After listening to the informant's words, Lin Mu and the three of them were a little disappointed, they originally thought that they could interrogate who the person behind them was, and at least they could sell Yang Hao a favor, but they didn't expect that?

Yang Hao looked at the three of them at this time and said: "You have also heard, who is the person above him, now send someone to Wanneng County to arrest Gu Yuan and interrogate him properly." Hearing

this, Lin Mu

and the three of them reacted, patted their pig heads, and blamed themselves and others for being so stupid, this informant didn't know who the person behind it was,

wasn't there another person.

So the three of them hurriedly got up, arched their hands to Yang Hao, and retreated.

At night, at the moment, on the streets of Xicheng, more than a dozen black-clothed people wearing night clothes, after avoiding groups of patrol soldiers, were quietly approaching Yang Hao's

mansion at this moment, and Yang's mansion was already dark at the moment, and only two or three places were still lit with oil lamps,

glowing with faint light

It can be seen that most of the people have fallen asleep, only a few family members are left to guard the front and back doors

, and after a quarter of an hour, the twelve black-clothed people have quietly climbed the wall of the Yang Mansion

, and looked left and right by the faint moonlight in the sky, and

found that there was no one

around One of the men in black nodded at the other eleven people, and made a gesture to indicate that they would act separately

, and then the twelve people, in groups of two, headed towards the various bedrooms of the Yang Mansion,

and the purpose of the twelve people's trip was mainly to kill Yang Hao's family

But because I don't know which bedroom is where Yang Hao's family lives, I can only touch the dark and prepare to find them one by one, as long as I see someone in the room, I will kill it, and it will be over after killing.

Soon, two people entered a larger bedroom from a small window

, because of the light, the two could only take advantage of the light that the moonlight put in, slowly step by step, holding a dagger in one hand, and touching the dark with the other hand

, not long after, the two walked to a bed, to be precise,

it is a large bed that can sleep five or six people at the same time

Seeing this scene, one of them looked at the other man in black, his eyes revealed a fierce light, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand, signaling

his companion to kill or not?

Seeing this, the companion who was asked thought about it and felt that it was better to kill him, so he looked at the man in black who asked and nodded, indicating that he could be killed.

In this way, the two of them were very tacit, each walked to the side, ready to be two people

, raised his arm, and the dagger was about to wipe off the neck of the housekeeper

, at this moment, the moment the dagger was raised, there was just a moonlight reflected on the dagger of the man in black through the window, and then radiated to the eyes

of one of the housekeepers on the bed The sleeping Jiading, who was radiating on his eyes by this sudden light

, instantly opened his eyes in a daze, looked up, and immediately saw a man in black holding a dagger to stab a

partner next to him,

too late to think about it, and forgot to be afraid, Jiading immediately pushed away the partner

next to him After that, he quickly got up, picked up the quilt covered by his body and covered it with the man in black

, and then shouted: "Come on, there are assassins, there are assassins, there are assassins, ......"

With this shout of the housekeeper, the other two housekeepers who were asleep on the bed were immediately woken up, and the housekeeper who was pushed away just now also woke up

one step earlier

And the two family members who just woke up were still confused, one of them was wiped on the neck with a dagger by another man

in black, and blood was sprayed immediately, and the other family who had just woken up, was scared by this sudden scene, screamed in fright, and hurriedly picked up a pillow made of rattan and smashed it at the man in black who wanted to stab himself

, and then quickly got up, jumped out of bed,

and ran

out of the door The other two

housekeepers pushed another black-clothed man with a quilt on his head to the ground, and also ran out in a hurry, and the black-clothed man who had just killed a housekeeper hurriedly helped his partner take off the quilt on his head, and then chased after him first

, but fortunately, the three housekeepers were familiar with their bedrooms, even if it was dark in the bedroom,

they ran very fast

In a few seconds, the three of them pushed open the door

of the room and ran out, shouting as they ran:

"Come on, there are assassins...... "

In the Yang Mansion, the people who were sleeping were all woken up by the shouting and screaming of these people,

and the family members in the mansion heard that there were assassins, and they didn't even care about putting on shoes and coats, so they hurriedly took sticks and

ran to the source of the sound

And the family guarding the front and back doors also heard the voice, and hurriedly rushed inside with sticks

, in the backyard of the Yang Mansion, Yang Lingfeng and his wife were naturally woken up by the shouts of the family, Yang Lingfeng

heard that there was an assassin, first shocked, and then forcibly calmed himself down, and did not care about what happened

in the

front yard

After Yang Lingfeng got dressed, he quickly went out of the bedroom, rushed to several other bedrooms, and took the two aunts and three daughters, all of whom were taken to his

bedroom, at this time, the old housekeeper Yang Fu took a dozen or so housekeepers with sticks, ran to the door of Yang Lingfeng's bedroom, and said, "Master, master, are you there?"

Hearing the voice of the old housekeeper Yang Fu, Yang Lingfeng opened the door and walked out,

and asked directly and urgently

"Yang Fu, what's the situation? How could there

be assassins coming? What is the situation in the front yard now? Have you sent someone to inform the patrol soldiers?"

Yang Fu said in a trembling voice: "Master, now the family members in the front yard have already fought with those assassins, and the old slave has already sent two family members to go out separately to call the patrol soldiers, and they should be able to come over soon."

Yang Lingfeng nodded when he heard this, and said, "Okay, it's good

," After that, Yang Lingfeng thought of something, immediately looked at a few of the family members, and ordered: "

You guys go to the front yard now, bring Xue Rengui's wife and children to me, to ensure the safety of their mother and son, go quickly." "

In the front yard, at this time, twelve black-clothed people were fighting with more than thirty families in the Yang Mansion, and the families of the Yang Mansion were obviously not good at fighting, and in less than a quarter of an hour, they were killed by more than a dozen

people by the twelve black-clothed people, five or six were seriously injured, and they fell to the ground, while only one person died on the black-clothed man's side,

and one person

was seriously injured

At this time, one of the men in black took the opportunity to look at the leading man in black and asked in a low voice: "Boss, do you want to withdraw first?" "

[Guys may wish to guess, whether the protagonist Yang Hao will be the same page as the family??? if you guess, please leave a message in the comment area of this chapter!].

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