
Chapter 321 Acacia Concentric Lock (2)

Love is only in Chuntingyue, and it is like falling flowers for people. Hairpin Xing asked: What does this mean? It didn't sound like a good word.

Literally. The man sighed, looking at Gu Baiying with a bit of pity: This little fairy seems to have a bad relationship in the matter of love, Yiren has no intentions, and is hard to find in dreams. It seems that, The person you adore is a person who is ruthless and ignorant. You have a crush on her, but she abandons you like a scorpion. In this way, the deep love will be hurt. It is better to see it as soon as possible, and get out in time is the right way.

What nonsense are you talking about? This time it was Hairpin Xing who spoke up, and she reprimanded, How can you see that people are so ruthless and unreasonable? Are you so sloppy when you unsubscribe? She didn't do anything. It's too unfair to have a black pot on your back.

The man smiled and said, This love affair is so unclear. I think this little immortal is so young, and he doesn't want him to go astray, go astray, and remind him of his wrong love for a lifetime. Don't be afraid of illness.

Hairpin stared at him for a long time: Very good, I remember you. Tomorrow she will ask Xiaoshuang to ban this person's stall from Black Rock City. Such nonsense, after a night, how many lovers in Blackrock City will go their separate ways.

She pulled Gu Baiying and said, Forget it, I won't go shopping, I'll take you to another place. If you go on shopping like this, she and Gu Baiying might finish first before this night market is finished.

Gu Baiying let her pull and walked towards the black stone mountain.

The Black Rock Mountain at night is darker than in the daytime, and the entire mountain range is like a dark black jade, sitting in the bright night.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, countless flowing lights illuminate the city, so the cold night becomes noisy.

Zhu Xing stood on the top of the mountain and said, How about it, it's not worse than going out of Hongtai, right?

The evening star out of Hongtai is the most beautiful, and the long night is always clean and vast. Whenever she practiced till late at night, she looked up to see the twinkling stars in the distant night, and she felt that the sky and the earth were vast, and life was like a mayfly, a fleeting moment.

The night in Black Rock City was different. She was not used to the dull colors and haze of the mountains, and there were few clear stars here. But whenever the hairpin goes here, overlooking the glorious city under the feet, you will suddenly feel the reality and freshness of the world.

One is in the sky, the other is by my side, those twinkling stars have never left.

Gu Baiying walked up to her and asked, Do you come here often?

Neither. Xing Xing thought for a while: When I first arrived in Black Rock City, I came out of the Abyss of Extreme Ice. Although I awakened the Demon King's Yuan Li, I still didn't know how to use it. Most of the time I was in retreat. I rarely go around. Hanging out, my mother once brought me here, there are few people in this place, no one usually comes here, it is very clean, and I can think about something here.”

Thinking about what?

I miss you. Hairpin replied without thinking.

Gu Baiying was startled and coughed uncomfortably. Just as she was about to speak, she heard Hairpin Xing continue: And Hongsu, Senior Brother Tian, ​​Master, Senior Sister Meng, and Brother Pastor.

Gu Baiying stared at her for a full moment and said, Oh.

Hairpin Xing couldn't help laughing, and she said, I lied to you, it's all about that time. I don't have any thoughts about it, but I feel that the road ahead is lost, and some don't know what to do in the future? Everyone in Black Rock City said She felt that she was unusually calm in the face of the sudden change of her identity. But only Xing Xing knew that many nights, when she was alone, she always hesitated about where to go in the future.

At that time, I didn't know what to do, so I had to practice hard. I always felt that this would give me a little more self-protection ability and one more choice in the future. Hairpin Xing smiled, turned around again, and said, Look .

From her palm, a bluish-black spot of light gradually floated up, like a seed, rising from the ground. The big tree sprouted branches and sprouts quickly, the delicate bones bloomed quietly, and countless fire-colored luan birds stretched their wings. But in the blink of an eye, a bipedia tree grew here.

Shanshan cold wind blows, red clouds swaying.

Hairpin Xing said proudly, Gu Baiying, how is my illusion now?

The power of magic essence is naturally suitable for practicing illusions, a bipedal flower tree only needs a little bit of demonic energy, hairpin star looked at Gu Baiying: I can keep this tree here, just like the bipedal flower tree in your palace. It's the same. She sighed, The soil of Heishi Mountain is special, and ordinary flowers and trees are difficult to grow. When there is a chance in the future, I will make this place even more beautiful than the trees on Gufeng Mountain.

Gu Baiying raised her eyebrows slightly: It's quite attentive.

Hairpin Xing took out the silver concentric locks she had just bought at the stall from her arms. She deliberately chose the largest one, stretched her fingers and wrote two names on the silver locks. The names were immediately printed on the stone locks. The key locks the silver lock and hangs the silver lock on the highest branch.

The silver locks are hidden in the lush branches and leaves of Biyihua, and there is a little gleam in Yingying. Hairpin Xing clapped his hands: How is it? I think it's not bad.

Gu Baiying glanced at her: Give me the key.

Hairpin star put the key in his palm.

Gu Baiying's eyes stayed on the small key for a moment, and before the hairpin star could react, he suddenly raised his hand and threw it out.

The small key made a slight trace in the night sky, rolled into the depths of countless black jungles, and disappeared.

The hairpin star was stunned.

The man raised his chin, looked at her provocatively, and said calmly, In this way, there is no need to open it.

Hairpin star: .

She looked at it for a long time, and finally said: Gu Baiying, I never thought that you are such a small-bellied person.

After all this time, he still remembered the lock-selling stall owner. Hairpin stared at him sideways, with a slightly resentful tone: I didn't expect that in your heart, I would actually be such a person. You don't really think I'm the kind of person who can change his mind when he sees things differently, right?

Gu Baiying snorted: Aren't you?

I'm not.

His eyes suddenly became a little aggressive: Then why did you ask Mu Chengxiao if he wanted to marry eight ladies in the future when he was in the treasure land?


After the autumn, he can still calculate like this, Mu layerxiao is really nosy, and even told Gu Baiying about this kind of thing, when will the relationship between the two of them become so good? Hairpin Xing racked his brains to make up a reason: I saw him swinging between Senior Sister Meng and Miss Liu, worried that he would hurt the hearts of both of them, so I asked him about his future plans to remind him that he can't be sane. indefinite.

Gu Baiying smiled vaguely, with a cool tone: Really, but you just found seven favorite concubines in your palace, plus I have exactly eight.

You also counted yourself. Hairpin Xing exclaimed: You really can bend and stretch.

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