
Chapter 258 Black Dragon Fish (1)

After the decision to go to Mount Yu'e was decided, the entire Black Rock City was busy.

This trip is simple, but in fact, it is not easy to survive in the gap between the demon army and the ghosts. The demons who follow the hairpin must be loyal talents with excellent moral, intellectual, physical and beauty. . The old group that the former Demon King Guidiaotang relied on the most was wiped out by Zongmen as early as the year after the war between humans and demons. men. So much so that what's left now is a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates. No, the remaining soldiers and weak generals, such a large Black Rock City, want to pick out a hundred elite soldiers, it is much more difficult than the Taiyan faction sect assessment.

Xiaoshuang took the trouble to check the list of demons who traveled with Hairpin Star over and over again: Little Highness, these candidates were selected after being seen by Her Royal Highness. Loyalty. This is the first time Your Highness has brought someone out of the demon world, if someone shoots a cold arrow behind his back. He didn't continue.

Although most people in the demon world are not of the Jiang faction, there are also a small number of extremists who are willing to support the ghosts to dominate the three worlds, and to hold the position of the master of the three worlds of the demon world. If one of them were mixed in and stabbed the star in the back at a critical moment, it would not be worth the loss.

Hairpin Xing was putting something in the Qiankun bag, and agreed with hmmm.

The sick man came over, before Hairpin Xing could speak, the youth in green clothes had red eyes, crying like pear blossoms and rain: Little Highness, you must take care of your health when you go here, I heard that the place in Yu'e Mountain is very evil. If it wasn't for my health Alright, I'll go with your little highness. He shook his hands and took out a peace talisman from his arms: This is the peace talisman that my mother gave me, and I gave it to the little prince to keep you safe.

Hairpin Xing took the small white bag with the word 'Peace' embroidered with red silk thread on the bag. She smiled and said, Thank you. Her heart said that you can pull it down. All the way, he had to wipe the blood he coughed all over the ground, and he couldn't reach Yu'e Mountain after ten years.

Little Highness, Comb girl handed over a slender concentric knot: This subordinate cut a bunch of his own hair into a happy knot. She smiled shyly and timidly: This is a piece of my subordinate's heart. , Your Highness must accept it.

Hairpin Xing: . I always feel very guilty.

The contents of the Qiankun bag were not completely filled, and a red basket fell to the side. The fire essence in the Heavenly Fire Basket had already burned out in the Abyss of Extreme Ice, and now it has become an empty basket. Hairpin Star is still considering whether to leave the basket in the Chaos Hall. The lantern blower has already picked up the basket and put it inside. Three ghost lights. His voice was sweet and greasy, and he said, Your Highness this time, there is no subordinate to hold the lights for you, so it will inevitably get dark when you walk at night. The ghost lights of your subordinates will not go out at night. With the ghost lights, Your Highness will not be afraid of the dark. .

It seems that it is more scary to light such a ghost fire in the middle of the night, but the hairpin star still put the sky fire basket full of ghost lights into the Qiankun bag: Thank you, I need it.

The wine devil brought a jar of good wine, Suijun put a water-repellent bead into the hairpin star, and General Cable was even better, and gave the hairpin star a hanging rope. Although the meaning was not satisfactory, the hairpin star still accepted. , all put into the Qiankun bag.

The group sent the hairpin star to the gate of Black Rock City with thousands of instructions, and the hairpin star gave birth to a subtle illusion that the emperor went on an expedition and was sent to the harem.

Bu Jiang said: Let's go. He took the hairpin and walked to the big bank of the river bank.

In the mountains at the entrance of Blackrock City, an extremely wide river was as wide as the sea, surrounding the entire Blackrock City. The water was as fast as an arrow, and the river was as dark as night. The monstrous waves came from a distance and slapped on the embankment of the city gate. The splashed water fell on the black stone, filling it with a sense of decay.

Unsurprisingly, if someone walks through this place, it will be eroded by the river water into a dead bone in an instant.

Bujiang opened her palm, and a black jar appeared in her palm. She opened the lid of the jar, and a strong spiritual energy immediately permeated from it.

Grab a handful of the contents and throw them into the river. Bujiang said to the hairpin star.

Hairpin did as he was told, grabbed a large amount of black pills from the jar, and the pills looked similar to the medicine pills in the sect, but instead of primordial power, magic power was attached to them.

This is. Zhu Xing asked Bu Jiang, who was beside him, as he sprinkled it into the Styx River.

It's just fodder.


Before the hairpin star continued to ask questions, the turbulent river showed some changes. In the black river, a huge vortex suddenly appeared, and the water was as high as a city wall. Mimi seemed to have sensed something, and walked up and down the hairpin's side nervously, staring at the river under the wall with her cat waist.


From the dark bottom of the river, a huge black shadow suddenly broke out. He jumped in the air, and then quickly fell into the water. The provoked river waves were like a torrential rain, which instantly wet the people on the shore. Hairpin star can only vaguely see the broad fish tail like a huge palace, and a pair of eyes the size of a plaque.

She was suffocated and said nothing for a long time.

Oops, monster phobia committed.

This is the black dragon fish. Bu Jiang put away the jar: When I took you back to Black Rock City, I didn't take the dragon fish for convenience. But there are many people here, so it is better to ride on the dragon fish to swim faster. She looked To the demons following behind him: Go up.

Heilongyu swam to the bank of the Ming River, and seemed to know that he was ugly, so he silently dived the head of the fish to the bottom of the water, revealing only the fish ridge like a hill. The ridge of the fish is very wide, like a raised mountain range, and the demons go up and find a place to climb in turn. Xiaoshuang walked beside the hairpin star: Little Highness, please.

Hairpin Xing looked at Bujiang, Bujiang gave her a slight nod, Hairpinxing didn't say anything, and hugged Mi Mi to the fish.

Xiao Shuang followed.

The dark river waves floated against the body of the fish, and the dragon fish slowly moved its dorsal fins, like a giant black ship sailing toward the sky, carrying everyone to the distance.

Bujiang's figure gradually condensed into a vague red dot, and disappeared from everyone's sight together with Black Rock City behind him.

Styx River, no, it looks more like a black ocean, and you can't see the head at a glance, and even the sky above the head is stained by this black river water into a misty gray. It looks dark and cold here, like an outdated dream.

Only the big black fish under him became the only agile movement in this ocean.

Hairpin Xing sat on the back of the fish leaning against the fish's spine. Mimi was very interested in the dragon fish, and tried several times to use her claws to dig the back of the arowana, but was stopped by Hairpin Xing. If this is a problem that capsizes the boat and has not waited for Yu Eshan to get out of the demon world, all have to be explained here, then it would be a joke to say it out.

Hairpin asked Xiao Shuang next to him: Is this dragon fish always so well-behaved? As long as a little feed is needed to cross the river. It grows so big, what if it attacks Black Rock City? What if it overturns us all in the middle? how?

Xiaoshuang was looking at the Taotao River in a trance, and laughed when he heard the words: You don't have to worry about your highness, Arowana has a docile temperament and never hurts anyone.

I know the truth, but it's so big.

It is said that there was a dragon gate on the Xianshan Mountain in the old days. If the carp jumped over the dragon gate, it could turn into a dragon. Xiaoshuang thought for a while: As early as when the demons first opened, this black dragon fish lived in the Styx River. Mozun tried unsuccessfully to conquer Heilongyu as a spirit beast. Later, a Mozun occasionally threw a magic pill into the Styx River to attract Arowana, and later, Heilongyu became the defense general of Blackrock City. When the two demons were fighting, it was Dragon Fish who transported batches of demons out of Black Rock City to fight.

Hairpin Xing was slightly surprised: Then this black dragon fish should have a long lifespan?

It should be. Xiaoshuang smiled: It has a docile temperament and never hurts people. Although its appearance is a bit ugly, it has never happened to overturn people in the middle.

Hairpin Xing said, the carp that can leap over the Dragon Gate is really a lucky koi with great fortune. It's a pity that he looks a little scary, probably Arowana himself is aware of his ugly appearance, and rarely raises his head to the surface, only swimming silently and alone, looking a bit pitiful.

When I go back to Blackrock City, I will definitely practice a few more boxes of magic pills to feed it, Hairpin Xing thought to himself.

The vast ocean is boundless, as if everything in the world has been submerged by the ocean, and on the vast water surface, only a huge black fish like a small mountain swims slowly. At first, the accompanying demons were still able to chat, laugh, and gossip, but then they slowly fell silent. Afterwards, he simply stopped talking, only a surging black torrent, boundless, rushing from the end of the sky.

The black dragon fish swam for ten days.

Ten days later, a gap appeared in Wang Yangzhong, breaking the unchanging cold picture.

You Mozu's spirit was lifted, and he pointed to the distance and said, It's here! It's in the capital city!

The demon sitting on the fish's spine suddenly became excited.

Before the war between the human and the demons, the demons often took the dragon fish to go to the capital for training. After the war between humans and demons, the demon king fell, the spiritual energy of the demon world was insufficient, and the world of immortals took the opportunity to rise. The remaining demons who remained in the capital were almost wiped out, and the remaining demons returned to Blackrock City, relying on the protection of the Styx River from being found by the Xiuxian world.

For more than 20 years, the demons here have entered the capital for the first time after so many years.

The demons are born to be lively, the world is prosperous and vast, and it is more moving than Blackrock City. Now that they have returned to the old place, some emotional demons have begun to secretly wipe their tears.

The dragon fish swam to the shore, and the hairpin said to the crowd, Go ashore.

The demons stepped off the fish one by one, and the hairpin star was the last one. When everyone went ashore, Hairpin Xing turned around, touched the fins of the black dragon fish exposed on the water, and said seriously, Thank you.

The dragon fish buried the fish's head deeper, shook the huge fish tail slightly, then turned away and disappeared into the black ocean.

Xiaoshuang took out the map from his arms, looked at the blue sky that was completely different from Blackrock City, and said, Let's go.

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