
Chapter 367 Fanwai: Double Cultivation (1)

There is a famous lake island in Duzhou recently, called Luoxia Wenying.

This island is not far from Erguo. Since the spiritual energy of Duzhou gradually recovered, the secret realm that was once withered has gradually become richer. This secret realm of Li'er Country is not as popular as it used to be. The discerning merchants turned their attention to other places. A few days ago, the Xiuxian Realm and the Demon Realm jointly transformed a lake island named Luoxia Wenying.

I heard that the scenery of this island is extremely beautiful, the sunset on the island is particularly moving, and among the dense forests, there are large tracts of blooming pink butterflies. In the evening, the ground is covered with gentle powder snow, the flowers are warm and windy, and the spring is full of excitement.

In the same month, it overwhelmed all the scenic spots and became the first place in the list of favorite places for Taoists in Duzhou.

Hairpin Xing was eager to try it after learning about this place. It just so happened that there were no major incidents in Black Rock City recently, so they discussed with Gu Baiying to visit the island for a few days.

Gu Baiying is not a romantic person, but she can't stand the hairpin and the star is soft and hard, and finally agrees. On the second day, after explaining what Xiaoshuang had to deal with, Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying went to Luoxia Wenying Island.

How can I say it, it can only be said that the scenery is really good and the price is really high.

Mostly because this island is an island transformed by the joint efforts of the demons and the humans, the aesthetics of the humans and the demons inevitably collide, and sometimes it seems extraordinarily difficult to describe. For example, in the pavilion on the island for people to rest, there is a plain white and elegant gauze curtain, which was originally very immortal, but if two blue lanterns with human faces are added, it looks a little weird at night.

The colors of flowers and plants planted everywhere on the island are very simple and elegant, but if they are trimmed into the appearance of beasts, it may make people feel scary.

There are also carved crystal pillars. The demons love these shiny things, but the Xiuxian world likes gauze curtains the most.

Hard and soft, gorgeous and plain, dusty and individual.

How come you don't get along.

However, there are really a lot of pink butterfly flowers here. In the evening, the sunset glows, and the clouds on the horizon are soft pink. There are many Dao Companions who come here, one after another, crowding the entrance.

Hairpin Xing picked up the stick that was squeezed out, and whispered to Gu Baiying: There are too many people here, let's find an inn to stay first.

Gu Baiying also doesn't like places with too many people, so she naturally agrees.

Luoxia Wenying is the favorite place for Taoist couples in Duzhou, so it is naturally a one-stop service for entertainment, food, bathing, and lodging. The variety of inns on the island is almost dazzling. At this moment, the night is falling, and the lights are everywhere, and the veils are flying. Hairpin Xing found a place that looked the largest and most imposing, and walked in with Gu Baiying.

As soon as he entered the door, a woman greeted her with a smile and said, Are the two guests staying at the hotel?

A few days ago, the head of a certain small sect came here to play with his lover. After being found out by the head's wife, he chased after Luoxia Wenying to catch the traitor in bed. this scandal. Since then, many Taoist companions have come to play, and they have taken the lead in pinching a cover art, so that outsiders can't see their faces.

Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying also used the face-covering technique. It wasn't because she was afraid that someone would come to catch the rape or something, but now that she is a Demon Venerable, she is also a celebrity in the capital city. trouble. Although reputation is not important to the Demon Race, it's okay.

The proprietress is a plump woman with a good face, and she is very kind and amiable. Wearing a long robe of jujube red, there is a faint devilish energy hidden in the pearls between the ends of his hair, and he was originally a devil.

Hairpin said: Are there any vacancies?

Hearing this, the proprietress pouted towards the wall behind her, and while greeting other guests, she said to the hairpin star: The room signs are all hung on the wall, and the guests can choose first.

The hairpin star looked at the wall facing the front cabinet. There were literally hundreds of wooden slips hanging neatly on the wall. With the faint pink light from the torches on the wall, it immediately added a bit of ambiguity.

Looking at the names on the wooden slips, it is even richer.

There are relatively straightforward ones, such as Blue Enchantment, Blood Red Clouds and Rain, Autumn Encounter, Scarlet Maple Forest, Dai Zi Hot Spring, etc. Such bold color matching and creativity should come from the hands of the demons.

There are also some subtle and imaginative ones, such as Fish Water Study, Dream-like Temple, Red Wild Hunting Ground and Ice Fire Emperor's Mausoleum. monk's hand.

Gu Baiying looked at it, and felt a little uncomfortable. If it wasn't for the hairpin to pull him, I was afraid that he would turn around immediately.

Hairpin Xing is much more calm than him, but the hundreds of wooden signs are dazzling, and it is difficult to choose at the moment, so he simply asks the proprietress: Madame proprietor, which is the most expensive room in your inn?

Hearing this, the proprietress immediately burst into laughter and said, The guests are very good-looking. The most expensive and best room in our inn is naturally the 'Gui Hai Blessed Land'.

Returning to the blessed land of the sea? This name is very serious, there are no ambiguous words, it is like a secret cultivation realm.

Sounds unusual. Hairpin star pondered.

When the proprietress heard this, she immediately called out: Unusual and unusual! The guests don't know, in this other room, a room has only one kind of scenery, but returning to the sea is different. There are also many choices in the room. Which one do the guests like? You can choose which one you want. Oops, I can't tell for a while. She pushed the hairpin's arm and lowered her voice, The guests will know when they go in.

She said it in a very heartwarming way.

Then choose this one? Hairpin Xing asked Gu Baiying's opinion symbolically.

One room? Gu Baiying was startled.

Otherwise? She said, There are thousands of spirit stones in one night. It would be too extravagant for you and me to open one each. The Daolu Inn opened two rooms, and in the eyes of others, he was afraid that he was not a fool.

She doesn't want to be a fool.

I'm not short of money. He whispered.

I'm missing. Hairpin Xing grabbed Gu Baiying's arm and smiled at the proprietress: We want this room.

Okay. The proprietress smiled so much that her eyes narrowed, The slave family will take you up. She turned around and whispered to the hairpin: There are not many young masters who are so generous these days. The girl is I don't know, the guests who came here a few days ago said that they were the head of the sect, and even the big room was reluctant to live in the lover. When his wife came to catch the rape, he broke our stack of glasses and didn't pay any compensation. , very stingy.

Although I can't see the girl's face clearly, I can feel the devilish energy in her body. If you want to come to Tongnu's family, they are usually devils. Since they are from the same clan, they have to take care of them. The proprietress whispered, Keeping the girl satisfied tonight. .

Hairpin Star: Thank you.

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