"Seven seven! Why are you here too!? After

Hu Tao found Qiqi, those plum blossom pupils suddenly lit up.

Then, she jumped directly towards Qiqi's position, looking like she wanted to hug Qiqi.

Qiqi's reaction was also very fast, and when Hu Tao had just left, he rushed behind Lu Chen and Ying.

Lu Chen was also very surprised, don't look at Qiqi's little arms and legs, inspired by the idea of seeking business, he actually ran faster than himself.

"Don't hide from me! Am I that scary? Hu

Tao stood helplessly in front of Lu Chen and Ying.

In the middle of the two, Qiqi's eyes were round and wide, and his face was full of vigilance, which made Lu Chen think of the appearance of the little mouse when he was chased by a cat.

Hu Tao wanted to bypass Lu Chen and Ying, who were in the way, and Qiqi also followed in a half-circle.

Hu Tao accelerated, and Qiqi also accelerated.

One chased, the other fled, and after a while, Lu Chen was confused by these two people.

"I said Hall Master Hu..." Lu Chen rubbed his head and said with a little headache: "I know you are very excited to see Qiqi, but can you not express it so explicitly..."

Ying's head also shook left and right with the chase of the two.

"Is this girl a walnut... Just like Achen, you said, she is a very enthusiastic girl..." Lu

Chen nodded, "It's a little too enthusiastic."

"Qiqi don't run, I won't bury you in the soil this time!" Is it okay if I apologize to you? "

Seven seven... Hate..." The

battlefield chased by the two was from Lu Chen and Ying, and then to Zhongli's side.

"Zhongli, help me catch her!"

Hall Master Hu's order obviously had no effect, and Zhong Li shook his head slightly.

"Hall Master Hu is indeed a little too enthusiastic, Qiqi is frightened by you."

"Whatever, I'm good to Qiqi!"

Next, everyone watched Hu Tao and Qiqi chase and escape like cats and mice.

And because the visibility at night was too low, the two disappeared into the night one after another.

Lu Chen frowned, "Running too far."

"I'll go find them." Zhongli let out an old fatherly sigh.

After the three left, Lu Chen looked at the mess on the ground again.

And the two shivering grave robbers.

"What's next?" Wendy spread out her hands, "Shall we go back?"

Lu Chen pondered, "The crime scene should be dealt with, otherwise..."

He looked around, thinking that there was really enough that happened this night.

Unknown vibrations underground, haunted tombs, and unknown thunderstorms that appear inexplicably and disappear immediately, this bunch of strange things can be told in "Approaching Science" for a year.

This big family is a bit too high-profile and needs to be dealt with before leaving.

Ying looked at Lu Chen with some guilt.

Lu Chen squeezed her palm and comforted: "Fortunately, this is a wilderness range, there may be some tourists during the day, and no one lives here at night." Shadow

nodded slightly.

Miko yawned, "I'm sleepy, you guys hurry up, I'm going back to the car to sleep." Saying

that, her figure also disappeared into the night.

Wendy stood on the already shattered ground and chanted softly.

The force of the wind element blew those bricks and dirt high into the air and landed in the rushing river in the distance.

As for the mound that had become grassless, Lu Chen had no choice, he could only hope that the grass would grow faster and quickly cover this underground tomb.

"What about them?" Wendy pointed to the two grave robbers.

The two men saw that everyone looked at them and begged for mercy one after another.

The shadow immediately changed his face, "Unforgivable!

A purple thunder light flashed in the mountains, and the two tomb robbers instantly disappeared in place, and were chopped by the 'Dream One Heart' to the point that there was no slag left.


Wendy frowned at the sight of Shadow's ruthless means.

But nothing was said.

Lu Chen just squeezed Ying's hand, and what she said 'unforgivable' was probably not because of their guilt.

It was because of the intelligence that made her mistakenly think that she was dead inside.

At three o'clock in the morning, there were already some signs of light in the mountain, and Zhongli finally returned with walnuts and Qiqi.

He held the back of Hall Master Hu's neck collar in one hand and Qiqi with the other, and his rock-solid expression finally changed.

Lu Chen cast a sympathetic look at him.

These two chased and fled and actually turned over several hills, and Lu Chen was shocked after hearing this, what perseverance this was.

"How could I possibly do something bad to Qiqi, and it was too late for me to offer her..." muttered Hu Tao reluctantly.

Qiqi didn't say a word, and seemed to be completely unable to accept the friendly side of Hall Master Hu.

Lu Chen smiled helplessly, Qiqi is a child with a very poor memory, and the names of people who can make her remember are no more than one hand.

However, the name Walnut seemed to be imprinted in the depths of her memory, and she was scared just by hearing it, not to mention that Walnut himself appeared directly in front of her.

It can only be said that what Walnut did before was too much, always trying to bury her back in the soil.

For Qiqi, who has such a strong desire for survival, Hall Master Hu has become a symbol of plague in her heart.

"Okay, okay." Lu Chen started the circle, "You guys will still get along for a long time in the future, let's go back to the car first, this place should not stay for a long time." Qiqi

raised his little head when he heard this, and looked at Lu Chen in shock.

"Long... Make move... This.

"yes! Don't worry, don't worry! The days are still long! Walnut winked playfully.

Qiqi: "..." Lu

Chen found that Qiqi's expression was getting richer and richer, which was a good thing.

Especially now.

On that little face were four big words written - born loveless.

"Get along well!" Lu Chen patted Qiqi's head and looked at Hu Tao again.

"Don't always think about burying people in the soil."

"Uh-huh!" Walnut nodded repeatedly.

When he went back, Qiqi followed Lu Chen, hanging his little head, and muttering something in his mouth.

Lu Chen listened carefully.

It seems to be repeating a phrase all the time.

"It's still long... It's still long..."Three

seconds of silence for the future of Qiqi.


After leading everyone back to the camp by the river, in the RV, Miko was already lying asleep in bed.

Lu Chen asked everyone to go back to rest, came to the driver's seat by himself, and drove the car onto the country dirt road.

Slipped away.

While driving, I paid attention to the system rewards by the way.

[Achievement: Cleaning the Underground Palace]

[Kill the ancient rock dragon lizard and solve the problem of abnormal rock element veins. 【

Reward 1000 rough stones, reward 1 million real world currency】The

gorgeous treasure chest also rewards 120 rough stones.

In addition to dog food weapons, holy relics, and experience books, a special item caught his attention.

【Mysterious souvenir mirror (special item)

】【The embodiment of obsession, through which strange things that do not exist can be observed, and it is best used at night.】 Good

guy, can you see ghosts or something?

If you use it on the day of the Zhongyuan Festival, you won't be able to witness the night walk of a hundred ghosts....

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