
Chapter 336 Gu Shizu (1)

Hairpin stared at him in horror: Are you crazy?

Dedicate yourself to Xiao Yuanzhu and let Xiao Yuanzhu refine herself, just like the craftsman Chai Sang in the treasure. He sacrificed his soul to the long sword and became a slave to the worry-free sword, unable to free himself until death.

Dedicate yourself to Xiao Yuanzhu, and one day, Gui Yansheng will be swallowed by Xiao Yuanzhu.

This is not about hurting the enemy 10,000 and losing 3,000. This is life-for-life.

Yes, Gui Yansheng laughed, I was a lunatic.

He has no attachments or people in this world. Although he was trying to find Xiao Yuanzhu to destroy Black Rock City back then, he still had the slightest desire to find Xiaochun. But now the Buddha Wheel of Two Lives has been destroyed, and the dead will not be returned. He has no obsessions, and all his thoughts are despairing. The only thing he wants to do is to drag the world to death.

This is his only wish, justice and liberation.

They are all going to die, so why bother? Gui Yansheng said in a gentle tone, Isn't it good for the destruction of the Three Realms? To die in this flood is their destined destiny.

Gu Baiying said coldly: If you want to die, you will die by yourself, don't pull anyone else. As soon as he finished speaking, the giant black shadow beside Gui Yansheng became more solid, and rushed towards the hairpin star.

The air flow set off by Yuan Li rolled up a vortex in the air, and a strong energy came from the top of the head.

Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying stabbed the spiritual tool out of their hands.

The cyan stick glow and the silver spear tip were like a wandering dragon, firmly grasping the huge palm that was pressing towards him. In the firm palm, countless strange and painful faces suddenly appeared, and Hairpin Xing even saw the figure of Ziluo.

She was shocked, and the power of the magic essence in the giant palm suddenly became heavy, pressing her down a bit. In the black wilderness, a crack appeared in the earth, and everyone who fought with the remnant soul in front of the giant pit was shocked.

Xingpinxing! Bujiang exclaimed in surprise.

Gu Baiying's expression froze, the silver spear smashed everything with the mighty gun wind, and the solid black mist was smashed by the long spear and flew away in the air. The boy's posture is straight, countless silver-white snows are flying in front of him, and the long spear surrounded by red ying is unstoppable.

A stream of blood slowly overflowed from Gui Yansheng's lips. He wiped it off with his fingers indifferently, and said with a sneer, It's just that.

On his face, there were large scars on his body again. The scars were even deeper than before. Countless blood came out of his body, almost staining his entire body red.

The black mist that was scattered quickly solidified again.

Gui Yansheng looked at Gu Baiying and said with a faint smile: You have a deep love for her, what's the point of protecting her at all times? He suddenly approached with a deep mocking tone, Don't forget , she is a demon, you are a human.

So what? Gu Baiying said blankly, She is a human being or a demon, it doesn't make any difference to me.

These words seemed to irritate the ghost, and the light in his golden eyes suddenly became heavy, and his expression became extremely cold: It's ridiculous! Since you like her so much, then I will give her a ride and let you watch helplessly. She died before your eyes!

The giant black shadow suddenly rose a lot, and the whistling shadows rushed out of Guiyansheng's body continuously, as if his body had become a container for remnant souls. Those long black mists, like surging rivers, became oceans, obscuring everything in front of them, and splitting towards the hairpin stars.


The surrounding rocks were flying, and the long stick suddenly emitted a dazzling light. The cyan begonia on the star's forehead suddenly bloomed, and the brilliance was breathtaking. The silver spear and the cyan long stick were together. Little by little, he was pushed forward.

The remnant souls on the battlefield went crazy in an instant. The snow-white paper umbrella opened and closed, like a greedy mouth, and began to harvest the living souls around.

The surroundings suddenly darkened.

Gui Yansheng laughed loudly, and his voice contained a faint and strange voice: Yang Zhuangxing, do you know why you have owned Xiaoyuanzhu for so long, but you can't refine it? You know why you have refined it now, but you still can't use it. full power?

Hairpin Xing held sticks in both hands, his whole body was tense, and he didn't dare to slack off.

Because the Xiaoyuanzhu was originally transformed by an ancient magic stone, and it was originally an evil bead. It wants to eat people, and it wants to feed on the blood and soul of living people. If you don't give it anything, how can it be for you? What? His voice sounded like a gu-man's evil, You want to be a savior who saves the common people, you have to pretend to be a good person, but you don't even dare to kill people, you are destined to be a mermaid and die by me. in hand!

A blood mist burst out all over his body, and the whole person was like being burned by a fire, and the pus and blood crawled out of the body continuously along the black mist.


A slight cracking sound came from his ear, and there was a crack in the bone gun in Gu Baiying's hand.

Not good! The real Shaoyang on the other end moved his eyes, turning around to chase after the remnant soul in front of him.

There was a roar in the sky.

In the black mist, there were countless piercing screams, as if the most painful things in the world were encountered by the owner of the screams. The shape of a sharp knife cuts through the sky, cuts through the long river, cuts through all love and hate in the red dust, and cuts towards the hairpin star.

Mimi let out a neigh, the lion's roar split the stone through the clouds, but stopped abruptly when she encountered the black fog. The crack on Gu Baiying's embroidered bone got deeper and deeper, and was suddenly thrown away. Hairpin Xing felt countless harsh voices enter his mind, and the blossoming waterfall in front of Wuyouzhu was shattered by the whistling sound.

Just when she felt that she was about to be torn apart by the whistling sound, a red pulse of warmth suddenly flowed through her spiritual roots, stagnating the violent black mist for a few minutes.

Junior Sister Hairpin Star! Tian Fangfang shouted anxiously, seeing that the long black fog enveloped the hairpin star, and could no longer see it.

Hairpin star. Bujiang's heart sank.

Hairpin Star! Gu Baiying clenched the spear tightly, and was about to rush into the black mist.

At this moment, a huge burst of light suddenly erupted in place.

This light was like countless cyan arrows, shooting through the dark color in front of him, the black mist faded like a tide, and the cyan long stick in the sky, condensed into a huge long stick phantom, and hit the black long knife.

Knives and sticks collide--

Countless vast Yuan forces surged around like a mountain torrent and tsunami, and the long knives were scattered and shattered into black powder. The golden-eyed boy suddenly flew out and hit the gray cliff in the distance.

The woman is holding a long stick, and the cyan begonia radiates on her forehead.

Standing in the dissipating gray fog, she looked coldly at the ghost and said softly, Who said it must be fed by the blood and soul of living people?

The ghost gritted his teeth: you

Hairpin Xing raised his eyebrows slightly: You must have never read Peerless Heart Sutra.

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