During the time when Barbara was filming the MV, Diluc's bar quietly hung up a business sign.

When Lu Chen and Ying were strolling on the pier, they saw the brand of "Morning Light Craft Brew" from a distance.

Because of the rain, the midday sun is not so dazzling, the ground is wet, and a few shallow pools of stagnant water reflect the clean and transparent sky.

This caused Lu Chen, who was about to walk towards the bar, to step on a foot of water, and splashed a lot of mud on Ying's pants.

Love Clean Shadow glanced at him in disgust.

Lu Chen thought about it, and when he took another step, he used the elemental force to condense the puddle under his feet into a layer of ice.

As a result, I almost fell over.

Shadow snorted, "Can someone who claims to be a demigod be so embarrassed?"

"What a broken pavement!" Lu Chen complained about a municipal project, didn't he say that he wanted to build a tourist city?

There are few pedestrians on the road, and the "Morning Light" bar has its doors open, but when viewed from the outside, there are no customers.

The two came to the door of the bar, curiously looking at the door of "Morning Light Brew", Wendy and Diluc placed a lot of flowers outside, and the Mond-style wooden sign, which looked particularly like "Angel's Gift", quite stylish.

Push open the door, the bell rings, and soothing jazz music comes from inside the bar.

"Welcome light..."

Diluc, who acted as a temporary bartender, saw that it was the two and greeted them with interest.

"Hello Boss Lu!" Lu Chen did not treat himself as an outsider, and directly pulled the shadow around.

The bar is decorated with a lot of wood, the lighting is vintage and there is even a fireplace with a fire.

"You guys did a really good job!" Lu Chen spun around and sat at the bar with Ying.

Diluc poured a Mond drink for each of them.

The flames in the fireplace crackled, accompanied by jazz, and there was an intoxicating slight drunkenness in the bar after the rain, and Lu Chen liked the feeling, as if he had returned to Mond.

However, the fly in the ointment is that there is not a single customer in the store, and Wendy sits in the back seat drinking alone, as if studying the score of a new song.

There was only one newly recruited young man in the store, he wore a bartender's vest and a bow tie, and looked at the boss's acquaintances with a curious look.

Lu Chen greeted him, and then looked at Diluc.

"This can't work, why don't you have a single guest..."

"There are fewer guests on rainy days." He stood behind the bar and wiped his cup, "And it's only a soft opening now, and it hasn't officially opened yet." "

I always feel that after the official opening, the business is not much better..." Lu Chen belly slandered, he was on the way to come just now, he saw a bar across the street with lights on, there were many people in that bar.

"As soon as we launch Tyyvat, the latest research in Diluc, guests will naturally be attracted to it!"

I don't know when, Wendy also came over, he came to the back of the bar and opened a bottle of wine casually, and then sat next to Lu Chen with the wine bottle.

As soon as Wendy sat down, the smell of alcohol hit her face.

When Wendy was pouring wine tons and pounds, Lu Chen faintly glimpsed the look of the little bartender who wanted to say nothing.

Lu Chen was curious: "This is your first bottle today?"

Wendy waved her hand: "Not much, not much, it's only the sixth bottle."

Even Diluc, who had always had a poker face, couldn't hold back, and he looked at Wendy, "When I went to buy just now, you opened three more bottles of wine?" "

Er... Ah, yes. Wendy scratched her hair and laughed mischievously, trying to get through the cuteness.

Lu Chen finally knew what was going on with the little bartender's expression, this bar hasn't opened yet, Wendy is about to drink all the wine...

"I know..." Lu Chen was helpless, Wendy ran over to help up and down completely for drinking, he didn't care if the task could be completed or not.

Seeing that Diluc's expression was getting worse and worse, Wendy laughed and said, "Oh, didn't I also help a lot?" I'm not a white eater, I don't believe you asked that young man. "


The four faces looked at the other side in unison, and the little bartender who had nothing to do was cleaning the table.

Feeling everyone's gaze, he tensed.

"Old, boss, is there something wrong?" He looked at Diluc.

"Didn't you notice that you were particularly neat when you worked before?" Wendy squeezed her arm proudly.

As soon as he said this, Lu Chen understood that Wendy must have applied the wind element to others again, which would make people's bodies stretch and be as light as swallows.

Just like Uncle Zhang, who was particularly brave in the fight with his old neighbors last time.

"Huh?" The little bar was even more puzzled, and he pointed to himself, "You gave me a strong pill?" "


Diluc shook his head and smiled, his ice-cube face finally melting.

"Now there are fewer guests, if there is nothing to do, you can go and rest for a while, here I am."

"Good, good boss!" The little bartender has never seen such an unsaturated job, and he is simply idle these days.

But in my heart, I am quite happy, although this handsome boss looks serious and difficult to deal with, he is actually very good.

"Wait a minute." Di Lu stopped the only employee again, and he pointed at Lu Chen, "This is the boss." The

little bartender was a little surprised, he didn't expect this young man who looked young to be the bar owner.

"My surname is Lu." Lu Chen said with a smile.

"Mr. Lu is good!" The little bartender said quickly.

Lu Chen and Ying looked at each other, and it felt strange to be called that for the first time.

Looking at Lu Chen's uncomfortable look, he couldn't help but be a little handsome, after being a person in Inazuma for so long, how could he come back and be called President Lu so dazed?

Lu Chen pointed to the smiling shadow beside him, "This is the boss lady." "

Is President Lu all married!?" The little bartender looked at the young and beautiful little couple in surprise, and quickly greeted the hostess.

"Hello hostess!"

The shadow glared at Lu Chen strangely, and did not correct it.

Lu Chen also laughed, and he pointed to Diluc again, "This is also the boss, I am usually not here, and he is responsible for everything in the bar."

"What about me, what about me!" Wendy, who smelled of alcohol, leaned in.

The little bartender also looked over curiously, this teenager who usually steals the bar to hide wine seems to be a friend of the bosses.

It seems that their relationship is really good, so casually taking wine, there were not a few bottles of wine on the day of the soft opening, and he was almost allowed to drink it alone, so that the bosses were not angry....

"This-" Lu Chen saw Wendy's expectant look, so he pulled a long voice.

"This is a resident singer, the salary is paid daily, twenty a day, and you can also take alcohol to settle the bill."

"Huh?" Wendy looked at Lu Chen with indignation, wanting a gust of wind to scare him into the fireplace.

Shadow burst out laughing, and the dignified wind god actually fell here...

"It's only twenty a day! You sent Hanako!! Wendy shouted dissatisfied, "Do you know how big cards I have!" That Starlight Carnival I came out at the finale!! "

Then..." Lu Chen thought seriously, "Forty?"

"Forty..." Wendy looked at the chandelier on the ceiling, her eyes rolling around, "How much is that bottle of whiskey..."

and immediately said: "No, no, it's not enough for me to pay for a bottle!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened in shock, "You actually really calculated it seriously?" Co-authors, as long as you can drink, you can drink anything, right?

Wendy looked at Lu Chen resentfully, "Then what do you think... I might as well be here when I was in Mond..." Lu

Chen was speechless, and introduced the little bartender again.

"This Mr. Wendy is also our boss."

"And..." Lu Chen hurriedly instructed, "You usually look at him and order, and the boss can't just take the wine!" I'm going to make money! "

That being said, he doesn't really care about making money, he cares about completing the mission [the acclaimed Otherworldly Wine].

But in a way, the two are the same.

The little bartender nodded blankly, and looked at the four people present carefully.

Big owner, hostess.

Two bosses, three bosses....

Co-authored just one of my employees??

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