After a large crowd of fools appeared.

A variety of attack methods greet your own team.

Yingben wanted to follow his previous combat experience, maneuver with these enemies according to the terrain, and then break each one.

When he turned his head, he found that Lu Chen not only did not retreat, but was alone in the front.

"Lu Chen! Be careful!

"Don't worry." Lu Chen smiled and stretched out his left hand, and with a flick of it, the enchanted bullets of those fire hammers all crashed into a shield shining with golden light.

The shadow and Nasida in the team didn't even have to make a move, and Lu Chen just stood up to the attacks from all sides and walked forward step by step.

"Wow!" Paimon felt like he had seen the world, "It's comparable to Zhongli's shield!"

"It's still slightly inferior." Lu Chen said modestly.

It is said that the old man's [Jade Shield] is simply the most versatile skill, and even if he is given a few more powerful skills, he is not willing to change.

Seeing Lu Chen's relaxed appearance, Ying finally let go of his heart, so he followed closely behind him and acted as a cover.

As Lu Chen pressed forward step by step, the rest of the fools began to appear flustered.

"What kind of monster is this? I can't move it at all!

"Let me come!" A burly thunder hammer brother shouted, and then carried the giant hammer that was larger than Nasida and slammed it directly.

Lu Chen still did not dodge, he clenched his fists slightly, and concentrated the rock element more on one point.

Then only a loud bang was heard in the air.


Brother Thunder Hammer's hammer flew away, but he himself was torn apart by this force, and he fell to his knees in pain, bleeding from his hands.

"Have you had enough?" Lu Chen looked around at these fools who had obviously become frightened, "It's up to me now, right?" As

soon as the words fell, before the fools could react, he and the shadow's figures flashed at the same time, and the next second the two directly rushed into the enemy formation.

With a slight wave of his sword, the bladeless sword burst out with a fierce sword qi, and the row of fools in front of him was like paper paste, and they were broken in two.

And the shadow side is even more exaggerated, under the thunderous offensive, the fools can't even leave a whole corpse, and they have been chopped into slag.

"This is..." Ying looked at the attack of the two like cutting leeks in amazement, even if he was mentally prepared, he still did not expect such a one-sided scene.

"Wow—so bloody, so scary..." Paimon followed behind Ying, not daring to look at it.

"But then again... The group chef has become so good now! "

Cook with the group?" Ying looked at her suspiciously.

"Hmph! Who made him a riddler just now! Paimon was so angry that he started to float and stomp his foot again, "So I'm going to give him an ugly nickname!" "

With the group... Cook...? Nasida on the side snorted, "It turns out that when you traveled, did Lu Chen have this status?"

"Hmph! That's right, he's in charge of making a fire and cooking! Paimon hugged his little arm.

Ying gave her a blank look after listening, "Lu Chen is responsible for cooking, are you responsible for eating?"

Paimon smiled, a little embarrassed, "No way! Who makes this you can fight the most, you think... When you traveled before, you were responsible for fighting, Lu Chen was responsible for cooking, and I was responsible for... Eat, isn't it very balanced?

Ying didn't have time to scare her, but stared at Lu Chen's ghostly figure that appeared and disappeared from time to time, and said to Nasida: "When Paimon and I found him, I thought that such a mysterious person must be very promising, so I never underestimated him, but I still didn't expect it..."

Nasida said with a smile.

Ying nodded.

"If you knew what kind of person he used to be, you'd be even more surprised," Nasida said silently.

"Can you talk to me?" Ying was really curious.

"Well..." Nasida hesitated.

"Tell me about it!" Ying was very curious.

"Let him talk to you personally when you have time." Nasida shook her head, "But you can rest assured that no matter how powerful he becomes, he is still on our side." The

battle ended in a bloody storm, Lu Chen looked around, whether it was his side or the shadow side, he could no longer see the enemy standing.

In the entire hall, only the thunder hammer brother who was trembling on the ground was left.

Lu Chen walked over with a smile on his face and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't be stunned, tell me where that squad of the Sea Qiu Army is before, I can open up to you."

Brother Thunder Hammer looked at the hall full of corpses, and his eyes gradually despaired.

"Don't worry, I always count when I speak."

Lu Chen's smile was like a devil among the well-trained members of the advance team of fools.


Subsequently, Lu Chen and several people came to the deeper part of the Evil Eye Factory under his leadership, where the aura of the gods was even stronger.

Lu Chen looked at the production rooms on both sides of the corridor, in addition to the filthy breath, there was also a smell of blood that could not be dispersed, which showed that there should be quite a lot of people who died on the test bench.

It is here that the fools use the collected Demon God residue to make the Evil Eye, which is a device that mimics the Eye of God and allows ordinary people to release powerful power.

If Diluc were here, he would be no stranger, as he had used the evil eye produced by the Fools for a while.

For a god's eye holder like Diluc, the evil eye has a certain backlash, not to mention that it is used by ordinary people.

Ordinary people using the evil eye will definitely accelerate the overdraft of life force, and the end is to die quickly, and the price of gaining power is huge, because this power does not belong to them.

A few people avoided the patrolling crowd of fools, and looked thoughtfully at the equipment in the production room.

She said in a low voice: "Recently, I heard that there has been a strange aging phenomenon in the Haiqi army..."

Lu Chen looked at her, and Ying frowned and continued:

"I thought it was just a rumor chasing the wind, but recently several rising stars have suddenly appeared in the army, as if they have suddenly opened up in martial arts, so think about it, they may be using this kind of thing..."

You analyzed very reasonably, it should be like this.

Ying has a deep concern about his speculation.

Lu Chen asked again: "By the way, are there any Zheping among the few rising stars in the army you mentioned?" "

Tetsuhira?" Ying thought for a moment, "I don't see how powerful he has become?" "

Oh." Lu Chen thought about it, it seemed that Zheping had not yet become the captain of another squad, so it seemed that he had not yet obtained the Evil Eye.

"Then you'd better watch him." Lu Chen looked at Ying's puzzled eyes and explained: "On the way here, I can feel that the kid has a very eager to become stronger, which can be said to be the natural audience of the evil eye.

"Okay, I remembered."

Under the lead of the thunder hammer, several people stopped and walked in the complex cloister, constantly descending until they came to a dark place where prisoners were held.

Looking at it from a distance, in addition to those foolish guards, Lu Chen really saw Goro and their figures.

"You guys! How many officers and soldiers of our army have been harmed with that kind of thing! I will not die with you fools! Only

Goro and the three wounded sergeants were left in the prison, and the object of Goro's cursing was a tall, condescending and charming woman.

"So angry?

"Do you know who you're scolding now?" In a way, I am a benevolent person to your entire island of Kaijima~

" Goro looked at the woman coldly, "What crazy thing are you talking about?" How can I, Haijidao, have an intersection with someone like you? The

woman didn't explain, just laughed twice, stopped taking Goro, and left gracefully surrounded by fools.

Lu Chen looked at her back and fell into thought.

It's actually the executive of the fools, ma'am.

In other words, the two executive officers in charge of the Inazuma situation, he will soon be able to meet.

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