Side said.

She also touched Su Bai with her plump black silk beautiful legs.

Beautiful eyes have been looking at him charmingly.

Su Bai couldn't help laughing, such a Lisa is really a stunner.

That's great.

It is worthy of being a big beauty that I like.

Then Lisa found herself being picked up and watched in amazement as Su Bai took her to the room.

She also smiled tenderly.

Little cutie, sister loves you to death.


"Mond where there is a magic dragon that set off the storm?"

"Su Bai stepped forward and summoned a wooden statue that covered the sky, hundreds of kilometers mighty? Directly cleaned up the other party? "

"What kind of myth I'm looking at."

This caused Mond to shake and he was shocked. Many people believe that Su Bai is actually a god? "

"And because of the power used, everyone speculates that maybe he is the little auspicious grass king of Meru?"


It's all about everything.

The confused Ke Qing was looking at the news coming from Mond, after all, as the seven stars of Liyue, the news was the most well-informed group of people.

In addition to the immortals who could not escape the world, there was also the Rock King Emperor at the top.

They are the top beings.

But she was really dumbfounded.

Sumi, your sister, Su Bai is originally from Liyue, what are you bastards talking about.

How could he be the god of Meru!


People have been growing up in Liyue and giving birth.

And that little auspicious grass king of Meru has been staying in Meru, and the two cannot be one person at all.

The General Affairs Department here, but there is a complete record of Su Bai's life.

This was collected by a mysterious subordinate of Condensing Light.

But Keqing is also a face 067 twitching, what is it called summoning hundreds of thousands of meters of tree people?

Is Su Bai so fierce?

His strength, can it be so exaggerated?

Usually he already overestimates him, after all, as Su Bai who has the Eye of the Rock God, he is a veritable martial arts grandmaster in Liyue.

Guess why this name is so loud?

It's because it was typed.

The factions that fought were convinced, and everyone admitted it together.

Coupled with the name of the later alchemy master, it is also very powerful, and all kinds of whimsy are really amazing.

Not to mention.

The elemental martial arts that he handed over to him last time was even more powerful.

It's almost like fairy.

Ling Keqing felt that Su Baimo didn't have the power to be equal to the immortals.

As soon as the news of Mond came out, you told me that Su Bai was suspected of having the power of God?

Is this still human?

It sounds like it's too much exaggeration, like a story made up.

But there were several cases where information came.

All confirm that this is true.

That's amazing. If Keqing doesn't believe it, he has to believe it.

Liyue is afraid that she will also be shaken.

She snorted in shock, since Su Bai is not a Meru person, he has always been a person from Liyue, then could he still be a rock god?

Rock King Emperor?

Think about his elemental martial arts, he can have such achievements.

It's so powerful just for yourself.

And what about him?

Must not be a Martial God?

But this is also one of Liyue's titles about the Rock King Emperor.


Keqing couldn't help but gasp and was stunned.

She suddenly had this bold idea.

And the next moment she was embarrassed.

Ah this.

I usually have a little opinion about the Rock King Emperor.

And also complained with Su Bai.

Just like.

[Hmph, to put it mildly, Morax, does he really understand everything?] 】

[The emperor has been guarding Liyue for too long, but if the emperor no longer performs this duty, won't Liyue collapse in an instant?] 】

[No, things related to the fate of mankind should be done by humans! ] 】

[Human beings should do better! ] After all, the emperor is a god, and he cannot understand all human beings. 】

[We still understand! ] 】

Some words are really very untrue.

If others hear it, they will be horrified and shouted against it.

Fear means that you stay away from us, Lord Keqing.

Don't splash on us.

It's terrifying.

How can you treat the highly respected Emperor with such an attitude!

As a result, now, Su Bai is likely to be the rock god?

Keqing was stunned.

To die, this is too embarrassing to explode, right?!

No way.

When he returns, be sure to ask him well.

However, there are indeed many secrets on Su Bai's body, and Keqing thought of the previous things about those mysterious children, those little girls.

They behave inadvertently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ling Keqing was very surprised.

Some little girls jumped casually, and jumped directly onto the eaves of several high-rise buildings, and their bodies were as light as swallows, which was not the skill of ordinary people at all.

Ability to move at a very fast speed.

All of a sudden, I traveled far away.

Some have infinite strength, and they can carry large stones without blushing or panting, or even sweating.

Where does the innate divine power come from?

But here's the thing.

Forget about one.

Keqing quietly tried, it turned out to be a group of girls, all with special abilities!


Where did Su Bai find these girls?


The ordinary Qianyan Army will only be teased by them.

Not at all a level of physical fitness.


So Keqing is very curious, how much is this guy hiding from himself (AGCI)?

Be sure to ask.

Qunyu Pavilion.

As another Liyue Seven Stars, Ning Guang was carefully looking at the documents at his desk, and his cold and beautiful face was full of seriousness.

The gorgeous robe wrapped around her charming and delicate body, and has an invisible nobility and superior momentum.

In this way, she is like a queen.


Another tall blue figure appeared here.

Condensing Light seemed to have been familiar with this for a long time, and calmly spoke out.

"Yelan, you have also looked for a lot of news, how is it, which god is Su Bai?"

"None of them, that is, not the rock god, nor the grass god, nor the immortals, he is really the one who grew up in Liyue."

Hearing this answer, Ning Guang smiled.

Unlike Keqing, who would mistake Su Bai for the Rock King Emperor, Ning Guang could be sure that Su Bai and the Emperor were two different people.

After all, this kind of thing.

As long as the emperor and Su Bai appear at the same time, they will know.

Last year's Immortal Invitation ceremony was led by Keqing.

She may not have noticed, but Ning Guang knew that Su Bai was actually in another place at that time, not to mention that she had met him when she was a child.

He gave fruit to him who was hungry at the time.

This is why Su Bai will help her and Yelan create alchemy equipment, because of this one-fruit grace.

Not to mention.

Yelan had actually observed him for a long time and knew a lot about him.

So Condensing Light is also amazed.

"Incredible, as a Mixed Yuan Grandmaster, the first alchemy master of Liyue, is Su Bai's true strength so powerful?"

"It's a blessing."

"Moreover, perhaps Su Bai can be so powerful, and he also has a close relationship with the emperor."

"Therefore, our relationship with Su Bai should also be closer and strengthen ties and cooperation."

It's a pity that what gives Ning Guang a headache.

Su Bai is a strange person.

Not moved by money, not moved by power.

Obviously, these two items are things that the world is vying for, and I don't know how many people have done their best for this.

Even she stared.

It is also a constant earning of Mora.

Anyway, she doesn't think of too much money.

The more Mora spoke, the more comfortable she felt.

You can also continue to expand your own Jade Pavilion.

It's great to think about.

But in this way, he didn't have anything to get close to Su Bai.

"Yelan, when Su Bai comes back, you pretend to be an ordinary person and observe it again."

"See what he's still interested in, if there's something we can trade."

"Can't let Keqing's little nizi always take the lead."


The silent Yelan half-sounded, and it was only a hum.

And then disappeared here.

And left the Qunyu Pavilion and came to Yelan, who was in a no-man's land, with a complicated face and shook his head repeatedly.

"Lord Ning Guang, that guy is not much interested."

"For that guy of his, I'm afraid it's me and you who are interested, right?"


Not knowing what came to mind, Yelan clamped her long legs.

Another sigh and helplessness.

"But that guy's kneading kneading kung fu is really good."

"My philosophy is that plain is numb, intense is sober."

"Every time I got injured, I deliberately disguised myself as a variety of identities to go to him and ask him to press, and I liked the dull pain when I pressed the bruise, and other pains."

"But that guy actually recognized me for a long time, was very skilled in pressing, and only came to the door to people I disguised, willing to help with treatment."

Remembering the past, even if it was as cold and arrogant as an intelligence officer, her face was a little more unnatural.

Gotta go again.

Did you look for him?.

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