
Chapter 257 The Last Page (2)

To be honest, she really wanted to go to Mount Yu'e.

Now that all major sects have set up restrictions on the demons, she wants to sneak back to Gufeng Mountain to take a look at Gu Baiying, which is more difficult than climbing to the sky. Going to Yu'Eshan secretly is different, maybe not only can see Gu Baiying, but also Meng Yingtian Fangfang and the others. I don't know how Hongsu is now, the Xiuxian world should not embarrass a little girl from the human race. But with Hongsu's temperament, she might have torn her face with Zongmen and left the Taiyan faction in a rage. Yuecheng's Yang family is estimated to have a clear relationship with her. She is a little girl who wants to survive in the capital, no matter what she thinks. Not so easy.

When you go to Yu'e Mountain, you can see the old people. She has a lot of people she wants to see, care about, and a lot of questions, and she can get answers during this trip.

But the question is, will she be able to get out of her body once she is confronted with the ghosts and the demon army?

She can't do things with passion, otherwise, before anyone can be rescued, she will become a drag first.

In the past two years, the seeds of the qin worm have grown into a big tree in the hairpin star, the big tree will bear fruit, and then withered, the branches and leaves have turned into tree mud, completely integrated into the spiritual root of the hairpin star, destroying the original by the Wan killing array. The spiritual roots are repaired one by one, and there are no more loopholes.

However, her golden elixir still did not re-coagulate, because the bloodline of the Demon King of Hairpin Star had awakened.

Since she is a demon, she can no longer use the cultivation methods of the immortal world, including the inheritance that Fairy Qinghua gave her, all of which are useless. She started a new way of cultivation. The Peerless Heart Sutra was indeed a wonderful book, but when Zhan Xing practiced the Heart Sutra to the last page, she saw that the last page was filled with words that were not the content of the Heart Sutra. .

She stretched out her hand, and a tattered paper book immediately appeared in the palm of her hand. Hairpin Xing turned to the last page, still the familiar scribbled handwriting, and it said crookedly:

Yu Shaoshi cultivated immortals, climbed the avenues, had a shrewd spiritual root, and was extremely gifted. Occasionally, he found an opportunity, was trapped here, and failed to find it, so he cultivated. Today, the avenues of the earth are only the two paths of immortals and demons. Demons, of course, both have deficiencies. Yu Shuyi's Heart Sutra is not the way of demons or immortals. It has the body of gods and no essence. If it achieves positive results, it will be the first of the saints in the three realms outside the rules of heaven.

Yu Linggen has been cast, and it is impossible to cultivate this Heart Sutra, so I put the Heart Sutra here and wait for someone who is destined. All things are born, and human beings are precious. I wish that the monks in the world have the courage to try new things, and climb the mountain without ending with difficulties and dangers, and then they will surely reach the mountains. The Tao is in nothingness and nature, and I know that my life is inexorable.

The last sentence, I worked hard to write strokes and strokes, very neat, as if it contained great expectations:

- Fellow practitioners, I wish you good luck.

Xing Xing breathed a deep sigh of relief.

I don't know who wrote this Peerless Heart Sutra, but after reading the self-report on the last page of this person, it is the product of this person's passionate creation after being trapped in a certain place. There is no previous cultivation experience, including the writer himself, who is not allowed to cultivate because of his spiritual roots. And the owner of the Heart Sutra didn't care if there was any problem with the contents of the book, so he put the book in a safe place and waited for someone to come.

This book was probably picked up by someone later, but because the cultivation conditions are too harsh, and the sentence If you practice hard, it goes against the principle, the sky will be struck by thunder, and you will die suddenly on the spot. Never started. After many times, this heart sutra was not seen again until someone fell into the trap of the sacred tree in the treasure field and turned into flower mud, and was picked up by Mimi from the pile of bones.

If it wasn't for the hairpin star who was desperate in the abyss of extreme ice that day, he would not have thought of cultivating this San Wuxin Sutra. And she was indeed struck by the sky and thundered. Thanks to Mi Mi, I devoured the robbery cloud and wished her a safe passage. Otherwise, she might have really killed in place now.

She has practiced this Heart Sutra to seven, seven, eight, eight, but she has not explored it before, and she does not know whether there is any problem with this practice, and how powerful it is. In the fight against Guiyansheng and Demon Exorcism Army, she has a good chance of winning. geometry.

The raindrops outside drifted into the hall along the unclosed window, and wet the soft snow-white blanket on the couch.

On the spread out pages, the last page was full of writing, as if the writer was in a hurry, rushing to the next place to write in a hurry. Hairpin star's eyes fell on the words good luck.

Mimi rolled over, and her tail landed on the soft couch like a dull bell in a silent rainy night.

After a while, Hairpin Xing stretched out his hand and took the Peerless Heart Sutra back into the Qiankun bag.

Good luck she smiled.

Bad luck came to an end, speaking of which, her good luck should come.

Early the next morning, Hairpin Xing went to the Hall of Hades.

Bu Jiang was sitting on the high seat looking at Black Rock City's account books for the past two months. Jin Cancan's account books were taller than one person. The old housekeeper who was reading the ledger was killed by the ghost, and now only Bujiang has seen the taxation and income and expenditure in the entire city.

Seeing Hairpin Xing coming in, Bujiang paused: Have you figured it out so soon?

Hairpin Xing replied, I'm going to Mount Yu'e.

Xiaoshuang walked out of the hall with the surrounding demon cultivators, Zhuangxing sat down on the chair, and Bujiang put down the ledger in his hand: Don't think about it any more?

There's nothing to think about. Hairpin Xing said: Gui Yansheng has won Xiao Yuanzhu for two years, and his cultivation will definitely increase. Your Demon King's Yuan Li has been greatly reduced, and he is not his opponent, otherwise he would not have been imprisoned in the first place. The abyss of extreme ice. I am the only one who can come forward in the entire demon world. Besides,” Hairpin Xing glanced at the stack of ledger books: “If you go to Mount Yu’e, what will I do in Black Rock City? I won’t read the ledger. Oh my God, she can't become immortal, and she can't get rid of the social animal fate of working at a desk.

The queen was stunned for a moment, smiled puchi, stood up and walked down the stairs, she walked to the hairpin and said, Well, although I guessed that you would definitely agree, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. With determination and heart, there is already the shadow of the next master of Blackrock City.

Hairpin Xing coughed lightly, Where is Mount Yu'e?

Yu'e Mountain is the westernmost part of Duzhou, and people from the immortal world rarely set foot there, because there is nothing there.

There's nothing, why is Guiyansheng there? Hairpin Xing was puzzled.

Because there is a five-wheeled tower there.

Five-round Pagoda? Hairpin Xing thought for a while: I've never heard of it. She read a lot of books on the customs of the capital in the library of the Taiyan School, but she had never seen anyone who wrote about this tower.

The Five Wheel Pagoda is a pagoda built by monks five hundred years ago. It is made of five wheels of earth, fire, water, wind, and air. Each round of the pagoda corresponds to a trial, and after one round, there is a round of trials. Harvest. As early as a hundred years ago, there were monks who spent four rounds and took away the first four rounds of harvest. However, there is only one treasure in the one-round tower. Once someone takes the treasure through the trial, the tower will be empty, and another person will come. After the trial, there is nothing to take.

The first four rounds? Hairpin Xing noticed the key point in her words: What about the fifth round?

Nobody made it through the fifth round.

Hairpin Xing was startled: Five hundred years, no one can pass?

Yes, there was a genius who broke into the fifth floor, but he didn't get out in the end. Hundreds of years ago, there were still people going to the Five Wheel Pagoda to challenge, but then gradually no one dared to go up. So these years, there are few people in Yu'e Mountain. To. After a pause, Bu Jiang continued: Gui Xiansheng went to Yu'Eshan, mostly because of the fifth round of the five-round tower trial for hundreds of years, no one dared to go to the fifth round, but he was not afraid. Crazy, if it weren't for his moodiness, even I would admire his courage.

Hairpin Xing thought for a moment: What is the prize for the fifth round of the five-round tower trial? Since he is so desperate, he thinks that the treasure is very rich.

Bujiang shook his head: I've never heard of it.

Hairpin was silent, and after a while, she cheered up: Anyway, I always have to go to Mount Yu'e, but mother, am I the only one on this trip?

Did they overestimate her a bit?

Bu Jiang Shi smiled: How could it be? A ghost who hates life and is ferocious, and a demon slayer army does it, how can you, a child, handle it. I have selected some people to go with you. These people are the elites of the demon race. Even if you lose the match, it can keep you safe. By the way, Xiaoshuang is also with you. You are not familiar with the subordinates of the Demon Race, and I am much more at ease with Xiaoshuang by your side. Hairpin, she sighed He breathed a sigh of relief: This trip is simple, but in reality there are many dangers and dangers, you must take care of yourself. At the time of life and death, don't think about morality. You are a disciple of the Taiyan faction, but you are even more of a black stone city. the master.

Hairpin said: I know.

After talking for a while, the hairpin star left. After Xing Xing left, Xiao Shuang walked in from outside the hall.

Sitting on the high seat, Bujiang looked at the thickly stacked ledgers in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

Xiaoshuang stepped forward, took out a wooden slip inlaid with pigeon eggs and a large ruby ​​from his bosom and said, Your Highness, the candidate for Yu'eshan has been prepared, please take a look at your Highness.

Bujiang's eyes turned and landed on the wooden slip in his little hands, but he didn't reach out to pick it up, he just said thoughtfully: Little Shuang, you have been with Hairpin Xing for so long, what kind of person do you think she is?

Your Highness is open-minded, decisive in handling things, more than kind, but lacks majesty.

You're sincere, Bujiang gave him a sideways glance with a smile: I'm not afraid that Hairpin Xing will punish you for being disrespectful if she knows you say that behind her back.

Xiaoshuang also followed with a smile: Your Highness is merciful and doesn't care about such trivial matters.

She is compassionate, Bu Jiang's expression became melancholy: My father and I have only natural but no support for her, but we want to force her to take over such a mess, she actually agrees, from the abyss of extreme ice. At the beginning of the meeting, there was no complaint against me. What is this not a Bodhisattva?

Xiaoshuang warmly comforted: The past is over, whether it's your little highness or your highness, you should look forward.

It would be great if she could look forward to everything. Bu Jiang sighed: You know why I let you go with you to Mount Yu'e. The little girl misses her old love, but now her identity is different, and everything in the past is different. She has the heart of a child, but people's hearts are changeable, and when old friends meet, it is inevitable that things will go wrong. I don't want her to be sad, you know what to do.

Xiaoshuang bowed down: This subordinate understands.

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