
Chapter 261 Reunion (2)

In an instant, countless swords flew towards the hairpin star.

I haven't seen the face clearly yet, so it's hit? With a stick of hairpin, the sword that flew in front of him was smashed into the air, and the Demon King's Yuan Power was turned violently. Countless seas of flowers bloomed continuously from the tip of the stick, and the sea of ​​flowers was actually black. The monk smashed away.

The demons have a special physique, and the blood of the demons is even more difficult to find. Where is the opponent of ordinary monks, this group of people was slashed back by a stick of Hairpin Xing, and they vomited blood and did not dare to approach for a while.

Hairpin star looked up at the group of people.

This robe seems to belong to Yinfeng Sect.

There are not many disciples of Yinfengzong in this group, there are only about 20, I don't know if they are separated from the team. Hairpin Xing didn't see the few people she saw in Li'er Country last time. Naturally, these people didn't know Hairpin Xing either, and they just looked at her as if they were facing a big enemy. Someone first spotted the senior sister of the Xiangling faction lying on the ground and shouted: Isn't this senior sister Sisi! She just went to fetch water and never returned, so it turned out to be the hands of this devil! Damn!

Hairpin said: Will you take a serious look? She is not dead yet, so why did she get killed by me? I fished her out of this lake. If you don't believe me, ask her when she wakes up.

Don't listen to her nonsense, she is delaying time! The disciples of Yinfengzong were angry and said with hatred: This devil is extremely cunning, even if we risk our lives, we will perish with her, rush, brothers, kill Kill this devil and avenge the people of the world!

Hairpin Xing: . She thought that the Demon Slayer Army must be difficult to deal with, but this is the result? Or is it only the disciples of Yinfengzong who are so funny, but the ones I saw last time in Li'er Kingdom were not normal? Could it be that in just two years, Yinfengzong has fallen so far, and even decent people can't be found?

Brothers, line up! The Yinfeng Sect disciple wielded his long sword, his fingertips dripping blood into the soil, and the disciple behind him followed a wiping sword, dripping blood into the mud, and dozens of long swords rose from the ground. A sword formation formed in the air and flew towards the hairpin star.

Hairpin Xing: Is there any more? With all the bells and whistles, I thought it was a big sword formation, but it turned out to be too small. Hairpin Xing held a long stick in his hand, and the long stick froze in the air and suddenly divided into countless cyan streamers.

Bang bang bang bang-

The long sword against the blue stick is like hitting the hardest boulder. The green stick has a rounded body, but the tip of the stick is sharper than the tip of the sword, but in an instant, the long sword shattered and fell like rain. The disciples in the formation spit out a mouthful of blood, unable to hold on any longer, and flew out in unison.

The sword formation was broken.

Hairpin Xing held a long stick in his hand and looked at the disciples of Yinfengzong who were lying on the ground, calmly said: Can you calm down now?

Scholars can be killed but not humiliated! The leading disciple slapped his neck and sneered: Devil, do you think we will allow you to be humiliated? Even if we die, we will not bow to a demon like you, you might as well. Kill us! When our teachers know about this, they will definitely avenge us! Come on!

Hairpin Xing: Why don't you go to sing?

Senior brother, a disciple beside him probably didn't want to die now, so he carefully pulled the corner of his shirt: Why don't we listen to what she has to say first.

Listen to what she has to say? Listen to her nonsense to deceive people? The singer said loudly: Master has always taught you to be cunning, don't fall into the other's trap, and would rather die than lose the face of Yinfengzong. , I didn't expect you to be such a greedy person who fears death. Junior Brother, Senior Brother is very disappointed in you! Have you ever thought about what to do if she takes a fancy to our body and imprisons us in the demon world to please her? Listen? It is said that the demon queen of that year was simply robbing beautiful men and locking them in the palace, forcibly robbing us, if we fall into the hands of the female demon, wouldn’t life be better than death!”

Hairpin stared at him incredulously: Who gave you the confidence to think you are a beautiful man?

Stop talking, so why don't you kill us now! It's clear that you want to be caught, do you think we can't see such a dirty mind?

Hairpin Xing was really not in the mood to continue messing around with this madman, and only said: Whatever you think, my subordinate was dragged into the water by the water monster, and I will rescue him. I happened to see the people from the Xiangling faction at the bottom of the water, so I brought them out with me. Believe it or not, no matter how bad our reputation is, we are not a scapegoat. If you don't believe it, wait for this girl to wake up and ask yourself. I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you.

She picked up the Soil Eater with one hand, turned around and left, these disciples of Yinfengzong probably got separated from the Demon Slayer Army, and now she has to join Xiaoshuang and the others first. Staying here is a bit dazzling, if it attracts ghosts, it will be bad. Hairpin Xing didn't want to fight with the Yinfeng Sect disciples here first. The most important thing in this trip was Xiao Yuanzhu. If the ghosts were disturbed first, whether the ghosts hid or appeared now, it would not be a problem for the demons. good thing.

Of course, these paper-strapped Yinfeng Sect disciples can't help her.

Once the identity of the Demon Race is set, many ordinary things will become ulterior motives, Guatian Lixia, who can say clearly.

Hairpin Xing only took two steps, and suddenly a sinister voice came from behind: Who let you go? A cold wind suddenly came from behind.

Hairpin Xing abruptly avoided, and turned around to block the long sword in front of him with a stick.

Hairpin Xing glanced at the little junior brother who was singing just now. He hid in his sleeve at the tip of his finger, and a little ashes of the sound transmission fell out.

It turned out that they were pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, one by one, but there was no fuel-efficient lamp.

The Chihuamen disciple in front of him failed to make a sneak attack, and the long sword stabbed again. This time he was a full-fledged killer. He said coldly: The demons killed my Chihuamen disciple, and the crime cannot be punished. I will not leave one. With a bunch of rubbish, so many people can't beat a demon cultivator, and almost let her escape, she is extremely incompetent!

Who are you scolding with this yin and yang? Do you know how powerful she is! Not to be outdone, the singer said angrily: You can do it! As far as your sect's ability is concerned, dozens of disciples are kept silent in Gufeng Mountain. If you kill them all, who can compare to you in the entire cultivation world!

When Chihuamen heard this irony, his face became even more ugly. He stabbed the hairpin star with a sword, and the hairpin star held a stick to meet him, but a short arrow suddenly flew out of the man's sleeve.

Sneak attack again. Hairpin Xing's face sank.

She didn't like the people of Chihuamen. When the Taoist Lingxin threw her into the Ten Thousand Killing Formation and nailed her to the Pillar of Fire with Dragon Nails, she never thought of letting her out alive. The pain of the Wan Dao killing intent has not yet been forgotten, and now the disciples of Chihuamen have come to repeat the old tricks, exhausting the last bit of patience of the hairpin star.

Do people from your sect only sneak attack? Hairpin Xing said coldly.

The arrow was already in front of him, and the Chihuamen disciple showed a smug smile: What about the sneak attack against the demons? You are lucky to die here today.

It's just you? Hairpin stared down, deep between the eyebrows, a cyan begonia bloomed quietly, accompanied by the blue and black light that shot into the sky, the arrows in front of him exploded violently and shattered into dust. The disciples of Chihuamen couldn't dodge in time, and were kicked out by the skyrocketing energy of the demons. The next moment, they were grabbed by the throat and lifted up in the air.

The woman's eyes were calm, and she looked at him like a sick kitten.

Zhao Jiaming was caught! Schadenfreude said, Speaking so much nonsense, in the end, it was not someone else's defeat! Deserving it!

Senior brother, the younger brother reminded him, .We are a group.

The Chihuamen disciple named Zhao Jiaming struggled desperately, his sword fell to the ground, and the Yuan force that was running all over his body was in front of this woman, like a child facing an adult man, ridiculously weak. So he probably knew that he would not be able to escape death today, so he just stared at the hairpin star with hatred, and could not wait to slash the hairpin star.

If your skills are not as good as others, you have to be willing to admit defeat. Hairpin Xing said lightly, and sent back his words as they were: It is a blessing for you to die here today.

Pin Xing's fingers around his throat slowly tightened.

The Zhao family is going to die! The Yinfeng Sect disciple said in awe.

Hairpin Xing didn't intend to take Zhao Jiaming's life. Killing Zhao Jiaming was the only way to confirm the previous murder of Gu Fengshan, and this person was still deliberately provoking her. Killing Zhao Jiaming, let Zhao Jiaming get the name of an anti-magic righteous warrior? Why?

But that can't be the case. The blood of the demons is inherently violent. She is emotionally stable and peaceful, and can suppress the impulse of blood, but occasionally, that impulse will suddenly appear, such as this moment.

Zhao Jiaming felt that the energy in his body was disappearing little by little, he gritted his teeth and said, You

Hairpin Star is transforming all his cultivation.

Disciples who can enter Chihuamen are definitely not ordinary people. And the disciples of Chihuamen who can be selected for the Demon Slayer Army will never be useless. Hairpin Xing's transformation of his cultivation is to make his decades of hard work come to nothing. For a conceited person like Zhao Jiaming, I am afraid it is more uncomfortable than death.

From Zhao Jiaming's body, a little bit of golden light floated up, his Yuan force was swayed, and most of the golden core was melted. As long as there was a little more, he would become a chicken without a hand. The power of ordinary people.

At this moment, a silver light suddenly came from behind. The silver light was like a flowing snowflake, dazzling and sharp, and stabbed into the hairpin star's hand. It came from behind, without concealing the mocking meaning: Zhao Jiaming, was beaten to the ground, is this the ability of the people of Chihuamen?

The voice was bright and arrogant, with a bit of a beating, but it made the hairpin star suddenly raise his eyes.

She turned sharply.

Under the tree, the tip of the boy's silver spear lingered with flying snowflakes, and behind him was a sea of ​​flowers, and he stood in the spring flowers, like a shining morning star, and his heroic spirit was flying.

A familiar face, but an unfamiliar look.

His gaze was on the hairpin star: Demon?

Steady, the surface is a knife is actually sugar!

Together again!

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