On a clear afternoon, the warm sun makes the river sparkle.

The water and grass on both sides swayed slightly, and Lu Chen enjoyed the coolness of the breeze, pulled away the weeds, and found a place with a wide view.

A fishing contest is taking place by the river, and the losers will enjoy a happy, smoky barbecue.

Pick up trash by the way.

Lu Chen looked at Wendy's position not far away, he hadn't caught it yet, so he felt a lot relieved.

He sat on a large rock and threw a bamboo-like fishing rod into the water.

Then he looked at the rippling water and waited quietly.

After a while, a ripple suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.

The ripples were constantly expanding, the slender fishing line was pulled, and the river splashed.

The fish is hooked, but it's a pity that it's not Lu Chen here.

He looked at Wendy, who was shouting excitedly, then grabbed the rod and pulled it up hard.

"It's open! Opened!

A grass carp more than ten centimeters long was squeezed by Wendy's hand, and he quickly put it in a net pocket soaked in the river.

Then he turned his defiant gaze to Lu Chen.

"Proud of what... It's just the first one. Lu Chen sighed.

Then why didn't I take the bait? What about the production of a good system must be a fine product?

You don't want to pull your crotch!

It doesn't matter if you grill meat or not, pick up garbage or not, Lu Chen just wants to hit Wendy's arrogance.

However, just as he was complaining, unconsciously, Wendy's side took the bait again....

"Hmm~the second one!"

It was a grass carp that was longer than before, and it was kept fluttering in Wendy's hand.

Lu Chen's eyes widened in shock, and he began to wonder if there was something wrong with Wendy's bait.

"Please!" Lu Chen looked at his [Wisher] and muttered in his mouth: "Give it a little more strength!" "

Huh? Achen, haven't you taken the bait yet? The

shadow accompanied by a small stool and suddenly sat behind him.

"It's over, Ah Ying is also there, I'm going to lose face today..."

Shadow covered his mouth and smiled, "Who made you have to bet with Wendy."

"I'm learning from you." Lu Chen patted the place beside him with a smile.

"Didn't you just win seven boxes of dessert hearts from him, our boss is so powerful, then I have to be outdone!"

Ying looked at the big stone where Lu Chen sat with some disgust, but did not sit down.

Lu Chen took off the thin jacket he used for sun protection, folded it and put it next to him, and then patted it again.

Ying sat on Lu Chen's clothes and leaned against Lu Chen.

When the breeze blew by, Lu Chen and Ying looked at the sparkling river and enjoyed a moment of silence together.

Lu Chen felt that this was also very good, and the winning and losing heart that had just risen suddenly disappeared.

Kazukage snuggled up to each other, even if it was quiet, doing nothing, it was not boring at all.

After a long time, the quiet river rippled.

This time it was not Wendy's side, but Lu Chen's side.

"Is it finally here!"

Lu Chen did not dare to speak loudly, for fear of scaring away the fish, he gently held the fishing rod in his hand and remained motionless.

Shadow's eyes also looked over, full of expectation.

"Oh my God!" Lu Chen's palm was unstable, and he almost got out of his fishing rod.

This fish has so much strength! Lu Chen felt that the fish had bitten the hook to death, and quickly pulled the rod, and the bamboo pole suddenly bent an arc.

Wendy also looked over, and her expression was a little incredulous.

The fishing rod made of bamboo is even bent into the shape of a bow, so you don't have to think about it, this must be a big fish.

But Lu Chen will not let it go, he can even lift the fishing boat with 8 points of physical strength, and he immediately grabbed the fishing rod and lifted it up hard.

This fish was able to stalemate with the current Lu Chen for a few seconds, but it was a few seconds, and the final winner was still Lu Chen.

As soon as he lifted it hard, the bamboo pole had bent in an amazing arc, making people worry that it would break immediately.

With a flutter, the surface of the river splashed, and a thick and black shadow with an arm's length burst out.

"What a big fish!"

Everyone looked at it.

Lu Chen dragged the fish to the bank of the river, only to see that it was a large tarp nearly a meter long and longer than an arm.

"Quick! Ah Ying, quickly find the net!

"Oh! Yes! Ah Ying reacted, quickly got up, picked up the net and caught the big tarpon.

Except for Wendy, everyone gathered around with a curious face, this big tarp is fat and fat, at least 40 pounds, as soon as it landed, it kept fluttering, and its strength was particularly great.

After Lu Chen pocketed the prey, he looked at Wendy proudly.

"Something is wrong," Wendy pondered, then understood.

"You're fooling!!"

"Huh?" Lu Chen threw out the new hook again, and then shrugged, "How can I play tricks?"

"I forgot, you have a system, your fishing rod is taken from the system, it must have special abilities!"

Lu Chen smiled straightly, "The rules don't say that you can't use the fishing rod in the system, you can also use it!" "

Where do I have it!" The more Wendy thought about it, the more angry she became, feeling like she had been fooled.

The fishing competition between the two has entered a white heat, and with the blessing of the ability of [Wisher], Lu Chen is stronger than one shot, three big fish in a row, and the net pocket can no longer fit.

And Wendy was not to be outdone, the fishing rod in his hand never stopped, although they were small and medium-sized fish, but the harvest was huge, and the net pocket could not be loaded.

"This doesn't work... This won't work..." Wendy felt a sense of crisis, and he looked back at Zhongli.

Old man Zhong, who was the referee, moved out of a small maza and held a thermos cup to watch the battle from behind, and his image was more like a real fishing brother than Wendy and Lu Chen.

Whether to win by quantity or weight depends on Zhongli's final assessment.

But whether it is the quantity or the weight, Lu Chen has the tendency to crush himself, Wendy's waters are almost free of fish, but Lu Chen's side is like hanging up, one after another....

Wrong! It's just on!

Wendy lifted the rod and snorted coldly, he also wants to open the hanging!

"Feng'er, follow my instructions-"

As soon as the words fell, the surface of the water was suddenly stirred by a nameless wind, Lu Chen looked over in surprise, and a large fish that could be faintly seen under the surface of the water was directly scared away.

"You!" Lu Chen pointed at Wendy, just wanted to say that he was cheating, but he still endured it.

All right! If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Lu Chen picked up a large stone and threw it hard by wrapping the wind element, and the water surface on Wendy's side seemed to have been hit by a depth charge, and there was a loud bang.

"Huh! Wind element? Wendy snorted coldly, "You're still far behind!"

Wendy suddenly pointed forward, the water suddenly roared, Lu Chen seemed to see the reality version of "Moses divided the sea", the force of the wind cut the river into two sections, and the middle part even exposed the silt of the riverbed....

And the poor fish floating in the air, wrapped in Wendy's wind element, flew to the shore one after another.

Lu Chen: "..." I

have to say, you can still play.

The mighty power of the gods that could reshape the landscape of Mond was actually used to fry fish for fun.

"Ah Ying! We can't give in! Lu Chen immediately regained his fighting spirit, and he wanted to seek off-site assistance.

A Ying looked at Lu Chen dumbfounded, not knowing why.

"Help me! I want fish, more fish! Lu Chen pointed forward.

"Oh... Good. The

shadow nodded silently, and then stood on the bank of the river, and a long knife with a cold electric light was slowly raised above his head.

The air was filled with slaughter, the water and grass on the shore were blown upside down, and even the sky was dark.

"At this moment, when there is silence! "

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