hu and kills people without evidence, this is not good, the consequences may be very serious

, and the family will not give up, now Datang still needs family officials to manage, and when the time comes, he will not punish Yang Hao heavily, the family will definitely not do

it, but the punishment is too heavy, and he is not willing, Yang Hao, this kid is the lifeblood of Datang's next economic development,

and he can't let him have an accident.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin was embarrassed and his head was big.

The generals present were also a little shocked when they heard the words of Cheng Chumo and Wei Chi Baolin, but they didn't expect that Yang Hao had only been in the cast iron base for a long time, and he had encountered these attacks

, and there were still people who wanted to kill Yang Hao's family, and this was still necessary? Isn't this too much to bully Yang Hao, an honest man?

Several of them, who were completely unaware, looked at Cheng Biting Jin,

who was still pulling a few mouthfuls of beef from time to time.

Cheng Yanjin saw that they were all looking at him, swallowed the beef in his mouth, and said, "What are you doing? "

Happy National Day, family! I hope you have a good holiday. 】

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