
Chapter 326 The legend of a thousand years ago (1)

Hongsu's understanding of Reiki is always vague. He only knows that it is a good thing. With Reiki, Spirit Grass and Spirit Beasts can grow, and when cultivators practice, they will get twice the result with half the effort. Now that the aura of the Taiyan faction is declining, it is naturally not good news. However, Hongsu didn't care about those. She heard that Hairpin Xing didn't die and became the daughter of the devil. Although she couldn't figure out what was going on, as long as Hairpin was alive, Hongsu would be very happy.

I don't know when I can see the eldest again, she sat in the courtyard and sighed.

Hongsu didn't go down the mountain, so naturally he didn't know the tragic situation in the world today. Her little worry is not worth mentioning in the eyes of other people in the sect.

At this moment, many people are sitting in the Jinhua Hall of the Taiyan faction.

All the people in charge of the major sects are here, and they are discussing the recent floods in Duzhou.

Everyone, everyone gathered here today to solve the flood disaster in various places. It was Fu Ronghua, the head of Yinfeng Sect, who spoke. He is used to being exquisite, and he is on good terms with the major sects on the surface, and no one can offend him. At this time, it is best for him to take the lead. He said: Recently, the rain has been incessant, and the floods have been flooding. I think all factions have been deeply troubled by water. Now we can only work together and seek a perfect solution to overcome the immediate crisis.

The flood affected not only ordinary people, but also sect monks. After enjoying the prestige of the sect among the people, such as natural and man-made disasters, the major sects will naturally send their disciples down the mountain to help. However, the floods were endless, this end just got better, and the other end broke the dam. The people were forced to run up the mountain, and the land outside the sect gradually became a vast ocean. If it goes on like this, the sect monks will not be able to escape this disaster.

It's not just the flood. Aunt Rong Shuang of the Xiangling faction said with a cold face, Isn't there something wrong with the spiritual veins of your faction?

Fu Ronghua froze. This is also a fact. Originally, there was a spirit stone mine in their sect, and it was only by virtue of this mine that Yinfeng Sect could rise rapidly in the world of immortals. In recent years, especially the past two years, the spiritual veins have been depleted so much that no more spiritual stones can be dug out of the mine. The sect has started to advocate frugality from top to bottom, and even the head of the sect can only wear old clothes from previous years.

Rong Shuang said lightly: You don't have to hide it. It's not just the Yinfeng Sect that wants to come to the depletion of spiritual veins. It is a coincidence that the disciples of the sect have been difficult to cultivate and break through over the years. Everyone here knows clearly. Second, when the spiritual veins are completely exhausted, the sect will fall, but sooner or later.

Daoist Lingxin snorted coldly: Sect Master Rong Shuang, if you have something to say, you might as well speak directly.

There has never been such a flood in Duzhou for hundreds of years. I don't know when the flood will be resolved, but the speed of depletion of spiritual veins is accelerating. If the rain does not stop, after half a year, I am afraid that Duzhou will not be the Duzhou in front of me. already.

She wasn't alarmist, and everyone in the audience knew it.

Zhao Mayi stroked his beard and said with a smile, What does the head of Rongshuang mean?

I wonder if you still remember that legend a thousand years ago.

The real Shaoyang, who had been sitting silently on the high seat, raised his eyes slightly, and his expression finally changed a little.

Fu Ronghua looked at the woman in yellow in confusion: You mean, the legend of the flood in Duzhou a thousand years ago?

It is unknown how long the capital city mainland has existed. Everyone said that Saint Yushan, who ascended three hundred years ago, was the first cultivator to ascend to immortality in Duzhou, but it was not entirely true.

Long before the saints of Yushan, there were also monks who ascended to immortals, but the relevant books cannot be found everywhere, just because a thousand years ago, an unprecedented prehistoric flood occurred in the capital.

The floods lasted for several years and did not subside. It is said that at the worst, an entire mountain range can be submerged in water overnight. The entire capital city became a vast ocean, without a piece of land. Whether human or demon, no one escaped.

Legend has it that until a monk appeared, he tried every means to find the entrance connecting the human world and the fairy world, and played a game of chess with the gods as a mortal.

He won that game of chess.

The gods gave the monks the method of controlling water as a prize in the chess game. The monks relieved the flood by using the method of water control given by the gods.

The flood in the capital city gradually receded, and the original cultivator also achieved perfect merit and ascended to immortality. However, after the flood, almost all the immortal sects were destroyed, and the few words that recorded history were submerged by the surging waves. There are only legends left by word of mouth, I don't know if it's true or not.

You mean to say that the floods today are similar to the floods of a thousand years ago? We want to go to the immortal world to seek relief from the immortal world like the cultivator back then? Fu Ronghua shook his head, Sect Master Rong Shuang, stop joking, That's just a legend!

That's not just a legend. Rong Shuang said softly: The place where the fairy world and the human world meet in the legend is the Ruins of Kinmen. She looked at the real Shaoyang, Don't the real people know?

The real Shaoyang was silent.

The people present were also surprised. That legend is really absurd, and the cultivators only regarded it as a legend. How could they have heard this remark, and for a while, their eyes turned to the real person of Shaoyang.

The Ruins of Kinmen? Spiritual Taoist frowned, Isn't that the place where Qinghua killed the Demon King? Shaoyang, he said sharply, Do you know about this?

In the first battle, I didn't reach the ruins of Kinmen. Shaoyang Zhenren narrowed his eyes.

But you know how to open the Jinmen Ruins, don't you? Rong Shuang was aggressive.

When Fairy Qinghua killed the Demon King in the Ruins of Kinmen, and then sealed the Ruins of Kinmen, from the beginning to the end, no one saw the true appearance of the Ruins of Kinmen. It was not until after the Demon King's death that the Demon King's Yuan Li dissipated and Fairy Qinghua appeared with the Demon King's corpse, and everyone believed the fact that the Demon King had died.

But how Fairy Qinghua killed the Demon King, no one else can know, and the truth is known only by the real Shaoyang, who is a fellow apprentice.

Now the flood is ravaging the world, the world is full of oceans, and the spiritual veins of the major sects are drying up, and it is difficult for him to protect himself. Rong Shuang looked at the real person of Shaoyang coldly, his tone was cold and frosty: The chess of Emperor Taitai is in Kinmen. In the Ruins of Jinmen, if you find a chess game and obtain immortal magic, perhaps the capital city still has a chance to survive. Right now, each faction will be prosperous and the other will suffer. At this time, the real person still refuses to tell us how to enter the Ruins of Jinmen?

The eyes of all the people in the hall fell on the real person of Shaoyang.

The white-haired man sat quietly, his eyes lowered, wondering what he was thinking.

After a long time, he calmly said: It's not that I don't tell you. It's that even I can't enter the ruins of Jinmen.

Lingxin Taoist frowned: Why?

Only the demons have the key to open the Golden Gate Market, he said.

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