
Chapter 325 Feeding the Fish (2)

Hairpin Xing turned back, and saw in the night, a boy in white came with a gun.

In the drizzle, he did not lose his posture, just sat down beside the hairpin star and looked at her suspiciously: What happened?

It's nothing. Hairpin Xing was helpless, I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk. There is no other place to go to Black Rock City. I thought that when I went to Yu'e Mountain earlier, I owed Dragon Fish a handful of food. Come here to pay the debt. She propped up her umbrella against Gu Baiying, Why did you come out?

He looked at the hairpin star for a while, as if to distinguish the truth of the hairpin star's words, and after a while, he said: The hairpin that I gave you earlier had my soul on it, but the soul was destroyed in the ten thousand killing array, but there is still a trace of it with you. The energy in the body is integrated into one. I feel a little bit about your business. I saw you leave Black Rock City, and I thought something happened.

It turns out that it is. Hairpin Xing was a little surprised.

Why don't you need to avoid the rain? Gu Baiying moved the umbrella to the end of the hairpin, What can this umbrella cover? As early as Gu Fengshan, he noticed it, and the hairpin doesn't seem to like the use of lighting talismans. Most of the time, she is cold to add fire and warm to add clothes, as if she is more willing to experience the perception of ordinary mortals.

I'm used to being an ordinary person. Do you want to feed it? Hairpin Xing disapproved, and took out a handful of magic pills from his arms and threw it at the dragon fish. This time the dragon fish didn't dive into the water. It tilted its head up and swallowed the magic pill in one gulp.

Gu Baiying was speechless for a moment: Is this a fish?

More than that, it's a carp, or a carp that leaped over the Dragon Gate. Hairpin Xing thought for a while, Speaking of which, there is a custom on our side. If you make a wish on the carp, your wishes will come true.

Make a wish? Gu Baiying paused, as if remembering something, and glanced at the hairpin star: I remember that there was a pool in your Chaos Hall. They said that you dug it for your favorite concubine. They said that it was to place the magic bones. In the water, if you make a wish on the demon bone, your wish will come true. He snorted, his tone particularly dissatisfied, You are so considerate.

Hairpin Xing was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered the matter of Shuijun in the temple. She didn't know how much nonsense the lantern blower had told Gu Baiying at that time, so she had to explain seriously: I didn't dig the pond, he dug it himself, and I won't know until I dug it up. I thought it would be troublesome to fill it up again. , let them put them there, anyway, the hall is quite empty.

You also paid special attention to that sick seedling, and looked around for spirit herbs and medicines to nourish his body. He looked like a teacher asking for sin.

Hairpin Xing: Coughing up blood in my hall all day long, you will find medicine for him, otherwise, your conscience will be hard, and it will be very embarrassing.

Gu Baiying sneered, her face still worried.

Hairpin Xing said: Don't worry about it, I threw a lot of magic beads into the wishing pond dug by Suijun, and I make wishes by the pond every day.

Wish what?

Hairpin stared at him: I wish you all the best.

He was startled and didn't speak for a while.

I just thought, Hongsu is an ordinary person, even for the sake of Zongmen's face, the Taiyan faction will keep her, and the people of Chihuamen will not hold an ordinary little girl to care about it. But you are different, Those people should be very happy to see the fall of the favored son of heaven. I was thinking, if you let me escape, I don’t know what kind of punishment I will face. Wait for me. She babbled, earnestly, as if she wanted to show him her thoughts without reservation, I will make a wish that I can meet you again soon.

The young man lowered his eyes, and after a while, he said, What an idiot.


What can I do? I'm also a disciple of the sect master, and he will naturally protect me, his voice was exceptionally clear in the cold and rainy night, and he said indifferently, Besides, even if he doesn't protect me, I will repair it. For being so high, they can't do anything to me. Worry more about yourself in the future.

The rain fell on the paper umbrella, dripped down the eaves of the umbrella, and rolled into the soil under him little by little.

Hairpin Xing sighed, turned around suddenly, and hugged him tightly.

Gu Baiying was stunned for a moment, confused by her sudden movement, and after a moment of helplessness, he lowered his head slightly, looked at the person who was hugging his waist, buried his head in his arms and asked, What's wrong?

It's nothing. Hairpin Xing buried her face deeper, Gu Baiying loves clean, and her clothes are always clean and soft. She burrowed into Gu Baiying's arms and whispered, It's just a little cold.

The young man's face turned slightly red, he hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around the shoulders of the person in his arms, and hugged her tighter. Clusters of warmth passed over, his chin was against the head of the hairpin star, and a calm voice came from above his head: Well, it rains every day in Black Rock City, it's a little cold.

Hairpin: Then let me hold it for a while longer.

He raised his eyebrows suspiciously: Yang Xingxing, are you taking advantage of me on purpose?


.You're really honest.

The rain in Blackrock City has been falling for a long time.

At first it was just a drizzle, then it turned into a drizzle, and then later, it became a downpour. The waves of the Styx River seem to be several times larger than in the past, and the dykes of Black Rock City are not high enough.

It wasn't just Blackrock City that it rained, but other places in the capital as well.

The rain curtain seemed to have no end, as if someone had stabbed a hole in the sky, and the water leaked from the sky, rushing to the world, overwhelming the sky and covering all the land.

There were floods everywhere.

As if overnight, Jiang Yang rushed from all directions. All the way rampage destroyed farmland and houses, vast and monstrous.

In the Lixiu River in Pingyang Town, the river water is no longer as calm as it used to be. The window of the Good Luck Lai Inn is opened, and only a turbid water wave can be seen.

The speed of building the dams seems to be unable to keep up with the speed of rising water. Gu Fengshan lifted the restrictions on the mountain, and the people in the town have moved to the mountain. On special occasions, the original rules are all voided.

Hongsu sat in the courtyard of Mingxiuyuan, looking at the persimmon trees in the courtyard.

This persimmon tree used to grow very well, but after the hairpin disappeared, the persimmon tree did not grow well, and only a few sporadic fruits were produced. Now it doesn't even bear fruit. At first Hongsu thought that this was because the hairpin star left, taking away the good luck here. But now it seems that it is not only this persimmon tree, but the entire spiritual grass vegetation of Gufeng Mountain is not growing very well.

Especially in the past two years, it has become more and more obvious. I heard that the new disciples went to Gufeng Mountain to collect medicine, but now they can't get any good medicine.

Hongsu listened to the chats of other disciples in the sect because Gu Fengshan didn't have enough spiritual energy now.

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