
Chapter 320 Acacia concentric lock (1)

The stall owner is still trying his best to persuade enthusiastically, but the eyes of the people beside him are getting more and more sharp.

Hairpin Xing was afraid that this person would anger Gu Baiying, so the two fought in broad daylight, and hurriedly took out a handful of magic beads and handed them over: Hey, I'll pay for ten, just one will do. I picked the biggest one, That's it.

I understand. The stall owner glanced at Gu Baiying next to Hairpin Xing, approached her and whispered, Xiaoqing is very popular, and now she likes it and naturally wants to coax her. But I'm not someone who takes advantage of you, girl. , I'm all set up here, I'll save the rest of the locks for you, and when you want to get more locks in the future, come to Silver Lady to get the remaining nine locks! She felt it from her pocket again. He took out a small key and said in a louder voice, Nuo, remember to lock the lock after you write your name. Don't throw the key away. If one day your relationship breaks and you want to change someone, just open the lock, understand? ?

Gu Baiying couldn't bear it any longer, and he was about to step forward with his embroidered bone gun: What nonsense, do you have such a business?

What's wrong with me? The demon woman has always been savage, and she only sneered when she heard the words: When people meet people, they see each other, but if they don't see each other, they separate. It's not normal. Want to be together forever? Is there any future? Young man, I see that the girl beside you is beautiful, and she must have a suitor. Now I see that you are beautiful and beautiful. The next relationship, so selfish, what else do you like!

Am I selfish? Gu Baiying looked at her in disbelief.

Isn't this selfish? People have a better choice. What you have to do is, of course, a blessing!

What nonsense!

Okay, alright, alright, why are you still arguing? Hairpin Xing had a headache, and the mate selection concept of the human race and the demon race had a huge collision at this moment. Hairpin Xing put the silver lock and key into the bag, dragged Gu Baiying and hurried forward, People in Black Rock City always talk like this, they are all jokes, how can you take it seriously?

Gu Baiying was so angry that she did not speak with a cold face.

Hairpin Xing had to persuade him again, when he heard someone calling him in front of him: Junior sister!

Tian Fangfang was standing in front of the stall, holding a lot of oil-paper bags in his arms, and Mendong was by his side. The two of them had no Taoist companions, and neither did they have a crush, but they really came to the night market.

Junior sister, Tian Fangfang waved to her, and said, The food you eat here is much better than the food you eat on Gufeng Mountain. I just changed a lot of magic beads. What do you want, I'll bring you some along the way. I'll go back to the evening. I'm hungry for supper.

The taste of Heishicheng is heavy and spicy, which is completely different from the light health care of Gufengshan. Hairpin Xing was also not polite to him, and only said: Thank you, scallion chicken, no scallions.


Hearing this, Gu Baiying didn't know what to think, but her cold face eased a little, and she suddenly smiled.

Hairpin asked: What are you laughing at?

He said slowly, Your taste hasn't changed. In the past, he didn't eat green onion on Gufeng Mountain, but now he doesn't eat it when he comes to Black Rock City.

My taste has always been very specific. Hairpin said.

Just as he was talking, he saw two familiar people standing in front of a small stall, Meng Ying and Mu layerxiao. The stall where the two of them stood was not as lively as other houses, and seemed a little deserted. Hairpin Xing took a closer look, and saw that the stall was full of jewelry and hairpins.

The aesthetics of the demons have always been bold, and the jewelry is naturally extraordinarily shiny. Mu layerxiao picked out a pink bead chain from the colorful jewelry.

The chain looks rough and the color is especially exaggerated. It is so exaggerated that no one will take the initiative to pick up this chain if it is placed anywhere, but Mu Laixiao picked it up. He looked at the bracelet for a long time, hesitated for a while, and asked Meng Ying beside him, Senior sister, what do you think?

Young master has good eyes! The hawker was a middle-aged man in a silver robe, his hair was braided in tufts, and colorful beads were wrapped around his wrists. Snowflake mica bracelets, only the last batch, if a woman with a bad relationship buys it and wears it, within three days, there must be a peach blossom coming to your door, which is very spiritual!

Gu Baiying raised her eyebrows and said in a critical tone, So smart, why didn't you sell one?

There are a lot of pink bracelets, and his business is so deserted, it seems that it is not very popular. The man with the pigtails didn't care much when he heard the words, he just said: No way, this is in Blackrock City. Demon women have never been short of peach blossoms, so naturally they are not easy to sell. If this is in the human race, he smiled hehe, With the appearance of a profiteer, It was robbed in less than half an hour!

Hairpin Xing coughed lightly: But with my senior sister's appearance, it seems that I can't use this chain. Meng Ying has no shortage of suitors, and if there are more, the threshold of the Taiyan faction will not be enough to step on.

When the man saw that his business was about to run away, he immediately changed the conversation: This bracelet can not only be used by women, but also by men. The effect is the same.

Gu Baiying said impatiently, Which man would buy such a thing?

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu layerxiao took out a handful of magic beads: I'll buy this.

Hairpin, Gu Baiying, Meng Ying: .

Facing everyone's astonished eyes, Mu layerxiao said calmly: I want to buy it and disassemble it to see if the rhododendron inside can be used to make medicinal pills.

The stall owner did not expect that his nonsense would actually deceive people to buy it. Seeing Mu Shexiao's eyes was a little complicated. Really good eyesight.

Hairpin Xing was speechless for a moment, and the vision between people and people is sometimes bigger than the vision between people and dogs.

A few people were about to walk forward when the stall owner stopped everyone again: Hey, everyone, today Qixi Festival, buy jewelry and get a fortune letter. He picked up a black lottery ticket from under the table and put it in front of everyone: Take one. , who is coming?

Meng Ying and Mu Guxiao both shook their heads, Hairpin looked at Gu Baiying, Gu Baiying looked at her inexplicably: You won't let me come, will you?

Hairpin Xing asked: Come on, ask for a good omen.

Gu Baiying frowned and stared at her for a moment, but she was finally defeated. He resigned and stepped forward. The lottery box looked small, but it was very heavy to hold. Gu Baiying picked it up and shook it a few times, and with a pop, a black iron stick flew out.

The man asked, Ask what?

Without waiting for Gu Baiying to speak, Hairpin Xing hurriedly said, Marriage, ask about marriage!

Gu Baiying glanced at her and said nothing. She bent over to pick up the iron stick from the ground, and read the words on it, . The only love is Chun Tingyue.

On the top of the iron stick, the big word Xiaxia was written with a red pen.

This is an undersigned.

Don't ask, ask is he.

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