
Chapter 357 Finale (2)

Gu Baiying went to the Udanlin Desert.

The desert is barren and uninhabited, and the bustling city oasis has long been turned into a mirage, disappearing into the traveler's dream.

The setting sun falls from the end of the desert, and the night wind blows from a distance.

The Wufan City that existed in the illusion has been smashed, and the desert is quiet and vast. The stars in the sky are like a bonfire that shrinks, hiding an invisible gorgeous skirt. The drums were loud, the singing was warm, and the skirts of some girls were painted in red and embroidered green, like a long gorgeous painting that was slowly unfolding.

A handkerchief flew from somewhere and landed in the sand. Half of the handkerchief was ruffled by the wind, like a folded silk flower.

He was here too, and received silk flowers one after another.

At that time, Hairpin Xing sat beside him, looked at the silk flower in front of him, and taught him not to be rude to others. At that time, under the misleading of Mendong, he misinterpreted the expression on her face, thinking that she was disappointed because she did not receive the flower, and went to the dance in anger to force her to dance with the hairpin star.

In fact, thinking about it now, at that time, he should have given her a flower.

Gu Baiying put his hands behind his head and lay down with his head up against the dunes behind him.

The Milky Way was facing him, silently twinkling in the vast night sky.

Whether it is real or mirage, the starry sky is always just as lively.

Like him, damselfly once had a sweet dream in such a desert. They once thought that the little girl was naive and could easily fall into the mirage's fantasy. Otherwise, as long as ordinary people think about it for a while, they will wonder how the father who has been missing for many years suddenly appeared in front of them.

But Gu Baiying now understands that when the hope that has been waiting for many years appears in front of him, no matter how awake people are, it is difficult for a sober person to have the courage to choose the cruelty of the truth.

It's better to fall into a beautiful dream.

On Gufeng Mountain, by the Changchun Pond, Pu Tuo of the Xiangling School asked him, She's gone, do you still have to wait?

Gu Baiying replied, I'm not afraid to wait.

He didn't lie. Back then, on Gufeng Mountain, he guarded the Biyi flower tree left by Fairy Qinghua for more than ten years, and was never in a hurry.

He's patient, he's good at waiting.

He was just afraid that this waiting was the end.

Gu Baiying also went to the treasure trove.

In the Snow Valley of the Treasure Place, the snow is still as deep as before. The heavy snow fell one after another, and the new snow covered the old snow.

The two names written side by side in the snow have long been blown away by the wind. Even though he squeezed the shelter from the wind and carefully guarded the two names, he would eventually be annihilated by the heavy snow.

As ever existed, a city in a snowy field.

He spent the night here, and the next day, wrote down his two names again, and turned away.

After that, Gu Baiying went to Yu Hungry Mountain.

Yu Hungry Mountain is now much more green and lush than it used to be.

After the spiritual energy gradually became abundant, the vegetation on the mountain also enriched. A few years ago, Xiaoshuang from the Mozu led his subordinates, carrying several large boxes of seeds, to fulfill the promise of the year - to plant flowers for Yu Hungry Mountain.

At the beginning, Hairpin Xing led the Demon Clan into the mountain. As soon as they entered the mountain, they encountered the Demon Slayer Army. The two sides fought and destroyed the flower forest in Yu Hungry Mountain, which made the two patriarchs of the Si Nu Clan and the Si Shi Clan feel distressed for a long time. In order to get the help of Si Youguo, Xiaoshuang apologized and promised to help them restore the destroyed flower forest in the future. After the flood, everything was as usual in Black Rock City. Xiaoshuang got Bujiang's permission, so he came to keep his promise and came to plant flowers.

In the past few years, the plants and trees that have been planted have begun to flourish, and the whole mountain forest is lively and lively. Mountain orchid, peony, hibiscus, begonia, different shades, vivid and vivid.

Those Buddha statues were damaged a lot. When the flood was at its worst, the flood came up, and many Buddha statues were washed away and drifted away. Afterwards, people recovered, and it was not the same as before, and they simply gave up.

Next to the large and small water pools, there are signs made of wood. This brand is made more conspicuous than it was in the past, and the pattern on it is no longer a pattern that no one else can guess. Instead, it was written in two words: Dangerous.

However, when the floods took away most of the essence of water and wood, now, there are few people who come to Yuhunshan Mountain who are so unlucky as they were then dragged into the water. Birds, beasts and leopards are still as numerous as ever, hovering around the mountains and forests, guarding against uninvited guests who destroy flowers and trees.

Qiongniang and Youlang are still the same, but in Si You Country, there are more vacant rooms. The two patriarchs were still slightly world-weary between their brows. A few years later, the people of Si Youguo passed away again. One day, this ethnic group will disappear from the land of the capital.

Qiongniang said slyly, It rained heavily last night, and another branch of the newly opened peony was broken.

The vicissitudes of life, the changes in the world, birth, old age, sickness and death are nothing but the normal state of life. For them, it is not as important as the blooming and falling of a flower.

Liuquan Temple is still the same. In front of the Five Wheel Pagoda, there are many kinds of honeysuckle.

A large number of honeysuckle flowers are like small rotating wheels, reflecting the golden sunset at the top of the pagoda.

After the Buddha Wheel of Two Lives was destroyed, the balance of Yu Hungry Mountain was broken. You don't need to balance to get into the mountains. But now, no cultivator would come here to try on purpose - a trial without a reward has always been uneconomical.

In the past, the two people who were tired of seeing the ethnic groups were forced to join hands to enter the mountains. I can't see it in the future.

In fact, Gu Baiying couldn't remember exactly what she said at that time, but she could still clearly remember the warmth of her hand when she held her hand.

Just as he still remembered that he was instigated by the crowd to deliver medicine to the hairpin star. The hairpin star looked at him with a lukewarm expression.

He was used to not being very delicate about his feelings, and he didn't understand the sudden alienation of Hairpin Xing. After a long time, someone said that he saw Hairpin Xing and Pu Tuo talking a few words in the forest that night in Siyou Kingdom.

Mendong suddenly realized: When you meet a rival in love, she is very jealous, Shishu, she is jealous!

Turns out she was jealous.

Gu Baiying raised her eyes and couldn't help but laugh.

When he was with her, most of the time, he was worrying about gains and losses, tossing and turning. On the contrary, after she left, in various ways, from the mouths of various people, glimpsed her secret intentions.

The setting sun is like a spinning wheel, very dazzling.

Perseverance is like a ghost, and in the end, he failed to leave behind the shadow of the past. Time murmurs away, following the torrent, leaving only memories for the rest.

The Buddha Wheel of Two Lives has become a legend. There is no such thing as a resurrection technique in the world. Even if there is, it will not work.

Guixiansheng can kill all sentient beings in the Three Realms and bury them in order to save their loved ones. And he can't, his beloved one sacrificed to protect the common people. In fact, if he could, he would rather be the pawn of Heaven.

She is ruthless to him, but gentle to the world.

The young man stood in front of the pagoda for a long time, until the sunset fell from the top of the pagoda and sank into the entire mountain. The moon rises from a distance, and the night is still and cold in the mountains.

He stepped on the cold dew on the mountain and left without looking back.

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