
leader of the man in black naturally understood that it was the wisest choice to withdraw now, but he

shuddered when he thought of the explanation from his superiors when he came, and the consequences of not completing the task, so he took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"You can't withdraw, you also know the consequences of not completing the task, you stay behind and drag these family members, you three,

follow me to the backyard."

When the other black-clothed people heard the previous words, they thought of the punishment after failing to complete the task, and they were also a little hairy, so they nodded and agreed without hesitation

, the people in black all understood that the top priority now was to divide a few people to go to the backyard to kill Yang Hao's family as soon as possible, even if they couldn't kill them all, killing two or three would be considered to be the completion of this task,

and then quickly retreat

The black-clothed man didn't delay any longer, and said in a deep voice, "Follow me." The

words fell, and he pulled his legs and led the other three people

to the direction of the backyard, they didn't know the location of the backyard, but just now they saw a dozen or so family members hurriedly running in one direction, so the black-clothed leader guessed that they should go to protect the owner of the

Yang Mansion.

The family members saw that someone wanted to go to the backyard, and this was okay, so they also divided seven or eight people and wanted to stop them

, but they were stopped by the remaining black-clothed people, and the two sides immediately started fighting again, but due to the large number of family members, a few people still took advantage of the chaos to chase after


backyard At the street of Xicheng, the two family members who were sent out to find the patrol soldiers ran for a while, and finally saw the fire and the figure in front of them, and hurriedly ran up.

In the backyard, Yang Lingfeng, the old housekeeper and the twelve family members were waiting in the courtyard at this time

, guarding the outside of the bedroom, not daring to go out to help easily, after all, there were all his family members and Xue Rengui's wife and children in the bedroom, if they all left, the assassin would kill them,

and it would be a disaster.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the courtyard, and it was not far from the gate of the courtyard

to hear the sound, Yang Lingfeng's heart was raised, and he didn't dare to make any sound, secretly praying that it was not the assassin who looked for

him, but sometimes it was like this, the more he was afraid of something, the more he came, and it didn't take long for four masked men in black to rush in with a dagger

shining with cold light in

their hands

After the four black-clothed people came in, they saw Yang Lingfeng and them, and they didn't talk nonsense, so they rushed over, ready to kill

Yang Lingfeng and the others first, not to mention that Yang Lingfeng was also protected by more than a dozen family members in the middle, and at first glance, there was no doubt that the owner of this Yang Mansion was here

, and Yang Lingfeng left two family members and the old housekeeper, and the remaining ten people all came up with sticks,

and started a fight with the four black-clothed people opposite

But after all, the family is just a family member, where is the opponent of these black-clothed people who specialize in killing

, after a scuffle, in less than three minutes, four of the ten family members died, three were seriously injured, and only three people were left with combat power

, but at this time,

six family members outside the courtyard chased after them from the front yard and joined the fight

Yang Lingfeng was frightened and anxious to watch from the side, and if he continued to fight like this, the rest of the family members estimated that they would not be able to support it for long, after thinking about it, Yang Lingfeng said to the family members who were fighting: "You guys, don't fight with each other, try to hold them back, the patrol soldiers are about to arrive

," and then turned his head to look at the only two remaining family members around him, and said: "

You two also go up to help, there are many people and there is a lot of power,

drag them down." Hearing

this, the two family members rushed up with sticks, joined the fight, with

Yang Lingfeng's orders, the family members naturally did so, not to mention that they didn't have to work hard

, the family members were also very happy, and the four men in black heard Yang Lingfeng's words, this would be in a hurry, and if they wanted to kill the opposite family Ding would not be able to kill for a while and a half, and they wanted to rush out of the encirclement to kill Yang Lingfeng,

but they were restrained by the family members.

In fact, Yang Lingfeng just said that, what he wanted was

this effect, one: to drag the man in black, two: to cause a kind of psychological pressure on

the man in black, no, the effect will come out soon,

and the man in black is already in a hurry at this time.

A man in black sweated on his forehead, and asked in a hurry, like a leader, "Boss, what now?" I'm afraid it won't solve them for a while, Made, they're too cunning." The

leader in black naturally knew that the situation was very unfavorable for them, so he said: "What can I do, fight, rush over and kill the middle-aged man together, and then we will withdraw." As

soon as the words fell, the four of them rushed in the direction of Yang Lingfeng, and at the same time launched a fierce attack on the family members, regardless of the family members who came to them with sticks, they rushed towards Yang Lingfeng,

Yang Lingfeng was also a little frightened when he saw the other party's formation, and he scolded in his heart while retreating

Made, these crazy people, did I dig your ancestral grave or rob your mother-in-law? As for such a desperate person to kill me

? Why can't we do it, isn't it fragrant for you to withdraw now?

Without thinking too much, Yang Lingfeng and the old housekeeper looked at the fight and retreated to the back, but they didn't retreat to the bedroom.

And on the front yard, there are more than ten families left, they have also learned to be smart, they don't go up to fight with the men in black, but to restrain the seven men in black, but

so, there are also several families who were stabbed to death or seriously injured by daggers

, at this moment, there were bursts of footsteps outside the gate of Yang's mansion, and the sound of armor colliding sounded,

After a while, two family members led a hundred patrol soldiers, that is, a small team

, hurriedly ran into the front yard, and one of the leading family members pointed to the seven black-clothed people who were fighting in the courtyard, and said to the young man who walked in front:

"Captain Cheng, it's these black-clothed people who broke into our Yang Mansion at night, and

asked Captain Cheng to go up and help quickly." The

young man known as Captain Cheng obviously also saw that the man in black in the field was a night interloper, nodded, and ordered to the patrol soldiers behind:

"Take down these men in black, don't let them run away." Hearing

the name, fifty soldiers immediately drew their swords and rushed towards the man in black.

The family members in the field were also relieved to see that the patrol soldiers had finally come, and they no longer cared about

the people in black, and they all retreated, one of them thought of something, and hurriedly ran to Captain Cheng, and said: "This little general, please send some people to follow me to the backyard, there are still a few people in black in the backyard,

and my lord and they are also in the backyard."

Captain Cheng nodded when he heard this, motioned to Jia Ding to lead the way in front, and then waved his hand and led the remaining dozens of soldiers to follow.

In the backyard, at this time, the four black-clothed people were about to break out of the encirclement, and it wouldn't take long to kill Yang Lingfeng's face, at

this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside, listening to this sound, it seemed that there were still a lot of

people, and the most panicked was the four black-clothed people, I didn't

expect the patrol soldiers to arrive

so soon At this time, the four of them couldn't care so much, they all retreated, they were about to escape, even if they couldn't complete the task, it was better to go back and be punished like the devil than to die

now, just now they didn't retreat because they wanted to fight, hoping that the patrol soldiers would not come over so quickly

, and now they couldn't see hope, so they naturally wanted to escape

, "Catch them for me, don't let them run,

otherwise I'll ask you."

After Captain Cheng came in, he saw that the four men in black wanted to run, and commanded loudly.

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