
Chapter 333 The Ruins of Kinmen (2)

It became pitch black all around.

This darkness is like the chaos that Hongmeng has not opened since the beginning of the world. There is no sound around, only a deep silence. People are in it, as if they have been thrown into a quiet place that no one has been to for thousands of years, leaving only a dead color.

After an unknown amount of time, the hand that seemed to be blinded in front of him slowly moved away, and the surroundings lit up little by little.

The strong thrust pushed the person forward, and the hairpin was almost thrown out. She pulled out the Wuyou stick to stabilize her body, and just stood still. Mimi looked forward and called out twice.

In front of you is a wasteland.

The voices of people gradually came from behind, and the rest of the people also appeared on this land.

After standing still, a sect disciple couldn't help but scolded: What is this place? I knew that the demons were not at ease!

Before Bujiang could speak, Hairpin Xing spoke first. She said, Aren't you going to enter the Ruins of Kinmen? This is the Ruins of Kinmen.

The man was stunned, but did not speak for a while.

This is a barren land, with only sticky black mud underfoot, not a single grass, not a single flower, not to mention living things. The place they came from was a black river, like the Styx River. The black dragon fish was on the bank of the river, and most of its body was submerged in the water, only the dark fish ridges were exposed.

Fu Ronghua took two steps forward: This is the Ruins of Kinmen? He looked at Bujiang with a puzzled expression, Why is the Ruins of Kinmen at the bottom of the Ming River?

The group of them were led by the black dragon fish into the vortex of the Ming River, and they appeared again, but it seemed to be in another place. There are only black wilderness and big rivers, whether they are underwater or on the shore.

Bu Jiang took two steps forward, and smiled Ruoyouruo, with a hint of irony in his eyes: Who said that the fairyland must be in the sky? People and gods are not disturbed, and each has its own order, which is called the Jedi Heaven. The bottom of the Styx River is the great river that communicates with the heavens.

The fairy world is in the sky, but to reach the fairy world, you have to pass through the underground of the devil world first. It is no wonder that after so many years, no one has ever known the whereabouts of the Jinmen Ruins except for the original ghost carving Tang and Qinghua fairy.

Mendong looked forward, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he pointed into the distance: What is that?

The black wilderness is endless, only a long river divides the earth in two from the middle, but in the flowing river, there is a gate standing quietly.

This is a vermilion arch, standing on the field and in the middle of the river. After everyone took two steps forward, they saw the gate above their heads. The head of a majestic dragon was engraved on the top of the arch. The dragon was lifelike. He stared fiercely at the people in front of him.

Hairpin Xing murmured: Dragon Gate.

Tian Fangfang was puzzled: Junior sister, what is Dragon Gate?

Hairpin turned back and looked at the black arowana lurking on the bank of the river. After swimming here, the black arowana refused to go any further.

It is said that a carp can transform into a dragon by jumping over the Dragon Gate. Gu Baiying said, This should be the Dragon Transformation Gate.

Dragon Gate? Nie Xinghong heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she happily walked towards the arch, Then let's hurry over, as long as we walk through this gate, maybe we can become immortals

Before the word la was uttered, Nie Xinghong was sent out by a huge thrust and flew out, only to get up after a long time.

This Rong Shuang looked at Bujiang coldly.

Bujiang smiled slightly: If you want the ruins of Jinmen, you have to open the door first.

Everyone looked at her, and Taoist Lingxin couldn't help but say: What are you doing, Black Rock City is not keeping his word, and he wants to break the contract when it comes to the end? He Fu looked at Daoist Shaoyang again and threatened: Shaoyang, are you going to go back on your word?

Bu Jiang chuckled lightly: Look at the ninety-nine pages of supplies, this hall will forgive you for your rudeness today. The real person, she also looked at the real person of Shaoyang, Didn't you tell them?

Shaoyang Daoist was like an air bag caught in the middle. After a pause, he said calmly, To open the Golden Gate Ruins, in addition to the key, you need to balance the energy of the heavens and the demons. I need your help.

Everyone in the Immortal Cultivation World was taken aback, this requirement had never been mentioned before. Those disciples had a short cultivation time, and naturally they did not have enough Heavenly Rank Yuan Power, except for those with outstanding spiritual roots like Gu Baiying. These old guys do have it, but before the Golden Gate, you have to pay some money here.

Bujiang chuckled softly: This hall and the hairpin star have the power of demons, but if you don't help each other, even if you stand here for a few days and nights, the Jinmen Ruins will not be able to open. When doing business, you can't just think about it. Go ahead, don't give up.

Rong Shuang gave Shaoyang Zhenren a stern look, and sarcastically said, So that's the case. The real person is doing everything for Black Rock City. If you don't know, he thought you were from the Demon Race.

It was only when they arrived at this place that they said that they needed the fusion of Tianjie Yuanli and Tianmo Yuanli to open the Ruins of Jinmen. The 99 pages of materials that Black Rock City opened to the lion in the Xiuxian Realm at first were clearly negotiable. The real Shaoyang knew all this but didn't tell everyone, and it was clear that he was biased.

Mendong clicked his tongue twice and whispered: Our head is really infatuated.

Gu Baiying warned him: Shut up.

Bu Jiang raised his eyebrows and waited for everyone's actions. After a while, Fu Ronghua stood up first, and he smiled kindly: Forget it, if the spiritual veins can't be recovered, it's useless to keep this energy. The floods in the state are still flooding, and now the ruins of Kinmen are the only way out, and there is nothing to hesitate. He walked to Shaoyang Zhenren, I'll help you.

Where's the two of you? Bujiang looked at Rong Shuang and Daoist Lingxin with a smile.

The faces of these two people are already very ugly, but they have been tossing for so long now, and the materials have been sent out, and it is not worthwhile to withdraw when the end is over.

Fu Ronghua is still persuading: Everyone has come.

You'd better not play tricks. Daoist Lingxin stood beside Fu Ronghua with Rong Shuang with a livid face.

Bu Jiang seemed to have known their decision for a long time, smiled slightly, and a silver key gradually floated from her palm.

The key also seemed to change, and slowly, it turned into a square silver medal. Her hands were facing each other, and the power of the demons overflowed from her fingertips, wrapping the silver medal and floating towards the red arch in front of her.


In the void, there was a sudden loud noise, as if an invisible door was slowly opening.

A majestic force of heaven and earth suddenly poured out from the arch and rushed towards the crowd.

Right now! Bu Jiang said.

Several celestial powers and celestial powers rose from all sides, forming a huge phantom in the air, as if a blue-green dragon rose up from the water waves, rushing towards the end of the dragon gate with its fangs and claws.


The vermilion arch shook, then disappeared.

The Ruins of Kinmen opened.

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