“Do you mean, come to me to help with compressions to heal your injuries?”

“I don’t usually do these things, just as an ordinary alchemy master, I can just take on a job occasionally.”

“What I have is money, you say it can’t be cured!”

After the bag of Mora was forcefully placed on the table, a middle-aged man who looked rough and had knife scars on his face spoke out impatiently.

I could see that there were scars on his arms and on his bare thighs below.

The back of the neck is also several pieces green.

And opposite him, there is a strange face – Su Bai.

Not long after Su Bai returned to Liyue, such a stranger came forward.

It stands to reason.

A guy with a bad attitude like this would have been thrown out by Su Bai a long time ago, after all, he didn’t do much healing.

He’s alchemist.

This is clearly a mistake.

However, Su Bai only shook his head slightly and sighed a little speechlessly.

“Okay, come in with me.”

“I said you, sometimes you don’t have to do this, is it bad to see me with your true face?”

However, the middle-aged man behind him remained silent at this time and did not say a word.

It’s like playing dead.

Reluctant to take up the topic.

After arriving at the house, he pointed to the single bed not far away.

“You lie down, I’ll help you press first, and then apply the herbs.”

An interesting scene appeared.

Obviously, this scar man came for the first time, but he looked familiar with the road, and he lay down very skillfully.

Su Bai seemed to be smiling at this.

This man is actually Yelan.

Ordinary people really can’t see it, after all, Yelan is a woman, and now it is a man here.

As a matter of fact.

Su Bai noticed her a long time ago, and was surprised that her martial arts, yes, a martial art.

Able to shrink bones, change appearance and posture.

So that Yelan can move freely in other forms.

It is a very superb and unique martial art.

It’s very Liyue.

After all, Su Bai remembered that the Yelan family had also produced warlocks, and the ancestors had also fought side by side with a certain Yasha, so let alone martial arts, their family even had techniques handed down.

Yelan was also like this then, because she once helped an injured person to correct the bones.

So she noticed it.

In addition, she wanted to investigate her own information, so she used the identity of Liyue Fishing Guy to find Su Bai for treatment at that time.

Su Bai said, OK.

This disguise is very powerful.

After that, Yelan came to him for treatment with a series of different identities, such as Meru mercenary, Fontaine adventurer, Mond hunter, Inazuma swordsman, winter merchant, etc., with a body of injuries.

Among them are men and women, but none of them are the appearance of Yelan itself.

Su Bai could actually recognize it.

However, when he tried to talk about it, Yelan would change the subject, very vigilant.

So Su Bai used a special technique to help Yelan manage her injuries, making her face flushed at every turn, but that picture was very outrageous.

Because the characters played by Yelan are all five big and three thick.

Have you ever seen a strong man with a red face?

Particularly spicy eyes.

Yelan also glared at Su Bai angrily at that time, feeling that he was taking advantage of himself.

But Su Bai walked around her with special strength, not touching it, but very large, and there was nothing excessive.

Inner strength!

And Yelan can also get a lot of benefits, and her physical fitness can become better.

Every time after the treatment, I have that feeling of refreshment, and the body and bones are much lighter.

Ling Yelan was very shocked, his strength seemed to have become stronger?

Physical fitness has also risen somewhat.

What is it?

Could it be an incredible wash of the scriptures?

Therefore, Yelan often came to find Su Bai, and every time it was a new identity.

Later, again, Yelan couldn’t help but cry out, she suddenly felt embarrassed, and left without saying a word that day.

Su Bai thought that she was afraid that she would not come to the door again.

But after a few days, she came again, and after all, she was still used to being here in Su Bai.

It’s a bit addictive.

Very top.

There are also benefits.

Yelan said, I have a thick skin, keep coming!

And the two of them have been talking for a long time, and they actually understand each other’s identities, but they are not revealed, but they are aware, but everyone remains silent.

Very peculiar tacit undeclared.

Yelan also beat to death and didn’t admit it, anyway, every time I even changed my body, even if you say, I can naturally deny it.


And Su Bai had just returned to Liyue, and she came to the door.

But it’s normal, who let him clean up the wind demon dragon.

But Su Bai didn’t care about this impact, for the power of the East Wind Dragon and the Wind God, that shot was worth it.

It’s to make them owe that favor.

So in this massage, Yelan casually mentioned.

“Mr. Su Bai heard that you have shown great power in Mond, you have such power, didn’t you think about anything in Liyue?”

“So powerful, what you want is at your fingertips.”

“It is not impossible to easily have a large amount of wealth, establish the first chamber of commerce in Liyue, the first sect, and even rank among the seven stars, and become the most powerful person in this country.”

“Why just do some alchemy props once in a while.”

“Could it be that that’s all you’re interested in?” Nothing else? I’m curious. ”

Su Bai looked at her funny. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Look at this scar man.

“What do you want so much wealth for, I’m not condensing.”

“Not to mention alchemy props, don’t look down on these items, I once built equipment for a good friend named Yelan, they are all excellent alchemical things.”

“Let her combat power increase greatly, but it’s a pity that the one who has no conscience, doesn’t thank me more, and always investigates me.”

Black lines appeared on the forehead of the “Scar Man”.

You scold again?

And although I investigated you, I didn’t do anything bad to you.

Instead, it allows you to take advantage of so much.

Although she uses martial arts and makeovers, such as making rough skin that conforms to men, it is actually her body, and the touch is also hers.

Not only that.

Every time I come to you to heal, I give a large sum of Mora.

There is absolutely no less money to give.

Why did she become unconscionable?

You man!


And Su Bai’s words continued.

“And I’m not interested in power, you know.”

Yelan was silent again, and I knew a hammer.

I used the look of someone else, well, this gesture is the first time I came to the door today.

Don’t keep trying to see me match your words.

Don’t think about it.

“Life is all about enjoying more.”

Su Bai’s voice suddenly changed, and his tone was playful.

“Of course, you really want to know what else I’m interested in.”

“Both of them are great beauties, just the so-called fair lady, gentlemen are good.”

The face of the “scar man” twitched again, you womanizer.

Just know you have an idea about us.

Obviously, don’t you have a good relationship with Keqing, and there is also a witch lady on Mond’s side.

That’s not enough???

Still want to tease me?

Suddenly, feeling Su Bai’s hand move up a point, the “scar man” looked wary and quickly dodged.

“Master Su Bai, what are you doing!”

“Could it be that you have a proclivity for dragon and yang, but I am a man, and I am in my 40s.”

“It’s the father of two children.”

Su Bai looked at “him” faintly and smiled lightly.

“Ah, yes, yes, you said yes, now you get the answer you want.”

“Okay, lie down.”

“Let me heal you, don’t move to let the body hurt in the future, take good care of yourself.”

Yelan didn’t say a word.

Silently enjoy the pain.

She is actually similar to a shaking M, and this pain will make her feel alive, mixed with coolness.

And Su Bai’s technique is particularly strong, which makes her linger.

Even if the two were to be like now, the two were angry with each other, she would still come.

After a while, Yelan’s scarred man left here.

Only Su Bai shook his head.

This woman has a strong personality, but that’s it, it’s more interesting to tame.

Sooner or later, one day.

I will let her be massaged here obediently in her original appearance.

After all, Yelan’s personality looks very persistent, but in fact, people are quite good.


Such a girl is very good.

So looking at the place where the “scar man” was lying before, there were some traces of water, and Su Bai cleaned it up with a wave of his hand.


It’s evening.

Have a good rest.

After all, Lisa’s side, she said resentfully, don’t come over every day, my sister really can’t stand it.

Give your sister a vacation.

After the “Scar Man” came outside, it was already dark at this time.

His figure quickly disappeared here.

Then after a remote no-brainer, he changed into another.

I went back to my accommodation.

Well, go take a shower first.

Every time I came back to Su Bai, this was the first thing to do.

And then after a while.

Out of this house came a woman, she has a tall body and a sexy body, and her long legs are also exceptionally powerful and slender. But in an instant, the person disappeared again.


Yelan, who had recovered her appearance, came here, and at this time there was a moonlight shining.

It’s also okay for visibility.

Not to mention a veteran like her.

At this time, Yelan was no longer the usual cold beauty because of bathing, but her pink cheeks were slightly red, and she was particularly charming and charming.

She bit her silver teeth a little sheepishly.

“That bad embryo wan.”

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