
Chapter 337 Gu Shizu (2)

The woman stood in the black wilderness, her robe and black hair were rolled up by the long wind, and the flying demon king Yuan Li emerged from her body like countless strands of silk mist, and it was so mighty and shocking.

What a powerful demon power. Rongshuang's face tightened.

After the death of Demon King Guidiaotang, the Demon Race declined, and it has not been a long time since I saw such pure power of Heavenly Demons. Everyone's impression of the hairpin star is still on Gufeng Mountain. She was dying when she was forced into the Ten Thousand Killing Formation, but in just two years, she has become an absolute powerhouse in another way. By.

Gui Yansheng fell against the gray cliff. He tried to get up, but the talented Wan Gui Devouring Heart had exhausted all his strength, and the snow-white oil-paper umbrella fell not far from him. There are no dense figures on it, and the umbrella surface is stained with blood, like blooming flowers.

There was no intact skin on his face, only those golden pupils were as bright as ever, staring at the hairpin star, slowly and laboriously said, Why can you manipulate Xiaoyuanzhu?

Fusion of Xiaoyuanzhu does not mean that Xiaoyuanzhu can be manipulated. Two years ago, he had used many methods to steal the beads from the hairpin star, but this magic bead was very cunning, so in the end, he dedicated himself to Xiao Yuanzhu and became one with Xiao Yuanzhu.

Hairpin said: I never thought of manipulating it.

Before being beaten into the abyss of extreme ice, she was lucky enough to get this bead and became a variable in the way of heaven. After that, she was tried to obliterate it by the way of heaven all the way, and she was deeply shackled by destiny.

But in the desperate situation where Xiao Yuanzhu was taken away by Gui Yansheng and broke into the abyss of extreme ice, the moment Xiao Yuanzhu left the hairpin star, all the red marks on the palm disappeared.

At that time, Hairpin Xing suddenly realized that, to her, Xiao Yuanzhu was not a spiritual treasure, but a trap of Heaven.

It's really not easy to control, so I gave up trying to control it. As you said, it was transformed by an ancient magic stone, and it has intelligence in itself. The so-called mastery of the power of the Three Realms was originally a trap. If you want to use it It becomes stronger, and once it actively satisfies its bloodthirsty desire, it will go out of control.

I haven't killed anyone since I got this bead. It couldn't handle me, and of course, I couldn't handle it completely, so I gave it up.

According to the Peerless Heart Sutra, if you want to practice this Heart Sutra, you must abolish your whole body and start from scratch. In the end, it is nothing more than the word shelf.

To the end of the cultivator's practice, he wants more and more, more advanced exercises, more precious spiritual tools, rarer medicinal pills, and more advanced self. The desires are never-ending, and immortal cultivators should continue to explore the avenue. , but sometimes, breaking up and giving up is the true way to see the Dao.

Hearing this, Gui Yansheng laughed slowly, and he said, You want to say, you just defeated me, didn't borrow the power of Xiao Yuanzhu, just rely on your own demon power?


His smile suddenly froze, there was a hint of unwillingness in his eyes, and his voice was cold: In the end, your blood of a demon is more noble than my half-demon.

Hairpin Xing said nothing, walked to Gui Yansheng's side, stretched out a hand towards Gui Yansheng, and a black light and shadow gradually emerged from Gui Yansheng's body.

This light and shadow is thick, like a winding snake, gradually drilled out of the ghost's heart, with countless whistling cold air.

The other half of Xiao Yuanzhu. Mu Chengxiao's eyes narrowed.

The hairpin star frowned slightly.

The half-owl Yuanzhu of Gui Xingsheng is very different from the half-owl Yuanzhu in the hairpin star. I don't know if it's because it devoured too many living souls, but there is a strong evil spirit in this half-owl Yuanzhu. As soon as the fingertips touched it, there was a burning sensation.

Hairpin Star was about to put away the half of the beads, when suddenly, there was a sense of longing in his body, and the cluster of black mist seemed to have life, swoosh into the hairpin star's heart.

Hairpin star! Gu Baiying's eyes narrowed.

For a moment, the hairpin star felt a strange feeling.

After she came out of the Demon Yuan Pond, she could not find any trace of the original half of the bead, but she could always feel the breath of Xiao Yuanzhu, and now, the black mist penetrated into her body, that The breath scattered on the limbs and bones gradually began to grow from the body, as if there were pulses and warm currents wrapping her whole body, and it was as if her whole person had turned into a scorpion pearl, turned into a cold black stone. .

But no killing intent.

Hairpin Star! Bu Jiang looked at him worriedly, everyone in the Xiuxian world looked nervous, and each clenched the magic weapon in their hands. Xiao Yuanzhu is a treasure in the devil world, but it also has the ability to deceive people. That's why the devil king went so crazy back then. Now that the two halves of the beads are combined into one and merged into the hairpin star, who knows if the hairpin star will become the second ghost carving tang?

Gui Yansheng laughed slowly, and he said, It's useless. This bead has already been fed with a lot of human blood by me. Once it enters your body, it will become like me sooner or later.

Hairpin Xing didn't speak, she only felt that her body suddenly glowed with infinite vitality. In a trance, she seemed to see a rolling torrent in front of her eyes, the sky and the earth were chaotic and foggy, a huge chessboard fell on the top of a distant mountain, black and white chess pieces were intertwined, and her face was blurred. The crowd of people stood in front of the chessboard and slowly bowed towards the sky—

The scene in the spiritual platform was suddenly interrupted, and she suddenly raised her eyes.

Junior sister? Tian Fangfang asked.

At this moment, in the pitch-black wilderness, a strange man's voice suddenly came. This voice seemed to have been in a deep sleep for a long time, but it still had the laziness in sleep, and it seemed to contain a little smile, and it was very amiable.

Why is it so lively? Is there anyone else here in this place where birds don't lay eggs?

The hairpin star was startled, the voice was so familiar

In front of the huge deep pit, near the lavender Changxiao obliquely inserted in the soil, a layer of snow-white clouds gradually floated up. From the cloud and mist, a figure slowly walked out.

Gu Hairpin Xing said in surprise, Master Gu?

This is a young man, dressed in a long spring robe, with long hair tied up with a headband. Looking more and more brilliant. He gave birth to a very handsome face, his eyes were clear and bright, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was too ostentatious, but standing here, he was not surprised, calm and graceful, as if he was exiled from the world.

Hairpin Xing briefly met Gu Caiyu when he was in the middle of Li'er Kingdom's paintings. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, he knew that this person must be first-class and charming, otherwise he would not teach anyone with a very high vision. Fairy Qinghua was eagerly waiting.

Seeing it with my own eyes, as expected, he was born beautiful and upright, but his smile was somewhat playful and innocent.

Gu Caiyu looked at the hairpin star, and the corner of her mouth curled up: This beautiful fairy, do you know me?

Hairpin Xing coughed lightly and looked at Gu Baiying.

The son is still in front of him. He speaks so arrogantly. Is this inappropriate?

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