
Chapter 316 Intention (1)

The wind became gentle, and Ye Yu became shy.

He turned around and looked at the hairpin star in front of him, with disbelief in his eyes: What did you say?

Hairpin Xing sighed: My little uncle, why are you so deceitful, not to mention your doubts about my character, you even have a big misunderstanding of my aesthetics. Look at this hall. , and look at their attire, do you really think I'd like that?

Gu Baiying's face turned slightly red, and she reprimanded in a low voice, Don't shout.

Hairpin star: .

His good-looking eyebrows frowned, a little puzzled: But they said.

Of course they lied to you. Hairpin Xing said without even thinking about it: Otherwise, think about it, have they told you how to serve me? Have they cultivated with me? They definitely don't have the guts to arrange this.

Gu Baiying coughed lightly: What nonsense are you talking about?

Isn't this explaining to you? Hairpin said: Shuangxiu is not allowed in Gufengshan sect, I can remember this sentence, even in the black stone city of the devil world, I dare not break the precepts. Suddenly my reputation is so bad. , of course I have to explain.

Gu Baiying's expression was relieved, but his tone was still unhappy. He asked, Then why did they lie to me?

I don't know, maybe it's because of me.


Everyone in Black Rock City now knows what you and the Xiangling Sect's Fairy Putao don't know about. Yu Eshan and his party, the demon army even humiliated me by saying that I was a toad and wanted to eat swan meat. How can the next master of Black Rock City be so humiliated. How can you make them angry, they will naturally find you back.

Gu Baiying looked at her like a ghost: I don't! He emphasized again: I have nothing with her, and I haven't even met a few times!

Look, now you know what it's like to be slandered. Hairpin spreads his hands, I and they don't have anything, that is, help me decorate this temple on weekdays.

Gu Baiying glanced at her: But the man with the rope told me that you always play games with him with the rope.

Big brother, it's just a twisting rope! Xing Xing shouted, General Heng's rope can be big or small, this is the first time I have seen such a big twisting rope, but I just tried it, it can also be splashed dirty. Water. But. She looked at Gu Baiying suspiciously: What do you think we are playing?

Gu Baiying's face was a little red, and she avoided her eyes: It's nothing!

I didn't expect you to be Gu Baiying like this! She followed behind him and shouted loudly, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

Unable to bear it any longer, Gu Baiying turned around to cover the hairpin Xing's mouth: Don't talk nonsense!

Hairpin Xing didn't expect him to turn around suddenly, and he staggered and leaned back. Gu Baiying's eyes narrowed, she subconsciously pulled her back, her back hit the pillar behind her, and she couldn't help groaning.

The wind blew his hairband and the girl's dress. Hairpin Xing looked up and saw the young man's clean chin.

The crisp bell and the heartbeat were mixed together, vigorous and full of vitality. The night rain outside the window blew the candlelight into a hazy and moving light.

He bowed his head slightly, and said in a hoarse voice, . Yang Hairpinxing.

Shh— Xing Xing said.

He stopped abruptly and just looked at the person who bumped into his arms in silence.

On the moonless and starless night, the cold wind blew up the gauze curtain of the hall, and in the misty haze, the hairpin said: Gu Baiying, did you hear anything?

The gurgling rain shatters good dreams. The youth's beautiful clear eyes stared at her: What?

My bell rang too.

He was startled.

The woman stretched out a finger and tapped her heart.

it's here.

The rain finally stopped in the early morning.

The remaining rainwater rolled from the branches, smashed into the puddles on the ground, and splashed onto the glowing bones beside the cave, like the crystal tears of the dead.

Mendong sat at the entrance of the cave, looking down at the ants at the door moving.

Meng Ying was drinking tea at the table. Seeing this, she looked into the distance. The sky was bright and the east was white. In the daytime, Black Rock City, which was washed by the rain, looked clean and cold.

Uncle Shi hasn't come back yet? Mu Hengxiao asked.

Mendong shook his head, almost blinded his eyes, and said, I haven't returned all night. He sighed with a sad face: It seems that he has decided to be the eighth favorite concubine of the Chaos Hall.

Why do you say that? Mu Chengxiao wondered.

I haven't come back all night, what can I do if I'm alone? It's a pity that our little uncle of the Taiyan faction has fallen to the point of being jealous with the monsters and monsters in Blackstone City. That's it. Mendong said this, pounding his chest for a while.

Tian Fangfang was stretching her waist halfway, and she was unhappy when she heard the words: Junior brother, you are wrong, how can that female disciple from Xiangling Sect be better than our junior sister?

Even though she is bad in every possible way, she doesn't have seven favorite concubines. Mendong said, There are quite a few people in the Yang Hairpin Star Palace, as you have seen, those people are not bad in color, and they speak enthusiastically. Our teacher Uncle has such a temper, but he doesn't know how to please people, and he doesn't know how to make girls happy, and he doesn't know how to say sweet words. Now, he can still use his face and body to win the favor of hairpin stars. As time goes by, people get tired and tired. Not being left out? Being bullied every day?

Hairpin Xing and Gu Baiying just heard this sentence when they came here, Gu Baiying kicked over with a blank face: It's hard for you to think so long for me.

Uncle Shi? Mendong got up from the ground, Are you back?

Hairpin stared at everyone in the cave, and said strangely, Senior sister, did you get up so early?

What more? Mendong whispered, I waited for you until midnight last night, and who knew that you didn't come back this morning. Double repair?

Hairpin star: .

Gu Baiying said angrily, Shut up for me!

Tian Fangfang came over, took the hairpin and walked inside, saying, Junior sister, don't listen to Mendong's nonsense, it's a child's word. Yesterday we originally wanted to wait for you in the Chaos Hall, but it was raining too much later, Xiaoshuang said. You may have come back too late, so let us go back first, and only the uncle is waiting in the hall. He turned his back to the crowd and asked the hairpin in a low voice, So, junior sister, you two last night?

Hairpin Xing was helpless, she turned around, sat down at the table, and explained seriously: Nothing happened last night. I talked to Gu Baiying for half a night. It was too late, so let him rest in my palace. He sleeps. Outer hall, I slept in the inner hall, nothing - nothing happened.

Our star girl has a bit of hereditary flirting talent.

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