
Chapter 306 Figure (1)

Favorite concubine? Gu Baiying was stunned for a moment.

The woman on the high seat smiled and said, Look at Gu Xiaoxian's nervous appearance. It seems that his little highness in Black Rock City is not the concern of ordinary uncles and nephews. What? Like her?

The eyes of Meng Ying and the others suddenly turned to Gu Baiying.

Gu Baiying frowned: What are you trying to say?

This temple is not a person with a heart of stone. The demons have always been open-minded when it comes to love affairs between men and women, and they are not like the human race. We can meet her every day. Bu Jiang said slowly, What do you think?

His Royal Highness, Meng Ying asked suspiciously, What does the eighth 'favored concubine' mean?

literal meaning.

Ah, I remembered it! Mendong slapped his hand: Before we were in Yu'e Mountain, the people of the Demon Race said that there are seven favorite concubines in the Chaos Hall of their little highness. Is it true?

At that time, the Demon Slayer Army and the Demon Race were forced to enter the mountains hand in hand. They thought they were people of the Demon Race who said it casually, but now what the Queen of Demons means, is it true?

Hairpin Star really raised seven favorite concubines in the Chaos Hall?

I really can't see it!

I didn't expect Junior Sister to be such a person. Tian Fangfang was greatly shocked.

What nonsense? Gu Baiying's brows twitched fiercely, and she reprimanded, How could she raise a favorite concubine?

Why is it impossible? Bu Jiang raised his chin, as if he was happy to see their unbelievable appearance, and said calmly, The emperors in the world have seventy-two concubines in three palaces, six courtyards, and a dignified princess in the devil world. , there are only seven favorite concubines, and they are already very devoted. Where can I find such a good woman? We are the only one in Black Rock City.

She said it for granted, so much so that everyone was stunned.

Little Shuang, Bujiang smiled lightly, you talk about it.

Yes, Your Highness. Xiaoshuang replied warmly, took a step forward, and faced the Taiyan faction with a sincere tone, My subordinates are also in the Chaos Hall. Your Majesty is gentle and generous, and treats your subordinates very well. Gu Xiaoxian He is young and handsome, with a splendid demeanor, if he enters the Chaos Hall, he will surely be loved by the little Highness and will be unparalleled in the limelight.

With that being said, Gu Baiying is like a beautiful concubine competing for favor in the emperor's harem.

The eyes of everyone looking at Bai Ying were a little subtle.

Gu Baiying's expression was stiff, and her jaw was tensed, as if someone had tarnished her innocence and insulted her self-esteem, and said nothing.

Bu Jiang stared at him for a long while, before laughing puchi: It seems that Gu Xiaoxian still can't let go of the figure of a sect disciple.

Cough, Tian Fangfang saw that the atmosphere was a little stiff, and came up to smooth things out at the right time: This, marriage is not a child's play, whether or not to enter the Chaos Hall as a favorite concubine, I have to let my uncle think about it. Besides, he scratched his head, My brothers and sisters and I also want to meet my sisters, but we can't all be concubines, even if we want to, it's not enough to look at, right?

The hall was silent.

After a long time, Bu Jiang's voice sounded: What you said is also reasonable, no matter what, in the Five Wheel Pagoda of Yu'e Mountain, you have taken good care of the hairpin star, and you are also a friend of the hairpin star. Black Rock City is not an unreasonable place. , It's late today, everyone, let's rest here first, until the hairpin star comes out of the Moyuan Pond tomorrow, whether to see you or not depends on her own will. Xiaoshuang, she instructed the people around her: Take the immortal elders down. .


Gu Baiying wanted to ask again, but was pushed and shoved out by Tian Fangfang, and Mingjing had to keep up, but Jiang Yangmei said, Master doesn't have to leave.

Clear footsteps.

I still have something to say to the master in this hall. She smiled happily.

At the other end, Xiaoshuang led the group into a demon cave, ordered someone to bring some refreshments and left.

This devil cave is like the countless devil caves in Black Rock City. It is both fancy and eerie. There are crystal pillars, gold tables and silver beds everywhere, and sometimes human bones are decorated with white paper lanterns. The ghost fire glows with green light. It's mind-blowing. Even the snacks that were served were made in the shape of a woman's severed finger.

But at this moment, no one has the heart to look at this strange decoration.

I really didn't expect that after Junior Sister Hairpin Xing returned to the demon world, she would actually raise seven favorite concubines. He suddenly thought of something and hugged himself: Fortunately, I followed the etiquette back then.

Gu Baiying said angrily, Shut up.

No wonder, Mu Chengxiao on the side seemed to remember something, and murmured, No wonder she asked me that way back then.

After everyone stopped, Gu Baiying looked at him suspiciously: What did she ask you?

Mu layerxiao blushed slightly, and said softly, When I was in the treasure land, my sister and I fell into the holy tree's sanctuary together. At that time, my sister asked me if I had thought about looking for the eight ladies. I felt strange at that time. ,I thought.

He thought that Hairpin Xing had not given up on him, so he came to test his tone.

After Mu layerxiao finished speaking, when he looked up, he found that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes. He hurriedly stood up and looked at Meng Ying nervously: But I said at the time, no, I never thought about it! How could I possibly Find eight ladies!

Tsk tsk tsk, Mendong shook his head, I think she had taken a fancy to you at the time and asked if you wanted to be her eighth lady, but unfortunately you didn't hear it, it was really ignorant. However, she really knows someone. Knowing the face but not the heart, Yang Hairpin Xing Su Ri has an unfeeling appearance, but I didn't expect to be a romantic and merciful radish! Even so, there was no condemnation on the child's face, but a kind of watching the fun Not too excited.

Meng Ying gave Gu Baiying a worried look.

This uncle Seven, who has always been unaware of the big things that happen to him, said nothing at this moment, and the indifference on his face clearly showed that he was in a bad mood at the moment.

I don't know if Mendong was too excited to talk, but Gu Baiying suddenly remembered an old incident in his mind. At that time in Gufeng Mountain, Hairpin Xing asked him to teach illusion, but he forgot the agreement with him when he turned back. Lao Niu, a servant of the Yang family, saw him and told him Hairpin Xing to discuss something with the shepherd's uncle. Not only called him Uncle Gu, but also called Mu Laixiao Uncle Shepherd.

The Mendong said, still beaming: But I heard that the demons are already romantic, and it is common to change the Taoist companion. After all, how can the old people be as attractive as the new ones?

With a bang, the teacup on the table was slapped heavily.

The teenager looked sullen: Have you said enough?

No one spoke for a while in the cave.

After a long time, the child's cautious voice sounded: Uncle, do you want to be the eighth favorite concubine?

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