After the collapse of the underground palace, the depths of the earth once again returned to tranquility.

There was a deathly silence, as if nothing had happened.

Above the ground, however, it is not calm at all.

The sudden thunder light exploded in the night at half past two in the morning, and the pitch-black Mount was reflected in a miserable white.

Lightning whipped the sky like a whip, a heart-shaking thunderstorm that seemed to tear the whole night apart.

Lu Chen, who broke through the ground, opened his eyes and saw this scene like hell.

"What's wrong with this??"

Walnut's voice appeared behind him.

She looked at the gloomy and depressing, thunderous outside, and was as surprised as Lu Chen's expression.

"Only thunder, no rain, it's so strange..."

Lu Chen immediately realized that these thunderstorms were not naturally formed.

And there was a feeling that made him familiar.

When the three escaped from the tomb, because of the protection of Zhongli's shield, Lu Chen exerted all his strength to dig the earth desperately, and kept trudging up against those collapsed stones.

When I came out, I found that I was already a kilometer away.

"This thunderous sound..." Zhongli frowned and looked at the sky.

"It's Aying." With a flash of thunder, Lu Chen saw everyone by the bonfire in the distance.

Ah Ying must be in a hurry, he must go back quickly.

"Hey, wait for us!"

Hu Tao saw Lu Chen pull out his legs and ran.

"Which one is this?" Hall Master Hu looked at his employees suspiciously.

Zhong Li shook his head and smiled, "Concern is chaos, some people, I'm afraid they are overly worried."

"Who?" Walnut was puzzled.

Zhong Li didn't answer, just took the walnut and slowly walked in everyone's direction.

Lu Chen ran with all his strength in the direction of the bonfire, as fast as a gust of wind, and quickly disappeared from view.

Everyone was getting closer and closer, and Lu Chen saw a scene that worried him.

Shadow held "Dream One Heart" and slashed the surface like crazy.

The rammed earth mounds under the weeds have been destroyed to pieces, the masonry is cracking, the dust is flying, and the earth has been cut into horrific cracks.

With every movement of the shadow, there would be a burst of thunder in the sky, and the dull and depressed world was just like her expression at this time.

Madness, determination, and repressed sadness.

Lu Chen approached and stopped, and everyone who was at a loss looked behind him.

The time for the [Ritual Trick] was over, and everyone saw Lu Chen standing there decently.

"Lu Chen, you're back!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Ah! Be... Lu Chen. Qiqi's big godless eyes also lit up.

Lu Chen saw that the shadow still did not stop, she was fascinated, and mechanically repeated the movement in her hand.

"Ah Ying..."

His voice made the image stunned in place like an electric shock.

"What are you doing... It's rare for the general to build a grave for himself, you are going to tear down people's homes..." The

playful voice of the young man appeared beside her, and the shadow's body trembled slightly, and she turned around.

The image in front of him was like a lost soul, shaking, as if a gust of wind could blow it down.

Lu Chen wiped the tears from her cheeks for her and took the weak shadow into his arms.

"Look, isn't that good for me? How could something happen to me?

Ying bit his lip lightly and hugged Lu Chen desperately, holding him so tightly, for fear that he would disappear again.

Lu Chen was strangled, he sighed helplessly, and gently patted Ying's back.

"Well, put down the knife..." The

tone was like coaxing a child.

"Hmm..." The

shadow in his arms nodded slightly, and the glowing 'Dream Heart' disappeared into the air.

The thunderstorms in the sky also gradually dissipated, the breeze in the valley blew each other, and the whole world returned to the way it was at the beginning.

"I know you're worried about me, but aren't you underestimating your Achen?" Lu Chen looked at the shadow buried in his arms, more and more helpless.

He looked at the messy surface under the firelight.

"It's haunted, earthquake, thunder... Let's let the family rest in peace

..." "Hmm..."

Tears wet Lu Chen's clothes, mixed with those dusty soils, making his clothes slimy and dirty.

The Ah Ying in her arms was equally dirty, and Lu Chen remembered that she loved to be clean, so she wanted to let go of this embrace.

Ah Ying did not let go, but hugged tighter and tighter.

Lu Chen: "..."

Before dying of suffocation, he felt that he was about to be strangled and fractured.

Letting her hold her so hard, Lu Chen helplessly looked away and looked at the godson on the other side.

The Son of God held his arm and looked at him with a look of disdain.

"Is it fun inside the tomb? It didn't come out for so long, and it made Ying so worried!


saw that Shenzi's eyes were also red, but he still wanted to try to express anger and disdain on his face, and the awkward appearance made Lu Chen laugh.

"It's annoying to laugh." Shenzi looked away in annoyance and stopped looking at Lu Chen.

"If you don't notify us of something, you can... Lu

Chen said innocently: "I clearly informed ah, I told you to wait in the camp..."

The shadow in his arms raised his head, and Lu Chen saw the dissatisfaction on that face.

Ying pursed the corners of his mouth and looked at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled helplessly, "Okay, good, no matter what happens in the future, I will report to you first..."

She raised an eyebrow.

The shadow of the lost soul just now, after his return, finally had a variety of looks.

This made Lu Chen a little sad.

Lu Chen assured her: "No matter what the danger, I will take you with me, okay?"

Kage's only nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, you obviously promised me." "

Promised... What the?

Lu Chen looked at her and rummaged through his mind.

He had said so many love words and promises with Ah Ying, how could he not remember that there was something that matched the current situation....

Seeing his hard thinking, Ying pushed Lu Chen away, and then hugged his arm as well.

Everyone looked over.

"You said that." She furrowed her good-looking eyebrows, "When the world is destroyed, we will also die together, and we will all be mixed into ashes." "

Eh..." Lu Chen looked at the serious shadow, and could only nod helplessly.

Then he looked at everyone who was watching, and Wendy's expression couldn't hold back.

Let's not say this in public....

Shenzi snorted and laughed, "What ashes mixed, so disgusting~

" Wendy laughed hilariously, "Hahaha, only you can think of this metaphor, laugh at me to death..." Lu

Chen and Ying also laughed, and the bonfire was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Huh? What are you laughing at? What ashes? Coming to business?

Walnut stood by the campfire with a curious face, and Zhongli appeared behind her.

Lu Chen pouted, Hall Master Hu's mind was filled with nothing but business is business, and after she came here, I am afraid that it will be lively.

After Hu Tao's voice appeared, Lu Chen also saw that Qiqi's eyes widened.

It's hard to imagine that those godless eyes can actually show so many and complex emotions.

Qiqi's whole person was stunned in place as if she had been electrocuted, and then she followed the direction of the voice and slowly turned around.

Walnut and Qiqi, their eyes facing each other, the fire reflecting each other.

In the dark valley, Hall Master Hu's loud voice that was incomparably surprised echoed repeatedly.

"Yay! It's Seven Seven!! "

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