After this amazing fishing contest

... Everyone looked at the fish that kept fluttering on the riverbank, and their expressions were very wonderful.

Lu Chen originally wanted to catch a few fish and grill them, but as a result, the fish on the river bank were piled up.

Picked a few fatty big fish, Lu Chen put it in the refrigerator, and left a few more for grilling and eating for a while, as for the rest... He didn't know what to do.

"I have no doubt—" Miko covered his mouth in amusement, "If your game continues, the fish of Mount Elder will become extinct." "

Er... Is it. Lu Chen scratched his head embarrassedly.

He silently came to the shore, lifted his net pocket, and put the smaller fish Wendy caught back into the water.

Protect the ecology! Everyone's business!

Hmm (forced true)!

As for the larger ones, it was really a waste not to eat, Lu Chen and Wendy glanced at each other, and then looked at the fishing brothers downstream of the river.

The two of them carried a bunch of big guys in their left hands and right hands, trudged over again and gave the fish to the old buddies.

The old buddy's eyes were so shocked that they were about to pop out.

Is this specifically here to fish?

This is here to open a fish farm, right?

The fishing old buddies were shocked and thankful, and it seems that today they finally don't have to return empty-handed.

Lu Chen glanced at their net pockets casually.

For two hours, there wasn't a single fish....

Worthy of you.

After returning to the campsite, Qiqi had already helped the shadow rack to set up the barbecue grill, and the charcoal fire was shining red.

As for the winners and losers of the fishing contest....

There was no victory or defeat, because the game was interrupted after Shadow swung that sword.

Lu Chen and Wendy smiled one after another, and the two did not look unconvinced, because everyone decided to come to the barbecue together, and there was no loser today.

The campsite immediately became busy, some of them brought tableware, some prepared drinks, and Lu Chen was mixing seasonings on the side.

After those big fish were processed by Lu Chen, they could only be cut into several pieces due to their size, but even so, each piece was very large.

Everyone is busy with the ingredients in hand, and laughter fills the banks of the river where the smoke rises, which is the charm of self-service barbecue.

With everyone's help, after quickly processing the meat, Lu Chen and Wendy each occupied the side of the grill, roasting things while skillfully brushing the sauce on it.

"You're even good at grilling meat?" Lu Chen looked at Wendy.

"I'm doing everything!" Wendy is unpretentious.


While the two were baking, Ying Ye came over curiously, and Lu Chen saw that she was holding a few meat skewers in her hand.

"You too? ... Want to try it? Lu Chen felt nervous in his heart.

"Hmm..." seemed to think of himself and the kitchenware, and the shadow stood there hesitantly.

Then she looked at Qiqi, who was standing obediently on the side, and handed it to her, "Qiqi wants to try it?" "

Seven seven... Not only

will Qiqi not be, Lu Chen saw that her head couldn't reach the edge of the grill.

"Does Qiqi want to learn?" Lu Chen asked with a smile.

Qiqi raised his big eyes, put his fingers on his chin, and thought for a while.

Then nodded a little head.

"Qiqi wants to learn... Everyone is busy, and Qiqi also wants to help..." Qiqi's

look amused Lu Chen, he touched Qiqi's head, and then found a small bench and placed it behind the grill.

In this way, Qiqi can also barbecue with everyone.

After lifting Qiqi up, the red charcoal fire reflected her little face, making her look particularly angry.

As the aroma of all kinds of roasted meat spread in the camp, Lu Chen's stomach sounded shamefully, and after a busy afternoon, he was finally able to eat.

He took two pieces of grilled fish and handed one of them to Kage.

The shadow sniffed the aroma of the grilled fish and smiled brightly.

"It's so fragrant, it's worthy of Achen."

"Then eat quickly!" Lu Chen took her hand, and the two sat under the awning.

Seeing that after Ying took a small bite, he showed a satisfied expression, and Lu Chen unconsciously laughed.

Everyone sat down in pairs, sharing the food, the smell of barbecued meat lingered around the camp, and even some wild animals were attracted to it.

Lu Chen cast a warning gaze at the little wild dog.

The little wild dog was not afraid at all and carefully hid in the woods.

After Lu Chen and Ying ate the grilled fish in their hands, he went back and took a few skewers, both meat and vegetables.

"Achen..." Kage's tone was a little hesitant.

"What's wrong?"

Purple eyes looked at a position, and Lu Chen also looked over.

Yae Miko pulled a stool and sat not far from the riverbank, looking at the sparkling water.

She held a bunch of tofu in her hand, but she didn't eat a bite, just looked at the river in a daze.

Compared with the lively everyone, Miko seems a little alone.

"This girl..." Lu Chen sighed.

Looking back at the shadow, her expression was equally worried.

"Achen, go and get it for her."

Lu Chen took a serious look at Ying.

"I don't know what happened between you, but..." said Shadow softly.

Those amethyst-like eyes, clear and peaceful, reflected Lu Chen's figure.

Whenever she looked at each other, her eyes could only contain her own figure, and such a shadow made Lu Chen's heart soften.

Along with this, there is also a heavy sense of responsibility.

Shadow look at Lu Chen.


..." "That's the Son of God..." Lu

Chen squeezed her hand, "Let everyone be happy, I don't have that ability yet, it's too difficult."

Ying laughed, smiling more beautiful than the sea of flowers blooming in the beach villa, making people unable to distinguish between real and unreal, and also made Lu Chen's heart softer.

"Maybe you can't make everyone happy... However, your smile can make people forget the sadness for a while, just because you are Lu Chen..."

Am I Lu Chen..." he pondered this sentence, looking at Ying hesitantly.

"Sadness and joy, which one is eternal?"

Ying's gaze crossed Lu Chen, past the Divine Son, and looked at the lush grassy wilderness and the azure sky.

"I don't know..."

"But I know that seizing the beauty between the whiskers will live up to our chance to do it again."

"Is that so..." Lu Chen nodded.

Clutching the food in his hand and taking a deep breath, Lu Chen stood up.

He went to the Son of God.

I don't know if I smelled the food or heard faint footsteps, and Miko's ears moved.

But she didn't look back, still looking at the river.

The tofu in his hand was unconsciously delivered to his mouth.

"The tofu is cold, what is delicious."

Lu Chen's ridiculous voice appeared in his ears, and Miko turned around and saw him hand over a bunch of steaming grilled fish.

"Here, try my craft!"

"I don't like fish." The Son of God turned his head.

"What a lie! When I used to make fish, didn't you eat very happily?

Lu Chen glared and passed the grilled fish to her mouth again.

"Honguji is not subject to food from the scorn."

"More, okay!" Lu Chen was directly laughed angrily, "Have you forgotten that you were fed by us every day when you were a child?" Sometimes in order to be able to eat oily tofu, I have to roll around in front of me and sell moe, I usually rub a reward piece, sometimes..."


Lu Chen smiled even happier when he saw her look like I didn't listen to me.

"I'm afraid you forgot what happened when you were a child, what a wonderful time your childhood was, I'll help you recall memories, once you


Shenzi glared at him angrily, Lu Chen smiled widely, and began to tell her various black histories in the past like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

"Okay, I'll eat, can't I eat yet!" The Son of God rarely exudes a pleading color.

She glanced at the grilled fish near her mouth and took a bite.

Lu Chen handed her all the grilled fish in his hand.

Shenzi ate sullenly, and while eating, he also looked at Lu Chen with a warning gaze.

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled.

The way the two get along is like this, noisy, if one day Shenzi and him are polite, Lu Chen is not used to it.

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