
Chapter 307 Figure (2)

In the Underworld Hall, the lights are ambiguous.

The Buddhist cultivator in the monk's robe sat quietly under the seat, staring at the folds of his robe.

The woman on the high seat was playing with the delicate silver lock in her hand and said with a smile, Little Master, long time no see, why don't you look up at me?

His Royal Highness is still the same. After a pause, Mingjing raised his head.

After so many years, I'm getting old. Bujiang sighed and looked at him again: However, I really didn't expect you to come to Black Rock City with the hairpin. It seems that you are not very good at practicing Buddhism. In this way, a Buddhist cultivator actually mixes with the demons.

I no longer practice Buddhism.

Oh? Bujiang raised his eyebrows slightly, as if interested: Why?

If you have delusional thoughts in your heart, you dare not blaspheme the Buddha.

Bu Jiang heard the words and smiled lightly. She turned to the side, the robe was close to her body, outlining a graceful figure, and her legs were looming under the wide red robe. The beauty's attitude is idle, like an emperor in control of the overall situation, and her voice carries a hook: Don't dare to blaspheme the Buddha, what about the devil?

Mingjing's Adam's apple rolled, avoiding her gaze.

Okay, Bujiang saw this, a little disinterested, you came to Blackrock City, didn't you just come to tell me these boring words. What happened?

Mingjing seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and her voice became calm again, I heard that the spiritual veins of Black Rock City are getting thinner and thinner, and it is still the same after the little Highness returned to the city.

Didn't you already know this? Bu Jiang said: Perhaps the demons have exhausted their arrogance, and the gods have changed their minds.

No. Mingjing said, Has your Highness thought about it, not just in Black Rock City?

Bujiang's eyes narrowed slightly: What do you mean by this?

I have a discovery. The monk lowered his eyes, I wonder if it can solve the urgent needs of Blackrock City.

It rained all night in Blackrock City.

There has been a lot of rain in recent days, and the mountains are covered in a layer of water mist. The climate in the city is not as warm as that of Mount Yu'e, and the city of Black Rock has always been cold and wet for many years.

The rain dripped and fell on the blue and white paper lanterns at the door. The lanterns were not wet, only a faint figure gradually oozing out, like a seductive beauty, strange and moving.

The breakfast delivered today is not as scary as yesterday.

Meng Dong used his chopsticks to fork a bun the size of a palm. While eating, he greeted others: Uncle Master, Senior Sister Meng, why don't you eat?

Mu layerxiao walked in from the outside and hesitated for a while: Junior Brother, I heard that some demons like to chop human flesh into meat stuffing to make various kinds of food.

Cough cough cough— Meng Dong choked and shouted, Brother Pastor, did you mean it!

It's not impossible. Tian Fangfang touched his chin, After all, the demons and us not only have different visions, but may also have different tastes. For safety's sake, it's better to be a vegetarian. He chose a piece of cookie to bite into. Taking a sip, he looked to the side of Gu Baiying.

Gu Baiying sat in front of the window, staring at the rain outside, wondering what she was thinking.

Meng Ying thought for a while and said softly, Uncle Shi, when I just went out, I heard from the demons that my sister came out of the Demon Yuan Pond.

Gu Baiying was startled: What?

It came out early this morning. Meng Ying said, I think there should be no serious problem with Junior Sister's body.

That's great! Tian Fangfang stood up happily, Then let's go see her now!

It's not that you can see it if you want to see it. Mendong poured cold water on him, Yesterday in the Underworld Palace, you can listen to the queen and make it clear that the hairpin star is now the little prince of Black Rock City, and the status is different. I am afraid that the sect cultivator is not qualified. Unless the uncle is willing to be her eighth favorite concubine.

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Bai Ying's face. It's okay not to say it. As soon as he said it, Gu Baiying's face immediately became ugly as he remembered what Bu Jiang said last night.

Speaking of which, it's not too early now. Mu Chengxiao looked outside. It was the first time they came to the Demon Realm, and they were really not used to the house of the Demon Clan. They were awakened by the ghost fire in the cave in the middle of the night. Just fell asleep and woke up a little late today. Mu layerxiao said: Since the junior sister left the Moyuan Pond early in the morning, and she has never come to ask us, it seems that she will not take the initiative to come to us. If you want to see the junior sister, you can only take the initiative to go to the Chaos Hall to ask. .

Not bad. Tian Fangfang nodded in agreement.

The few of them are nothing, but Gu Baiying's mood is not very good. I think it is also true. This young man has always been arrogant. When he was verbally molested by a mirage in Wufan City, he never obeyed a word at such a critical moment. Soft, but now he has to take the initiative to admit that he is willing to be the eighth favorite concubine of the Demon Princess, which is a bit humiliating.

Uncle Shi, are you going? Mendong asked.

Don't go.

Uncle Shi, he persuaded with good intentions, this time is different from the past, she is now a princess of the Demon Race, let go of your figure.

Yes, yes, Tian Fangfang nodded, there are seven favorite concubines in her palace, and there is no shortage of men.

Is it annoying? Gu Baiying gave them a cold look and said, Go and go by yourself.

We are only one of your elders here, so of course we want you to take the lead. Mendong pondered for a while: Uncle, are you guilty?

Gu Baiying: What are you guilty of?

That's right, Mendong sighed: When we were in Yu'e Mountain earlier, the white-boned woman said that Black Rock City has no shortage of young, energetic and handsome men. Your appearance and figure are among the best in the sect, but maybe It’s not unusual for a child to be placed in Black Rock City. Now the scars on the hairpin star’s face have been cleaned up, not to mention the beauty of the country, but also the beauty of the moon, plus the noble status, the cultivation base is very low, and the officials under the skirt are like crossing the river. Crucian carp, it is natural that you are not confident.

Hearing this, Gu Baiying laughed instead of being angry: Go away. Do I look like I'm not confident?



Seeing that she was about to quarrel again, Meng Ying spoke up, and she looked at Gu Baiying: Uncle, anyway, it's better for us to see Junior Sister first. Not to mention that she was injured, I don't know how she is recovering now. We haven't seen each other for two years after the Wan Killing Array. Yu Eshan and his party were unable to speak properly due to the relationship between the Demon Slayer Army. Now that we have the opportunity, we should ask clearly what happened at the beginning. Isn't it surprising to you? Meng Ying paused for a while before continuing: Why did the junior sister want to go to the mountain in the first place, and why did she become the princess of the Demon Race?

This question has no answer until now.

There was silence in the cave for a while.

After a while, Gu Baiying stood up, he glanced at everyone, and said angrily, Let's go.

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