
Chapter 358 Finale (3)

Gu Baiying went to many places.

Sometimes it is a water town with small bridges and flowing water, sometimes it is a mountain village with smoke and smoke, sometimes it is a small town with misty rain, and sometimes it is a peak with many mountains and mountains.

He has traveled a lot and seen a lot of people. In the land of Duzhou, the peach willows are bright, and the clusters of brocade flowers are clustered.

He ended up going to Blackrock City.

In front of Black Rock City, the Styx River was surging, and he threw the medicinal pills prepared in advance into the river one by one. Not long after, in the depths of the water, a huge dragon fish swam over and stopped on the shore, like a dark ship waiting for the return of travelers.

After the Jinmen Ruins and his party, the last star returned to its place, and the black dragon fish carried everyone back to the capital city. After a while, Gu Baiying tried to return to the ruins of Jinmen again to find the whereabouts of the hairpin star, but the black dragon fish no longer carried people to the whirlpool at the bottom of the river.

Perhaps it was not because the dragon fish was unwilling, but when the key to the market of Jinmen disappeared, the place where the heaven and the human world were connected was sealed again, and no one could find any traces.

The black dragon fish recognized him and flicked its tail gently, and the fish tail made a huge splash of black river waves. He threw a large amount of medicinal pills into the river and waited quietly for the dragon fish to swallow it one by one.

Hairpin Xing once said that there is a custom on their side. If you make a wish on the carp, you can achieve what you want. Although this big fish seemed to have a hard time getting along with the carp, he still watched the black dragon fish quietly for a while, and made a wish that seemed unlikely to be fulfilled in his heart.

He hoped to see her again.

Heilongyu took Gu Baiying to Blackstone City, and Xiaoshuang greeted him. The youth in the blue shirt and the Confucian crown was still as gentle and elegant as before, and smiled at Gu Baiying: The real person sent a letter to inform Your Highness that Gu Xianchang will come soon, and His Highness ordered his subordinates to prepare a bed, but I didn't expect to wait a few more months. . As he led Gu Baiying inside, he said with a smile, It seems that Gu Xianchang has been to a lot of places these days.

Black Rock City is more prosperous than it was a few years ago.

After the spiritual veins of the demons recovered, the demonic energy gradually filled up. And because of the Jinmen Ruins that year, in the final analysis, it was the hairpin star who saved the world. Even if the immortal world is shameless, it does not dare to let go of the reputation of killing donkeys. In recent years, the two races of humans and demons have been at peace a lot. Although it is not as close as a family, but occasionally meet in Duzhou, the two sides can also say hello with restraint, and say hello gently.

Occasionally, at a sect meeting, the demons in disguise mixed in, and the people in the immortal world discovered that they also turned a blind eye. And in Black Rock City, sometimes there are curious monks who don't know where to get the magic pills, ride in the black dragon fish and run in, to visit and play around, but Jiang also just asks the hawkers to silently collect more magic beads from them, as if they don't know. .

The caves are still as bells and whistles as before. This flamboyant wind gradually blew to the sect. I heard that the clothes of the disciples in the Yinfeng sect are also colorful. I don’t know if it was the inspiration that Nie Xinghong got when he came to Black Rock City last time. .

Xiaoshuang stopped in front of the Chaos Hall and said softly, Your Highness is waiting for Gu Xianchang in the hall, please.

Gu Baiying walked in.

Chaos Temple is no different from a few years ago.

The dazzling demon statue at the door was still colorful, and in the pool in the hall, a few bare bones glowed faintly.

However, the original hundreds of ghost fires in the hall were removed. After the hairpin left, there was almost no one living in the Chaos Hall. For many years, there was an empty hall with so many candles. I was afraid that the fire would burn down the hall and it would not end.

Bu Jiang turned his back to Gu Baiying and looked out the window.

Right in front of the window of the outer courtyard, there is a thick cable hanging.

This cable was left by General Cable at the beginning. When the hairpin star lived here, most of the time, this rope was held by Mimi and used to swing. Hairpin star wakes up in the middle of the night, often surprised by the dangling shadow. After the hairpin left, Mimi also disappeared, only this rope remained, swaying when the wind was blowing.

The seven favored concubines in the temple were all dismissed. When he left, he was very sad, Xiaoshuang comforted him for a long time, and promised that if the hairpin returned one day, they would return to the temple to serve.

In the Chaos Hall, only the red crisp was left.

Bujiang also asked Hongsu if he wanted to go back to Yuecheng, but Hongsu refused. Seeing her persistence, Bu Jiang simply left her in Black Rock City to clean up the affairs of the palace.

Hearing footsteps, Bu Jiang did not turn around, but said, You are here.

Gu Baiying walked to her side.

The Queen's face was as beautiful as ever, the embroidery on her robe was complicated and gorgeous, but her eyebrows and eyes were much calmer than before. She looked at Gu Baiying and smiled slightly: This hall knows that sooner or later, you will come back to Black Rock City.

She asked, Do you want to see her?

Gu Baiying raised his eyes suddenly.

Going around the outer courtyard of the Chaos Hall and walking along the corridor in the hall to the end, there is a slightly smaller hall.

Bujiang stood still at the door and looked into the depths of the palace: Let's go.

Gu Baiying followed her into the hall.

This hall is very empty, there is nothing in the hall, it is empty, as if no one has come in for a long time. At the moment when the door was pushed, there was a small amount of smoke flying in the air, with a faint staleness.

Look. Bu Jiang looked at the palace wall.

The long walls on all sides are covered with paintings one after another.

The portrait is huge, hanging from the height of the temple to the foot of the temple. There are people above, people of all shapes and faces.

There are big men with green faces and fangs, fierce and vicious men, old men with thick skin and benevolent eyes, fat men with big belly and red faces, and young people with neat clothes and indifferent expressions.

These people have different postures and expressions, standing in the portraits, vividly, watching the people in the temple.

The last portrait is of a young woman.

This young woman was wearing a green dress with silver four-god pattern embroidered on the corners of the skirt. She had bright eyes and a smile like flowers.

Bu Jiang's voice sounded in the hall.

Here is the portrait of the previous demon kings of Blackrock City.

Black Rock City has served as ten demon kings. I thought she would be the eleventh. After a pause, she added: But I still put her portrait here. She has done better than them, yes Bar?

Gu Baiying stared at the person in the painting.

Among the portraits, she is the only one with the brightest smile.

Devil kings don't like to laugh, including Hairpin Xing's father. She is the first demon king to laugh so happily. Hanging in this hall, sometimes when I walk here and see her smile, I feel better.

Gu Baiying said, She likes to laugh.

The hairpin star is always smiling, whether it is in Gufeng Mountain or Blackstone City, even if it is the piece on the Tiandao chessboard in the end, it is always smiling when it goes to the end that is destined to dissolve.

Bu Jiang said: So I think, she should not regret the decision she made in the first place.

She turned around and looked at Gu Baiying: Shaoyang told me that you are not allowed to place the statue of the hairpin star in the sect, do you think she will come back one day?

Gu Baiying looked at the person in the painting calmly, and after a while, he said, I said I would wait.

It's really a kind of love. Bu Jiang sighed, When I was young, I always didn't like these things that would kill or live for love and love. I also felt that life can't be naive. Heaven is ruthless, and some things can't be forced after all.

However, Xu is getting old, and recently he feels that everything is not absolute. Since the hairpin star was able to reverse the destiny back then, many things have not yet come to an end, and no one can tell the end.

She smiled and looked at Gu Baiying: Life is very long, maybe there will be a second miracle.

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