Lu Chen and Ying sat in the "Morning Light Craft Brew" for a long time, and finally the first guest came to the door.

Looking at the young man who didn't seem to be in a good mood, Lu Chen burst into tears, and today it finally opened....

Wendy is also very enthusiastic, working with the bartender to introduce new guests to the special drinks in the bar.

As a result, under the enthusiastic gaze of such a group of people, the young man who was originally in a bad mood was even worse and almost fled.

After he experienced the first free Mondette drink, his gloomy expression finally changed, and he directly ordered a bottle, took the back seat and drank it alone.

Seeing that person cup after cup, occasionally looking out the window in a daze, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's a drunken man..." Wendy withdrew her sneaking prying gaze.

"Wine can escape sorrow." Shadow shook his clear wine glass and said.

"You've been interested in wine lately..." Wendy's eyes lit up.

"Eh... Is it?

Lu Chen was still looking at the new customer, although it was a little difficult at first, but after drinking that Mondette drink, the guest was immediately attracted.

This is good news that new wines will indeed be popular, as long as they find a way to promote them.

So what to do....

Lu Chen, who was thinking, withdrew his gaze, looked back at Ying, and found that she was already drinking the fourth cup....

This wine was completely different from rice wine and cocktails, and Lu Chen was suddenly shocked.

He glared at Wendy, who was persuading him to drink, and wanted to glare at Ah Ying again.

As a result, seeing her crimson cheeks and a little confused little eyes, I suddenly softened my heart.

She wanted to secretly put away the wine glass in her hand, but was snatched back by a huge force.

"Don't drink anymore, you're already drunk

..." "No..." Shadow shook his head, pretending to be calm.

"Is it—?" Lu Chen expressed strong doubts.

"Huh... How come there are five Achen..."

"Still said you weren't drunk??"

Lu Chen looked at the shadow helplessly, she seemed to want to distinguish which of the five Lu Chen in front of her was real, so she came closer, squinting her eyes and observing carefully.

There was a warm breath on his face, and his beautiful cheeks had already floated a charming red, and the shadow was about to be pasted.

Lu Chen's heart suddenly pounded, no way, the drunken shadow was too hooky.

"Finally found, it turned out to be here..." Finally

touching Lu Chen's face, Ying smiled with satisfaction, and then swayed, lying on the bar with his hands and falling asleep.


"Finally found you..."

Her mouth muttered from time to time, and the corners of her mouth still retained a beautiful curve, as if she had fallen into a sweet dream.

With the slight sound of the shadow, the remaining three people helplessly looked big and small.

Lu Chen immediately looked at the culprit, and Wendy immediately raised her hands.

"I didn't persuade to drink, she drank it voluntarily!!"

"I know..." Lu Chen rubbed his brows, a little distressed.

Shadow really loves to drink more and more.

It's not okay to go on like this, although she looks good when she is drunk, but Aying, who is drunk every day, is too unspeakable....

Let Miko see that he will die of jokes....

Looking at the sleeping shadow, Lu Chen sighed and took off his coat and gently draped it over her body.

There were no customers today, so the three bosses began to study how to make this new wine sell.

"Although your new wine is great..." Lu Chen spread out his hand, "But the current situation is that the aroma of wine is also afraid of the deep alley!"

He looked outside, and the bar opposite looked lively, and all the drinkers ran to it.

Because that bar has been open for a long time, it has deep roots in the local area, and the location is also good, unlike "Morning Light Craft Brew" sitting in the corner.

"So we have to find a way to open up visibility." Wendy pondered for a moment, and then said excitedly: "Our opening ceremony must be particularly grand, and it is best to have free drinks and the like!"

Lu Chen glanced at him and immediately recognized his thoughts.

"Free drinks are free, but I have an idea."

Both looked at him, and Lu Chen continued: "Barbara has not yet debuted, and she can't receive a commercial performance, so it's better to let her come over to the hot scene." "

This also allows you to exercise your performance experience, and when it comes to the Starlight Carnival at the end of the month, Barbara will not be so nervous."

"I think so, I'll go call Tony!" Wendy said just do it, and immediately pulled out her phone.

Regarding the idea of a bar show, Tony quickly agreed, Barbara and Wendy's marketing methods are different, and showing more faces will accumulate popularity.

Now V.T is a big V with millions of followers, and the company operates this account and often posts some photos from the studio.

A photo without a face, accompanied by the copy in the preparation of the new album, can accumulate tens of thousands of likes, and the following are all comments that prompted the song.

The enthusiasm of music fans startled Lu Chen, and V.T's popularity is now comparable to that of traffic stars.

And the account established by Starlight for Barbara is a bit deserted, not to mention that compared with V.T, it is not comparable to the previous "sister Nana".

After all, there is no official debut yet, and there is no way around it.

On the day of the opening of the bar, Lu Chen took the family out collectively to support Diluc.

The stage has been set up in front of the "Morning Light Craft Brew", the lighting and music atmosphere is grand, and many people passing by stop and look at it curiously.

The appearance of Lu Chen's handsome men and beautiful women attracted everyone's attention.

There were even those who came up to get autographed.

"They're not going to see us as stars, are they?" Lu Chen was surprised.

Publicity has been released before, and the idols of Starlight Company will perform on stage when the bar opens, and now there are more and more onlookers outside the bar, and there are many star-chasing students who come from afar.

The opportunity to see free idol performances is a rare opportunity, and the opening of "Morning Light Craft Brewing" is a success.

It took a lot of effort for Lu Chen and his party to squeeze in from the pile of people, and during the period, they also declined a bunch of guys who asked to take photos and take photos.

Coming to the bar, Barbara had already changed into a gorgeous performance costume, and her little face was full of excitement.

"First time on stage, nervous?" Lu Chen asked.

She nodded first, then immediately shook her head.

"Nervous, but more excited!"

"The girl is becoming more and more confident now~" Miko smiled with a little relief.

At the beginning, when Lu Chen handed over this girl to her to do styling, Barbara was still very shy and cramped with everything around her.

Now that I am about to perform on stage under the gaze of so many people, it is an expression of eagerness.

"Nothing~" Barbara said modestly.

She looked through the crack in the door of the bar, looked at the black-pressed crowd outside, and took a deep breath.

"Come on Barbara! You can do it! Hall Master Hu clenched his fists and cheered for Barbara.

"Plus... Oil. Qiqi also raised his small fist in a similar way.

Even Diluc, who has always had an ice face, is cheering for Barbara, and the appearance of being forced to open is particularly funny.

Barbara looked back at everyone and laughed movingly.


The lights on the stage flickered, and Wendy, who was a guest accompaniment, took the electric guitar handed by the bartender and took the lead on stage.

"I'm one step ahead!"

As soon as he took the stage, the sound of the electric guitar sounded, and with the lighting and sound, the whole venue was filled with dynamic and pleasant rhythms, and Wendy waved to the crowd like a master of the control field, eliciting a wave of screams.

Although I don't know which star he is, but so fancy, it must be a big star.

And Wendy's appearance is to bring out the real protagonist.

He waved his hand.

"Next, please—

" "Healing Spring!"

"The most shining idol, Miss Barbara appears!!"

Barbara walked quickly onto the stage, and with her appearance, there was a warm cheer from the audience.

After hearing her sing the first lyrics in its entirety, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The clear and beautiful voice, coupled with the wonderful face, caused the audience to cheer continuously, and they couldn't take their eyes off, Lu Chen took everyone and sat down at the table at the door that was most suitable for watching the performance.

The bartender sensibly served a few glasses of juice and then busied himself with entertaining other customers.

Lu Chen saw Ying's slightly dissatisfied eyes, and the corners of his mouth inexplicably raised.

Summer by the sea, juice, shows, this holiday is really not bad.

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