
Chapter 334 Sacrifice (1)

The black water flow became much softer.

At the end of the wilderness in the distance, the thick and long fog slowly dissipated, gradually revealing the shadow of a cliff.

This cliff is from top to bottom, as if the entire mountain range was violently cut off by a blade, and it was inserted obliquely on the ground. He looked up and saw no end, submerged in the clouds and mist of the dome.

What is this? Mu Chengxiao took a step forward and his eyes fell on the cliff.

On the gray-black cliff wall, there are huge cracks in all directions, which seem to be traces of spiritual tools left on it. The crack is very deep, and upon closer inspection, it almost sank into the cliff for several inches. There is still a trace of very faint Yuan force left on the crack, and as soon as you get close, you can feel the embers of the remaining Yuan force pounce.

Mu layerxiao clenched the God-destroying sword in his hand and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Who is this who stayed here? Fu Ronghua was a little surprised, To leave such traces, with such deep Yuan strength, it is difficult for a master in the cultivation world to achieve such a level. This is the sword mark, this is the halberd?

The deep scar on the cliff, look, it is the trace left by the halberd.

There was a fierce battle here, but the person who left the traces of the battle on the cliff is no longer there.

Hairpin star stood on the spot, for some unknown reason, she suddenly felt that the power of the demons in her body changed a little, as if something was calling her, and the crabapple flowers on her forehead began to bloom faintly.

Gu Baiying noticed her change, looked sideways at her, and asked, What's wrong?

I don't know, Xing Xing shook his head: The power of the devil seems to have found something.

Mimi at his feet seemed to be a little anxious. Since the black dragon fish, Mimi has not turned into a lion. It screamed twice in the distance, and suddenly ran forward.

Follow it. Xing Xing's eyes narrowed.

The agile figure of the white cat is like a light feather in the black wilderness. After I don't know how long, Mimi stopped.

This is. Everyone looked at them, and their expressions became solemn.

In front of him is a huge deep pit, as if someone's majestic Yuan force was smashed from the top of the head, and a huge pit was smashed on the ground. At the top of the giant pit, there are several broken instruments.

One is a purple jade flute, the other is a cyan long sword, and in the middle is a blood-red halberd that has been folded into two. The halberd was extremely high, and the power of the magic essence remained on it. As soon as the hairpin approached, I immediately felt the blood of the demons in my body boil slightly.

She was stunned for a moment, and before she could regain her senses, she heard Fu Ronghua shout from the other end: Isn't this Fairy Qinghua's Suihua sword?

Fairy Qinghua killed the Demon King Guidiaotang with one sword in the Ruins of Kinmen, and brought out the body of Guidiaotang, but did not bring back the Suihua sword she was wearing. It turned out to be because of the beautiful Suihua sword. , has been so broken that even the sword spirit dissipated.

Everyone looked at the huge blood-red halberd, and Fu Ronghua murmured, Could it be?

Dream Soul Halberd. Bu Jiang, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly spoke, she walked to the halberd that was broken in two, reached out and gently stroked the spear head, her eyes seemed to have a distant meaning, This is the magic king method. Weapon, Dream Soul Halberd.

The hairpin star was startled.

Bujiang turned his head, looked at Hairpin Xing, and smiled lightly: Hairpinxing, this is your father's magic weapon.

Demon King Guidiaotang has been dead for many years.

The longer time passed, the appearance of the Demon King in those days has gradually blurred in everyone's mind.

But now, this huge bloody halberd has reappeared, instantly arousing everyone's impression of the Demon King. That handsome, cold-blooded, gentle and cruel man once held a huge Dream Soul Halberd and brought nightmares one after another to the Duzhou mainland.

This is the place where Qinghua and the Demon King fought. Real Shaoyang lowered his eyes, The place where Qinghua killed the Demon King.

Back then, everyone was unable to enter the Ruins of Kinmen, and they had no way of knowing how fierce the fierce battle was in the Ruins of Kinmen, but now, in the scars left on the cliff, in front of the deep pit smashed by the huge Yuan force, in this place. Next to the broken and shattered magical instrument, there was a glimpse of the shadow of the war that year.

The hairpin was silent.

She had never seen the Demon King Gui Diaotang, and could only know what kind of person Gui Diaotang was from the words of others. But the words of others were not as strong as the feeling of standing in front of the halberd in person at this moment.

The power of the Demon King remains on the Dream Soul Halberd, which resonates with her Demon King's blood.

Fu Ronghua coughed lightly: That's all in the past. The past is over, and we don't have to keep looking at the past. He glanced at Bujiang, for fear that this place would arouse Bujiang's hatred of the sect, and temporarily took it with him. The demons turned against the water, and his tone was extraordinarily friendly. He said: The demon king went astray, and Fairy Qinghua took action to save the common people. Now the common people are in trouble again, this time, we humans and demons should share the enemy and work together. Way out. Isn't that right, Her Royal Highness?

Bujiang laughed sarcastically, ignoring his words.

At the other end, Mimi surrounded the huge deep pit, tentatively stretched out her claws and scratched, as if a little excited, she looked back at the hairpin and called out a few times.

Gu Baiying was startled: Is there something inside?

Everyone paused and cautiously approached the giant pit. As soon as they approached, they felt a strong energy emanating from it.

Sure enough, there is something. Tian Fangfang was a little surprised: What is this? It looks like... like He racked his brains, but couldn't come up with a suitable explanation for a while.

It's like a seed. Meng Ying said.

In the depths of the giant pit, there was a group of black round particles lying quietly. This round grain looks like a huge seed, which has not yet germinated, lying silently in the deep pit.

This kind of seed Hairpin Xing jumped in her heart, from the black seed, she felt the same breath as Xiao Yuanzhu, not an illusion.

This kind of thing is a little weird. Lingxin Taoist frowned and said: Do you want to test it first? There is nothing here except the cliff, and there is no shadow of Emperor Taiqi. I think the road to the fairyland is very likely to be Hidden in this kind of seed. After saying this, he did not hesitate to hold the pestle to dig into it.

Daoist Lingxin is naturally impulsive, and Hairpin Xing has not had time to call him. Suddenly, a strong wind suddenly came from behind, with murderous intent, she was shocked, only to hear Gu Baiying shouting Be careful from the side, and when she turned to avoid, there was a bang, Gu Baiying's bone-embroidered spear collided with the long sword stabbed from behind.

The guns and swords collided, and the Yuan force they brought up overturned the people around them.

Pu Tuo looked at the woman holding the sword in disbelief, and said in surprise, Senior sister?

She's not your senior sister. Hairpin Xing turned back and looked at the smiling strange woman in front of her, her expression turned cold, and she said word by word, Really? Ghosts hate life.

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