Who would have thought.

Estes gave herself an ice power, thanks to her continuous strengthening and surpassing the original version.

And so it goes.

Esders doesn’t need the Eye of the Ice God, and after reaching a certain level, it is the same whether there is this or not, and it does not affect the amount at all.

This is what makes Su Bai’s God Eye special.

Just as a seed.

And she chose to keep this small ornament, after all, she will go to Tivat in the future.

It’s just a matter of going to the countryside and following the customs.


Esdes took Su Bai to the imperial capital, her residence.

Very solemn and peaceful.

Such a scene also surprised and shocked many people, revealing incredible eyes.

The eyeballs fell to the ground.

What do they see?

The arrogant and cold General Esders actually allowed a man to ride a horse with her and put his arm around her waist, so blatantly?

Did the general not object at all?

What is the situation, exactly?

Could it be that the general, who has never been interested in men, has finally found a man who makes her heart move?

Everyone is really envious and admired.

If you are not careful, your head will fall to the ground.

But in this way, that man is indeed very handsome.

Whether it is appearance or temperament, it is far above those noble children that everyone usually sees, no, it cannot be compared.

It’s exactly like the gap between the sun and the moon and the firefly.


Where did the general find such a peerless beautiful man?

No wonder the general was moved.

I am afraid that those women in the imperial capital will be crazy about it.

And how to feel that the clothing and the style of the imperial capital are incompatible, are completely two different feelings.

Where did this come from?

It’s really confusing.

Perhaps, General Esders, who was born on the border, does not like the men here in the imperial capital, but needs a similar origin to her?

In the living room, Estes stretched out his hand towards Su 773 Bai’s waist, as if to clean up his appearance fiercely, but he still stopped and patted hard twice.

Mime glanced at him.

“Hmph, it feels very good.”

When she came back from riding, Su Bai touched her legs all the way.

Esders wanted to stop it, but he still endured it.

After all.

This is normal between couples.

Even a shame is inevitable.

“I had a fight just now, I feel that my body is all ash, I’ll go take a shower first.”

Estes just took two steps with his beautiful legs.

She turned around and looked at Su Bai faintly.

“Honey, don’t come in.”

This really amused Su Bai.

“Hey, Estes, who was so bold and fiery before, will now be so shy that he doesn’t want me to go in together?”

“Hmph. I’ve heard that you men don’t value things that are easy to get your hands on. ”

“Even if you are also Su Bai, you are still a man, so I want you to cherish me and love me all your life.”

“If I had been bored with you earlier, it wouldn’t have worked.”

“Anyway, rest assured, I’m all yours.”

Then Estes also showed a provocative mischievous smile.

“So I know you’re in a hurry, but it’s useless to be in a hurry.”

“I’m not in a hurry, but you, is it really so, I always feel that part of the reason is that you are actually a strange mouth.”

“Although I speak very boldly, I am still ashamed to get started.”


Esderston’s face changed, and he became unnatural for a while.

But she still stood up proudly.

Look at him proudly.

“General Ben is not a weird, you look down on people less.”

“Wait until it comes out, plate.”

After that, she strode forward and walked inside.

Only Su Bai smiled gladly.

You can’t hide from me.

On the horse, it has already been exposed.

After a while, a leg stretched out in front of Su Bai, but he was unmoved.

“What about your white stockings?”

Esders, who had just showered and put on new clothes: ???

Are all men like this?

Don’t go bare-legged.

Do you want me to wear it?


Even if everyone is Su Bai, but there are still many differences in gender.

A little confused, she went back confused.

A moment later, the sofa is here.

Su Bai and Estes leaned together and were intimate.

It’s like a couple in love.

She was also flushed.

After all, Su Bai was making bad things, but Estes did not escape after all, and let him arrange it.

The two talked about all kinds of whispers and love words.

Constantly sharing the past, those familiar things and discussions, so there is always a laughter from Esders here, how long has it been since he laughed so heartily?


How do you feel that this guy’s hand skills are a veteran.

Mo Fei.

Is this a rookie like yourself?

So she suddenly approached Su Bai and said softly.

“Say, you’ve done this to anyone before.”

“Don’t lie to me, I’m another you, you can’t hide me.”

Su Bai looked strange.

“What are you hiding from you, you will also be my woman in the future, it’s too late for me to love you.”

“It’s Lisa.”

To be honest, Esders is very satisfied with this answer, and it is good to fall in love with himself, and he likes this undisguised love.


This is how lovers unfold.

So she smiled at the corners of her mouth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Then I’m going to ask you a sending proposition.”

“Is my leg good, or her leg good, well, I’m talking about feeling.”

Su Bai looked at her like a fool.

“Stupid Esders, it must be as good as the two of you, your legs, I can play for a lifetime.”

“When the time comes, I’m going to put both of your legs side by side.”

“It’s all mine!”

Estes glared at him dejectedly.

Damn it.

It is not difficult for him at all.

This kind of question, asking another self, is completely useless.

Su Bai almost laughed.

After all, female Su Bai is a female Su Bai, or a woman, there will still be this kind of attempted comparison behavior.

Simply put.

It’s the nature of women.

But in my own eyes, it must be the same.

It’s all treasures.

And Estes allowed her beautiful legs to be played by him, and she thought about it instead.

“That, Su Bai.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Otherwise, the empire is corrupt like this anyway, and it will be overthrown next.”

“Since this fate is the same after all, everyone is the same, so why not give this place to you Liyue, as the second world territory of Liyue?”

“Managed by Liyue!”

“Oh yes, how is your status in Liyue?”

“If it’s not for you to take the lead, then forget it, after all, I just want you to get cheap, no matter how you have to get the biggest benefit.”

For example, the right to speak and the actual right must be him.

She Estes will not eat okay, Bai sent Liyue those strangers such a big world.

Su Bai was surprised.

“Well, that’s not bad.”

“Anyway, we need a ruler, and we can bring a more peaceful future here than the rebels.”

“After all, I found that the language is connected, and the people here can communicate normally with the Liyue people, unlike the dark bullet world.”

“But think about it, the thousand-year empire, the original emperor, it seems that even the geographical conception of this world is very similar to the Liyue style.”

“So I was surprised just now.”

“As for the status, Keqing and I have a good relationship, and Ning Guang is also good, sometimes it’s either watching a play and drinking with Zhongli, or fishing with Uncle Tian, and occasionally teasing Yelan.”

Esders: …

Did your little life be so leisurely?

Do you know that I am either on the battlefield or on the battlefield?

It seemed to see her thoughts.

Su Bai moderated.

“What, are you envious, then you can go back to Liyue with me, together.”

“So on behalf of Liyue, it’s no problem to accept this world, but for you, it feels weird.”

“One plus group, your world belongs to us.”

Estes winked softly and sexily.

“It’s okay, just let my dowry be ready, be satisfied.”


“Esdes beauty, come and feed me grapes.”

“Hmph, you will enjoy it, shouldn’t you feed me?”

“Of course, I’ll feed you later.”

“Poof, okay then, come, open your mouth. Hey, you, don’t even eat my fingers! ”

Chat groups.

[Ding, group member Riveria (Su Bai) signed in successfully, got 50 points, and firewood burning skills”】

Riveria (Su Bai): “Huh? I, a royal family, why did I draw such an ability, no, did I make a mistake. ”

“Whoever has this ability, come out and be beaten.”

It’s outrageous.

Can you imagine that she, a royal elf, ran to burn firewood?

Elves all over the world will go crazy!

Thou Bean: …

How is it me again.

I burn both charcoal and wood.

Blame me.

I don’t understand what the gold content of a child in the mountains is, woo.


The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same!!!

Blowing Snow (Su Bai): “Ahem, Riveria, calm, you are a lady, how come you gradually began to be like us.” ”

Tsuchima (Su Bai): “Maybe this is assimilation (sadness), after all, she is also Su Bai, and she can suppress it in Olali, but once she meets us, she can liberate her nature.” ”

“This is called, old tree in spring?”

Riveria (Su Bai): “You say it again? Old what? I’m still very young (smiling), and I’m urging you to reorganize your language. ”

“Moreover, it is your chat that brings me more and more badly.”

One by one, there is no serious one.

It always makes her strained.

The elegance of the elves is broken out of thin air.

Last time, someone even asked, she is her age.

Will there be a great aunt again?

She directly a question mark?

Which aunt do you want to say.

Pump you ha!

She doesn’t have that kind of thing, and she’s not human.

Well, this person seems to be still buried in a small way.

Tsuchima (Su Bai): “I didn’t say anything, please let me go.” ”

Looking at Riveria’s slightly threatening words, Xiao buried her head speechless, woo, why is it me who is targeted every time?

Is there still heavenly reason?

Bully yourself such a cute hamster girl?

O heaven, O earth.

Who did the otaku offend?

Curious point, what’s wrong.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): “So, let’s study the mystery lottery. ”

“It’s a new feature, how can everyone ignore it.”

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