The next moment, the Ice Kingdom in the sky shattered, and she also fell.

But Estes didn't care.

Some methods can land safely, but in the next second, she is suddenly caught by a figure and goes down.

That was Su Bai.

Such a sudden situation made Esders subconsciously summon an ice blade and wanted to chop it over.

But after realizing who it was.

She didn't make a good sound, and quickly stopped her hand.

"What about fighting, you're always like this, tease me."

"Aren't you afraid that I will burst out in an instant and hurt you?"

"No, we can fight normally, but we can't hurt each other, this is the ability of the group."

"Besides, I just wanted to keep you from falling."

Su Bai, who caught her, smiled, looked at such a proud beauty, and directly kissed her little face like a dragonfly, which made Estes directly stunned, and then gave him a white look.


I don't know why, she wasn't angry at all.

On the contrary, this intimate behavior made her heart flutter.

But in addition to her little woman side, she also has the posture of the queen, well, she has to try to tease back.

So Estes looked at him amusedly.

"Yes, if you can't hurt it, doesn't that mean that we can't do that?"

Su Bai knew what she wanted to say.

"That's not counting, as long as we are connected, it's pure love."

"This is my chat group, very spiritual."

"So it is not included in the definition of harm, after all, it is not harm, but love."

Estes also smiled softly at this time.

"Then it seems that it is suitable for us to fall in love, hmph, cheap you."

"Come on, last resort."

"You should be able to guess."

After jumping down from Su Bai's hand, Estes opened the distance, and then winked at him playfully and charmingly.

"The man I like, see how you break my trick."

"If it can't be broken, then I'll be a little stronger from now on, oh, hum on it."

"Let's take it! 【Mako Bowl Temo】! "

The words fell, and Estes used her trick.

This is a killer tool that can freeze time and space, putting the enemy in a frozen state of time and space, so that Esders can completely kill the other party in an instant.

It's an amazing trick!

Even if you can only use it once a day, it's a shame.

After all, for a master like her, the battle can be separated in an instant.

And she also wanted to see it.

You from Liyue, can you solve this trick?

If so, what would it be?

I'm really looking forward to it.

As a result, just after she used it, a scene that shocked Estes appeared, and Su Bai just stretched out a finger and moved a little farther away from her.

It was as if an invisible force was created.

The Macote that released her, no, no, no, started her movements backwards.

The time in this area is reversed.

Next second.

Estes returned to the moment before releasing the move, she looked at her hands in amazement, and then looked up in surprise.

"You, just rewinded the regional time?"


Su Bai is still so mysterious and unpredictable, and he is at ease.

He nodded and smiled.

"It is the power of the wind god Barbatos, his wind is mixed with the attribute of time, although it is not much, but it is still no problem to pour the time of a small area a little."

"You also know that in Tivat's worldview, wind and time are inseparable and closely related."

"To be precise, it's time and wind."

And Wendy is a wisp in a thousand winds.

A thousand winds is actually another meaning of Ishtaru, the measure of a thousand winds and the sun and the moon.

So Wendy's power is contaminated with a little time, which is also normal.

Not to mention that in fact, the unity of Su Bai's seven yuan can easily break this freezing of time and space.

It's pure violence.

It can be blasted all at once.

It's just not necessary.

Esders: ....


It's excessive.

In this way, isn't it perfect to restrain his tricks?

As a result, she was embraced by Su Bai in her arms the next moment, and the feeling of swaying and collision made her face blush slightly, and Su Bai's voice sounded in her ears.

"Okay, the battle is over."

"Such a heroic Esders, awesome, and satisfied with the battle, right?"

"I know you have other tricks, but there will be a long time in the future, and there are opportunities."

After all, he actually synced the abilities of Esders.

I know she's actually developed a lot of new skills.

There are also absolute zero, heaven and earth, for my exclusivity, ice crystal magic lotus and so on.

It's all great nirvana.

And Estes also pursed his lips proudly, unable to help his joy.

"Yes, I am satisfied with having a perfect relationship and an eternal opponent."

"Come, taste me."

Facing someone she liked, she took the initiative to pass her lips.

His eyes narrowed comfortably. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After this.


Esders harnessed the war horse, and behind him sat Su Bai, heading towards the direction of the imperial capital.

"Let me tell you about the current situation of the imperial capital, I myself am the kind of person who is not interested in being obsessed with politics and court management."

"Isn't it good for me to research new skills and hunt dangerous species when I have that time?"

"And for people like us, it is clear that this corruption and replacement is a historical inevitability."

"So I just changed it a little bit and went about my thing."

The bigger changes are.

The minister had long been killed by Esders, and even he did not know how he died.

That kind of move can't be seen to be the ability of ice.

The remote killed him instantly.

After all, she knew that the minister's cunning goods would definitely have an ace in her hand, and she remembered that the other party had a special imperial tool on his finger.

Can you destroy or seal someone else's imperial tool.

But if it is known, hum.

This kind of evil guy is better to die early.

But after all, it is the end of the dynasty, it is all rotten, even if the absence of ministers leads to chaos, there will still be new ministers.

So Estes only slightly funded the night raid on them.

Just bother with it.

Decaying empire, overthrow it.

Instead of long-term labor pain, it is better to directly come to a wave.

So she either goes to conquer alien races, or leads troops to distant lands to fight terrible dangerous species.

A general who does not ask about political affairs.

Those people in the imperial capital also knew her character, and they didn't dare to provoke her.

Just ignore her behavior.

Esders is also more interested in powerful dangerous species and imperial tools, and she is trying to collect imperial tools and retrieve lost technologies in an effort to gain more powerful powers.

For example, her imperial tool [Demon God Manifests the Essence of Demon].

It is forged by the blood of a super-dangerous species from the Far North.

It's just a little bit of blood.

So the actual super dangerous species,?

Not to mention.

Will that super dangerous species be the strongest?

The world is so big, maybe there are more powerful dangerous species hidden.

So gradually.

She really found several lost secret techniques, studied with her imperial tools, and came to a conclusion.

With this incomplete information.

It was also barely able to fuse the blood of another ice super dangerous species.

Enhance the power of its own imperial tools.

Mainly based on the essence of the devil, simply increase and strengthen this imperial tool.

It's not considered to be making imperial tools.

After all, it requires a lot of secret techniques, and I don't know how many years it has been lost, and I can't copy it.

But it also means.

Just her idea is still very feasible.

After going through thousands of dangers and almost paying the price of her life, she finally succeeded.

Strength skyrocketed again.

A body of power can be described as shaking, plus those skills developed, it is simply written in this world with the word invincible.

Walk sideways.

Those armies and imperial envoys will not be her opponents combined.

So just now in the grove, Su Bai gave her an Ice God Eye, so that it was integrated into this system, and as a seed of strength, it suddenly became a towering tree.

After all, Esders has a very good foundation, and under Su Bai's teaching, she (Denuo Zhao) actually condensed the power of [Ice] on the spot.

Directly became the Ice Demon God!

Not only has the essential improvement of the life level leapfrogging, but even the life span has suddenly become extremely long.

After all, she has this background.

There has long been such combat power.

Just like the transfer of cultivation, he accumulated thick and thin, and directly achieved such achievements, which also allowed Su Bai to obtain further [Ice] powers.

Now the words.

[Rock] [Wind] [Ice], there are already three.

The wind is almost there.

Just within these few days.

So Su Bai plans to go to Inazuma later, there are two places that are very good.

One is where the Ptarmigan died.

The other is where the snake demon god Orobas died.

These two places are either perennial thunderstorms and continents and stones suspended in the air, or thunderstorms and terrible wastewater, according to Su Bai's judgment, very similar to the phenomenon of uncontrolled power after the death of the demon god.

If it was really the power of the Thunder movie, then she would have taken it away a long time ago.


It should be the power of loss of control that causes Ray Movie to be unable to deal with it.

So when the time comes, I will absorb and convert it, and my thunder power will fall.

[Rock] [Wind] [Ice] [Blood Ghost Art] [Thunder], immediately five powers.

This feeling of getting stronger is wonderful.

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