After the cave was reopened by Lu Chen.

Ying was about to enter it with his squad members, but was immediately stopped by Lu Chen.

"What's wrong?" Ying showed a questioning expression.

Lu Chen glanced at her team members, and the words that came out were very direct, "The breath in this is unbearable for ordinary humans, letting them in is no different from sending them to death, my suggestion is that a few of us with the elite of the Eye of God go in."

This sentence was quite contemptuous, and the members of the Swordfish Second Team were very unconvinced.

During the time that Ying became the captain, this team has completed many major tasks, and the "Swordfish Second Team" has also become a high-profile new star in the army, so in such a team, the players will inevitably be proud and complacent.

Therefore, as soon as they heard Lu Chen's statement, the other team members hoped to participate in the follow-up action, instead of guarding outside the cave entrance.

"Captain! Let's go inside too!

"Yes! What is it that we are guarding outside? I can't put you in danger alone!

Lu Chen's faceless statement was entirely due to the shortage of time, and he glanced at those people a little impatiently.

"If you have the ability to open mountains and split rocks, I would love you to come in!" But if you follow me in at your current level, you will have to trouble me to help you collect the corpse in the end." Perhaps

it was Lu Chen's strength to split the mountain stone with a wave of his hand, but after he said this, few people dared to refute it in person, they just muttered in a low voice.

"But... There is a little girl in your team..."

"You all stay outside!" Don't come in without my orders! Ying ended the discussion directly.

"Yes!" The team members said quickly.

After ending the meaningless dispute, Lu Chen took Ying and Nasida, Ying took Paimon and slowly entered the cave.

The cave was so dark that they couldn't see their fingers, so everyone took out tools that could be illuminated, but Lu Chen couldn't use it, because the bladeless sword in his hand was emitting a blue shimmer outward, which showed that Yuan Energy had been working automatically.

Ying looked at the blue shimmer curiously, although it was still a bladeless sword, but the energy emitted from it was very peculiar.

"Lu Chen, this weapon of yours... Lu

Chen said, "This is my secret weapon. "

Huh? Secret weapon? "Ying is even more strange.

Because in the end, it is also a bladeless sword, how can anyone use a bladeless sword as a secret weapon?

"This thing works wonders for everything polluting." Lu Chen waved it casually, and after touching the filth in the air, the blue halo flickered, and the Yuan Energy Bladeless Sword became like a glow stick.

Ying asked in surprise, "What have you experienced during this time, how can there be so many strange things?" "

This is a long story, and it will not be finished for a while..." Lu Chen looked back at the shadow helplessly.

Although Ying didn't speak all the way, she didn't hear anything, because Lu Chen always felt that there was a cold feeling on the back of her head, needless to say, she must have been staring at herself.

As a result, when he looked back, he saw Ah Ying's strange gaze like observing a prisoner.

As soon as she talks to Ying, she will look at herself like this, and then there is a feeling of sweat and hair on his back, which can be said to be the body's desire to survive.

Lu Chen immediately made a calm expression with a calm heart, he was not afraid to observe at all, because he had never thought anything wrong with Ying Mei from beginning to end, he completely got along as a good brother, no way, who let Sister Chips not be colored at all....

Who thought that Ah Ying would eat flying jealousy here, and the two of them didn't bother so much when they were shopping with Shenzi, and from the time they first came here until now, Lu Chen's brain was going to explode.

As the team continued to move forward, Lu Chen gradually saw the typical Inazuma-style building, and the fools carved out an unusually large space deep in the mountain.

And in the air, a purple mist that was visible to the naked eye began to emerge, and in front of Lu Chen's eyes, the whole world was that ominous purple, and the resentment and corrosion were getting deeper and deeper, and this could be said to be the heaviest place in the entire island of the Demon God residue.

It can be imagined how harmful this kind of thing is to people.

"Out of breath... What an uncomfortable feeling..." Paimon's small hand covered his nose, and his body hid behind Ying.

Nasida also sniffed a little uncomfortably, and then tried to use her own strength to resist the erosion of the aura of the gods, but the effect was not significant.

Seeing this, Lu Chen clenched the bladeless sword in his hand, recalled the knowledge in the [Introduction to Meta-Energy Transformation and Application] in his mind, and swept forward.

The blue Yuan Energy was instantly activated, and the aura of the gods in a large area in front of him was suddenly swept away, and the air became a lot smoother.

"Useful eh!?" Paimon looked over in surprise, and carefully looked at the glowing bladeless sword in Lu Chen's hand, "What the hell is this?" It's amazing! Lu

Chen saw that the effect of Yuan Energy was obvious, so he took out three bladeless swords from the system and handed them to Ying, Nasida and Ying, so that the efficiency of cleaning would become higher.

Then, Lu Chen inadvertently glanced at Paimon floating in the air, "This kind of thing, wouldn't you know?" "

Huh?" Paimon's eyes gradually widened, his mouth biting his fingers, confused by what Lu Chen said.

The Yuan Neng Bladeless Sword in Lu Chen's hand shone brightly, and he said quietly: "Don't pretend to be stupid, little Paimon."

"How would I know, hey!" She hugged her arm with a puzzled expression, "I haven't seen you for a while, why are you getting weirder and more strange, always saying strange things!"

Lu Chen saw the stars from her big eyes.

Paimon didn't look like a fake, and Lu Chen really couldn't feel the power in her, so he shrugged, "Then let me say something strange, but one day you will remember."

"Hey——!" Paimon was even more confused, so angry that he stomped his foot in the air.

The group continued to move forward, and Lu Chen saw some traces of battle, and there were corpses guarded by fools on the ground, which seemed to be Goro and them.

The area of the Evil Eye Factory was large, and forks began to appear in front of the team, and as expected, it twisted and twisted like a maze.

However, this kind of maze had no effect on Lu Chen, he could feel the elemental force in the air that was stimulated by the battle, and these faint traces showed him the way.

"Go this way." Lu Chen took the lead and walked towards a Yong road.

While walking, he came to a hall, and Lu Chen unsurprisingly met a group of familiar faces of fools.

"They are ——!" Ying immediately made a vigilant move, "Fools Advance Team! "

Led by the four people of Fire Hammer, Rock Messenger, Thunder Hammer, and Wind Fist, a large group of fools shouted and surrounded Lu Chen who suddenly broke into the hall.

"Just in time." Lu Chen smiled and moved his wrist.

Now Goro and they are nowhere to be found, and they don't know when they will find them just by looking for it, just in time to grab a few fools to ask for directions.

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