
Chapter 366 Extra: Kanzashi (3)

The box was filled with hundreds of talisman papers.

Hairpin Xing picked up one, and when he saw it clearly, he couldn't help but startled: A surrogate talisman?

Junior sister, I made a lot of these talisman papers after the floods were resolved. I thought that if you came back one day, I would give these talisman papers to you. He coughed lightly, The world is ever-changing, so it's not harmful to hide a few more papers. .

Hairpin Xing was stunned for a while, this was what she said to Mu Shexiao when Mu Shengxiao gave her the avatar, but he didn't expect him to remember it.

Mu layerxiao used to be honest. After the hairpin star disappeared, he always regretted it in his heart. If he made more avatars, maybe the hairpin star would still have a chance to survive. Over the years, I have unknowingly accumulated a box full of them, but I never thought that I would still have the opportunity to send them out in this life.

Gu Baiying glanced at Mu layerxiao, and said indifferently: So many avatars, who are you cursed?

Hairpin Xing put away the box, and said to the mu layer: Don't listen to him, thank you brother, this talisman is very useful to me. Go back and study how this talisman is made. If everyone in Black Rock City can have one in Hands, maybe the law and order will be much better.

Mendong whispered: However, do you still call him Senior Brother? He was a little embarrassed, Now you are the Demon Venerable of Black Rock City, and everyone else calls you Your Highness. Are you still a disciple of our Taiyan Sect?

The relationship between the hairpin star and the Taiyan faction is really unclear.

Hairpin Xing looked at Meng Ying and said jokingly, You have to ask the head of it.

When Meng Ying heard the words, she suddenly chuckled. She seldom laughed. Ever since Dapinxing knew her, she had never seen Meng Ying smile. Meng Ying shook her head: You don't have to be limited by your identity, you are the Demon Venerable of Black Rock City and a disciple of my Taiyan Sect. Junior Sister, she looked at the hairpin, As long as I am in the Taiyan Sect for one day, Taiyan will not be able to. The doors of pie are always open for you.

The hairpin star was startled, and a layer of soft touch gradually emerged from the bottom of his heart. As if in this floating world, he suddenly found a stable place to stay.

She was about to speak when Zhao Mayi had already interjected in a timely manner: Oh, how do you say such an outsider? In the future, Hairpin Xing will become a Taoist partner with Seventh Junior Brother, and the two sides are in-laws, so naturally they are still family. What's the matter? relation.

Hairpin star: .

She turned her head to look at Gu Baiying, Gu Baiying coughed lightly, and looked away, seemingly silently acquiescing.

Xuan Lingzi hurriedly picked up the wine cup on the table and hit the railway while it was hot: It's so lively, anyway, the hairpin star is back now, I'll talk about it later. Have a drink first!

The wine was blue and green, and Xuan Lingzi laughed and raised his glass: I wished you all the time, why should you look up to the cloud ladder, you can become wings. Now, all the disciples have grown up, and they all have to go down the mountain to do their own way, no matter what. How, the Taiyan faction will always be your home. As a teacher, I wish you all, fly away from each other, and use the cup in your hand!

May the youth be pure and brave, and never change their original aspirations.

May the world be full of love every year, and the evening star will always be there.

When the banquet on Doluo stage ended, Xuan Lingzi was carried back by someone.

Now that his alcohol intake is getting worse and worse, he doesn't know whether he is really drunk or pretending to be. He walks to Gu Baiying's side with the smell of alcohol, pats Gu Baiying's shoulder and says, Yingying, it was my senior brother who was wrong back then. Take into account your feelings. Senior brother apologizes to you.

Gu Baiying pushed his hand away in disgust: Don't call me that.

Xuan Lingzi choked: I'm so old, how can I care about my junior brother? It's my senior brother's fault.

Gu Baiying: .

He couldn't bear it any longer: Stop crying!

Tian Fangfang smiled and picked up Xuan Lingzi: I'd better take Master back first, he's quite drunk.

I have to go back too. Meng Ying shook her head, There are still some unsettled matters in the sect. Being the head of the Taiyan faction is probably much harder than being the chief of Black Rock City.

At this time, it was already dark, and the banquet was in a mess, and everyone dispersed.

Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying returned to the Miaokong Palace.

The Mingxiu Courtyard is still the same, with pink gauze tents, peach-colored quilts, and the fragrance of magnolias spreading to every corner.

The persimmon trees in the yard are even more lush than before.

Hairpin star stood under the persimmon tree, looked up at the lush green bushes, and looked stunned.

Someone's voice sounded from behind: What are you looking for? Looking for a tree hole?

Hairpin Xing was startled, then looked back at Gu Baiying in surprise.

Gu Baiying embroidered the bone with a finger, and a cluster of silver light flew into the depths of the canopy, where the hidden tree hole suddenly appeared, and a green paper crane that was glowing and glowing flew out from it.

Hairpin Xing ignored the paper cranes and stared at him with a frown: You actually peeked

He was startled and said subconsciously, I didn't mean to!

Why wasn't it intentional? Hairpin Xing showed disappointment, Gu Baiying, I didn't expect you to be this kind of person.

He was a little nervous, his voice tense, and explained: I thought you were.

He thought that Hairpin Xing would never come back, maybe this was the last trace left by her. He had read the feelings recorded in Zhihe here, and wanted to keep this secret. He used magic to hide the tree hole, and sealed those hidden thoughts here.

Hairpin stared at him for a long while, then suddenly burst out laughing, and only said: Forget it, just look at it, there is nothing shameful.

Gu Baiying breathed a sigh of relief, but soon, he was a little confused: Why did you write this?

Those trivial things, everyone's sporadic words, the flowers blooming in the sect, the rainbow today and the rain tomorrow, she recorded more seriously than anyone else.

Although this seems pointless.

You don't understand. Hairpin Xing stretched out her hand, and a paper crane flew over, resting lightly in her palm, These are my own stories.

She didn't win the last game of chess with Tiandao, but she wasn't a loser either. When I entered this place by mistake, I was forced to enter the game. I stumbled all the way, sad and happy, and I have finally left the established path.

Top of the Nine Heavens has come to an end, the book is closed, and the story continues.

A brand new, only their own story.

Although no one can say in the future, maybe Tian Dao will continue to chase after her, but that's okay.

Life is a hundred years, and the light is fleeting. As long as there are people in this world, there will always be miracles.

Hairpin said: I will continue to write in the future, record what you and I have seen and heard in Duzhou, organize it into a book, and write a world-famous masterpiece, called A Book to Teach You to Read. Understand the capital city.

Gu Baiying: .

He clicked his tongue and criticized mercilessly: It sounds ugly.

How about adding your name? The Story My Uncle and I Have to Tell?

Gu Baiying calmly reminded: .It doesn't sound very serious.

Hairpin Xing thought for a while: Then I'll be alone, why don't I call it Hairpin Star, I'm named after me, and you can see that I'm the protagonist!


He sighed and finally compromised: It's not impossible.

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