
Chapter 317 Intention (2)

There was silence in the cave for a moment.

After a while, Tian Fangfang smiled and said, Nothing happened. He said cheerfully, I know, how could something happen! Even so, his tone was a little disappointed.


Mendong glanced at Gu Baiying, wondering if it was an illusion, but there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. Gu Baiying's brows twitched: What is your expression?

Meng Ying coughed lightly: Junior sister, I was in Yu'e Mountain before and there were so many people talking, I didn't have time to ask you. Now I finally have a chance. How did you become a demon, and why did you go to Gufeng Mountain?

Sooner or later, she has to talk about it. She had already said it to Gu Baiying last night, and she has to say it again today. Hairpin Xing picked up the teapot on the table, poured a cup of tea for himself to moisten his throat, and said, Actually, it's beyond my expectation that things have developed like this.

She explained how she got Xiao Yuanzhu, how she discovered her identity as a demon, and finally was thrown into the abyss of extreme ice and bumped into Bujiang. At the end, Hairpin Xing sighed: Before I went to Gufengshan, I didn't even know that I was a demon. If I knew, I probably wouldn't go to the sect to seek death.

Gu Baiying's eyes moved slightly.

Before she could speak, Mu layerxiao said again: Speaking of which, Xiao Yuanzhu seems to have a lot of fate with your junior sister. When you were in Shuijian, you only got Xiao Yuanzhu in order to protect Yun Xin from falling into the water. Wouldn't it be because Xiao Yuanzhu sensed your identity as a demon, and even the 'domain' was affected?

Hairpin was silent, where did Xiao Yuanzhu sense her demon identity? I'm afraid it is because of Xiao Yuanzhu that the way of heaven will change, so she has been assigned a demon identity forcibly. It's just that no one will believe it.

Fortunately, the uncle separated a gap of soul and saved the life of the younger sister. If the younger sister can walk out of the abyss of extreme ice, she can be regarded as a person with great fortune. We are not bad, if the master knows that you are still alive. It must be happy, but people from other sects are afraid that they will not let it go. The immortal spirit of Taoist Lingxin will definitely find fault again, and how to resolve this matter, we have to think of a way. Tian Fangfang said.

I'm not worried about this. Meng Ying shook her head. Now that the major sects have been killed by ghosts, they don't have the energy to find trouble in Black Rock City. What I'm worried about is the junior sister.

Me? Hairpin Xing asked, Senior sister, why are you worried about me?

Back then, your father, the Devil King Guidiaotang, went into trouble because of refining Xiaoyuanzhu, and was eventually swallowed up by his mind. Now Xiaoyuanzhu has been divided into two parts. Although you are looking at it now, junior sister, how can you know that Xiaoyuanzhu is fine? Will there be any hidden dangers buried in the future? There is also the other half of Xiao Yuanzhu, which is now in the hands of Gui Yansheng. Gui Yansheng's temperament is uncertain and murderous, and now he is injured and hiding, but one day, if he also takes Xiao Yansheng Yuanzhu is completely refined, and what will it do to the world, you and I don't know.

The hairpin was silent.

She had never refined Xiao Yuanzhu before, but Gui Yansheng had owned Xiao Yuanzhu for two years, and she had never refined this pearl. It can be seen that refining Xiao Yuanzhu is not an easy task. But now that half of Xiao Yuanzhu flew into her body and automatically merged with her spirit body, thinking about it, that might not be the case on the ghost-languishing side.

Originally, there was still a hope for the resurrection of Xiaochun in Guiyansheng, but now the Buddha Wheel of the two lives has been destroyed, and Xiaochun's resurrection is no longer possible.

What would a person without hope do in the world?

She doesn't know either.

The cave is very humid.

The bushes covered the entrance of the cave, leaving only a bit of cold moonlight slipping in through the gap and shining into the face of the person in the cave.

The young man's robe gradually oozes large chunks of bright red, his face is as pale as paper, large drops of sweat roll down from his forehead, blood and sweat are mixed together, making him look like a ghost.

An inch of black mist slowly overflowed from Gui Yansheng's body. These black mist gradually condensed into countless figures, roaring and circling around him, as if staring at a beast waiting for the prey, only waiting for the prey to reveal its weakness, and then swarming up and tearing him up a smash.

It seemed colder in the cave, and the sticky dirt didn't touch the toes, like some kind of terrifying creature. The thinly dressed girl sat on the side, her shoulders twitching, she couldn't help looking at the boy who was sitting with her eyes closed, a trace of worry flashed in her eyes.

After escaping from Black Rock City, she met Gui Yansheng, who brought her here, and she did not dare to escape. Waiting and waiting, just when Rong Chun thought that Guiyansheng would not come back, the young man came back with all the injuries all over his body.

And the first time he saw Rong Chun was a surprise, and he only asked, You haven't left yet?

Rong Chun did not dare to speak.

She met the ghost in the Asura ghost way.

Asura Ghost Road is the Jedi that all the monks in the capital talk about, and only desperate gamblers or daring gamblers will set foot here. There are also ten thousand ghosts in the Asura way, and the Rong Chun family was kidnapped by the evil cultivators who practiced the evil way, as a stepping stone to open the Asura ghost way.

The long road is long, and before entering, it has already smelled the overwhelming stench. She heard ten thousand ghosts crying, Xie Xiu pressed the hands of Rong Chun's parents on the gate of the Asura Dao, and the blood of people stained the gate. In an instant, the deep gate slammed open, and countless pale and thin arms stretched out from it. , dragging the living person into it.

She heard the heart-wrenching screams of her parents, and she was also pushed in.

Then, Rong Chun saw a young man.

It was a pale boy covered in blood, and his robes were no longer clear from their original color, covering a large area of ​​black blood. He had a pair of beautiful golden pupils, and he looked at her like a trivial ant, without the slightest emotion.

He walked towards Rong Chun step by step.

This person came out of the Asura ghost realm alive, and he was even more vicious than evil spirits.

Rong Chun suddenly felt a sense of despair in her heart, and countless pale arms pulled her and dragged her deeper into the corridor. She could even hear the sound of those evil ghosts chewing on bones.

This young man walked across the bloody ground, walked across the road full of stumps, and walked by Rong Chun's side, without the slightest intention to help, his eyes were so cold that he didn't look like a living person.

Rong Chun closed his eyes, and in the depths of the darkness, his mother's dying cry came: Xiao Chun. There was no sound anymore.

The sound of footsteps stepping on the bones suddenly stopped.

She felt that the force pulling her around seemed to be a little lighter, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the golden-eyed boy standing in front of her, with an unpredictable tone: What's your name?

Rong, Rongchun.

He was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, a black mist flashed past, and the arms around Rong Chun suddenly shattered. The teenager looked at her with a cold tone: Come here.

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