
Chapter 260 Reunion (1)

The earth-eating ghost disappeared at the pool.

But at the moment, there was nothing but a thrown hat, and there was no sign of fighting around.

Xiaoshuang came over and took the hat in the hands of Hairpin Xing: Little Highness.

There is no sign of a fight, and the sound from the sound transmission just now is very strange. It should not be someone from the sect. Guiyansheng will not hide his head and show his tail. This place is strange, said Xing Xing: Let everyone be careful.

There are too few records about Yu'Eshan, and this map was drawn by Jiang himself based on his memories from decades ago, but decades have passed, and there may be deviations in memory. Moreover, the mountains and forests cannot remain the same. The original Bujiang did not encounter danger, which does not mean that Yu'e Mountain is safe now.

Xiaoshuang walked to the edge of the pool and looked at the pool. The pool was very clear, reflecting his shadow.

Hairpin Xing glanced into the water, suddenly felt chills in his heart, and slammed his stick into the water: Be careful!

Before he finished speaking, the calm pool of water was violently smashed by someone, and a sticky, oily green claw stretched out from it. The claw wanted to grab Xiao Shuang, but was blocked by Zhu Xing's worry-free stick. Grab the stick of the hairpin star.

All this happened too fast. There was a huge drag force from the other end of the stick tip. The hairpin star couldn't dodge, and was dragged away by the object in the water, and fell into the water with a pop.

Mimi screamed loudly and took the lead in turning into a silver lion and jumping into the water.

Little Highness! Xiaoshuang flew over suddenly, and all the demons quickly followed, jumping into the water one after another. This pool is not deep, but it only reaches the waist of a person. The pool water is also clear. It stands to reason that the hairpin star can be found soon. However, a group of demons can't find it anywhere. The hairpin star and the objects in the water seem to have disappeared out of thin air. , can't be found.

Half an hour later, I even touched a few pebbles under the water, but there was still no whereabouts of the hairpin star. Mimi shook the water droplets off her body and yelled at Xiaoshuang anxiously. Although it is a hairpin star spirit beast, the hairpin star has not made a blood-devouring contract with it for its freedom. After all, once the blood-devouring contract is established, once the owner dies, the spirit beast will certainly not survive. Therefore, Mimi couldn't sense the position of the hairpin star.

Lord Xiaoshuang, the demon cultivator who befriended the earth-eating ghost looked at Xiaoshuang pitifully: What should I do now?

The blue-shirted scholar, who has always been gentle and elegant, has a gloomy expression on his face at the moment, looking at the demon cultivator as if he is going to eat people, he said coldly: If there are three long and two shorts in Your Highness, I will be the first to eat you.

Mo Xiu murmured and did not dare to speak, looked at the still calm water, and prayed in a low voice: God and Buddha bless, Your Highness must be safe and sound.

The surface of the water is deep, and countless soft water plants are entangled around him, like a woman's fingers, and like a ghost's long hair, entwining people tightly.

Those water plants seemed to have life, layer upon layer, some were scattered, some were curled, and among the curled water plants, dead bodies were entangled like spider silk. Some of the corpses were only left with dead bones, some were fresh and not yet rotted, and the most terrifying ones were half-rotted. At first glance, it seemed that the underwater densely packed with dead people, such as huge tombs.

The hairpin star is also wrapped in water plants.

When Cai Xiaoshuang was standing in front of the water pool, Hairpin Xing once took a look at the water, only to see that something was wrong. Before, she stood in front of the pool, and the pool reflected her own shadow. Then Xiaoshuang stood in front of the water pool, and his shadow was also reflected in the water pool, but the shadow of the hairpin star disappeared.

It was not a shadow at all, but a monster disguised as a shadow! The monster didn't attack Zhuangxing at first, perhaps because of her bloodline of demons, or Mimi under her feet, but Xiaoshuang appeared, so the monster turned to attack Xiaoshuang, but Zhuangxing blocked it with a worry-free stick.

There should be only one of these things, so it is not possible to disguise two figures underwater at the same time, I am afraid that there is something strange in the pool of water. The water in the pool just now was clear, but the water she was in at the moment was turbid, giving off the stench of dead corpses.

After the monster dragged the hairpin star into the water, it disappeared, and then countless aquatic plants were entangled.

This seems to be a monster's lair.

It didn't eat the plundered people immediately, but brought them all back to the bottom of the water and baled them with water grass. Ordinary people fell into the water and either drowned quickly, or were suffocated by water plants. If the hairpin star used the water-repellent bead that Sui Jun gave her, it would not have been so easy.

The water flow around the hairpin spontaneously avoided both sides, creating a dry environment for her underwater. As soon as she activated her energy, the water plants on her side were burned by the magic energy. She came out of the water grass.

This pool of water seems to have some kind of power to restrain Yuan force. Ordinary monks do not avoid water droplets. Even if they have cultivation, they will be restrained by Yuan force when they fall into the water. Coupled with these clusters of aquatic plants, the situation is bound to be bad. Hairpin Xing guessed that the soil-eating ghosts had also been taken captive so far. She wanted to find the soil-eating ghosts, and she did not want to waste time at this moment, so she picked up the stick and searched for the whereabouts of the soil-eating ghosts among the corpses.

Thanks to all the demon cultivators in Black Rock City, she is no longer afraid of dead people or ghosts. There are countless more terrifying aesthetics than this in the demon clan, and they are all courageous. Hairpin Xing didn't take a few steps before he found the soil-eating ghost entangled in the aquatic plants.

Half of this demon cultivator's leg has been shattered. After all, demons are different from humans, so they haven't completely lost their breath, and there is still more energy in their chests. Hairpin Xing was about to take him away when his eyes suddenly froze.

Next to the soil-eating ghost, the water plants were wrapped around a human body, and its head was exposed. It looked very familiar. If I remember correctly, this should be a person from the Xiangling faction.

When they were in Li'er Country before, Hairpin Xing and his group entered the secret realm with the disciples of the Xiangling School. Hairpin Xing still remembered this fellow practitioner, who seemed to be Pu Tuo's senior sister, and gave her food before. This person should have also been dragged down by the monster, and there is still a little bit of anger left at the moment. Hairpin Xing did not hesitate, grabbed the two of them, and headed away.

Crash— The water broke.

The hairpin star came out from the bottom of the water.

She put the soil-eating ghost and the female disciple of the Xiangling Sect on the ground, and she was stunned when she raised her eyes. In front of the vast sea of ​​flowers, the fragrance is moving, there is no Buddha statue on the mountain wall, there is no green jungle, there is no pool, only a small pool.

This is not a place for talent at all.

what happened? What about Mimi? What about Xiao Shuang? What about the magician?

Hairpin Xing took out the sound transmission, and was about to ask where Xiaoshuang was when suddenly he heard someone's voice behind him: Who is it!

Hairpin Xing turned his head and faced the people in the monk's robes. The leader took a deep breath and shouted behind him, Magic cultivator! It is a magic cultivator!

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