And that giant lotus Gaujana also gradually flew into Su Bai's hands, and the power in it flew to Yelan, leaving only that trace of divine awareness.

A long time ago, after the water god died here.

Because it is contaminated with filth.

Unable to blend into the earth.

So the divine consciousness is here, can only constantly wander, the ten thousand kinds of mother trees made by the Great Mercy Tree King contain such a little divine consciousness.

In fact, the original water god still died a long time ago.

After all, the power is split in two.

Most of the power became that sea of manna.

Part of it is this lotus.

This is much worse than the pot.

At the beginning, Guoba integrated its own strength into the earth, his intellect was greatly reduced, and his body was constantly getting smaller, anyway, when he said goodbye to all the immortals, he was not as tall as a person.

On the way, still shrinking.

Finally, I found a temple to sleep in, and it was a long time.

Until a girl came here with a spicy meat nest.

So the pot is not dead again.

The water god is completely gone, but as the saying goes, some people die, but the role played is greater than living, and [Primordial Water] is really the ability of the golden oil.

No, it still provides power to Yelan now.

So Su Bai looked at this divine consciousness and made a promise.

"You help Yelan become a Dao, and when Liyue reincarnation is established in 190, I will give you a new life and a new life." "

This divine consciousness, without consciousness and unable to communicate, is merely proof.

That water god existed.

To be able to create this series of miracles is already excellent.

Therefore, in the future, Su Bai plans to let this trace of divine consciousness into Liyue, be reincarnated and reborn, and become the water god of Liyue.

Kai II.

And with gradual growth, there is a possibility to retrieve past memories.

After all, it is a god.

Fontaine: ???

Our God, just like that, you abducted him?

However, Su Bai was already thinking about what the future goddess of water should be called when she grew up as a new life.

The words of the water god.


It's not appropriate, it's a little too rough.

Heber? Huaishui without support?

Yunzhong Jun?

After all, this refers to the Water God of Yunmengze.

But it all feels weird.

That's it.

Let's call it Roselle.

It is also the name of the water god in the Liyue style.

Therefore, this lotus flower became smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared, and the divine consciousness was put away by Su Bai.

10,000 species of mother trees are also gradually depleted.

However, in its place, it was the purification holy spear that was projected earlier, nailed to this position.

So it doesn't matter if you want this tree or not.

That sea of flowers serves as the habitat of the flower spirit family, let them survive.

This startled Hua Lingslusha.

"What, what's the situation? Why are they all gone? "

"I didn't say it would be like this."

"What about God-sama?"

Su Bai smiled slightly.

"She was put away by me, in time there is still the possibility of resurrection, don't worry, you can ask your [Zuerwan] senior."

"Let's just say that the god of rock took this divine consciousness and let everything end for it, and there will be no more disasters in the future."

"It'll know."

"Huh? Rock, the god of rock? You, you are? "

Hua Lingsi Lusha was really shocked and panicked.

Even the gods of another country have come?

Or the very great god that Yelan and Ying said along the way?

And Yelan's side.

She sat quietly and levitated here, releasing strange blue light on her body, power fluctuations were constantly changing, and after a while, her power gradually retracted, and the four forces began to gradually condense together.

Convergence forming.

The sea of flowers is bright, the primordial water, the ten thousand mother trees, and the night orchid itself.

Because most of the flower sea of power is still there.

So this wave, Yelan will condense and forge her exclusive power, and it is almost impossible to become a demon god, but it doesn't matter, once the power is completed, the demon god is also a matter of no long.

Yelan was already half a foot in.

Power is what counts.

Like in the past years, the power of some demon gods is really weak, far inferior to the demon god-level elemental martial arts.

Will be killed by the final Samadhi kamikaze.

But the power of other demon gods is really strong.

This kind of thing is completely heaven and earth.

Gradually, Yelan stood up, opened her eyes and saw Su Bai and Ying, and she couldn't help but smile.

"Husband, you are still here."

"Well, of course, although the success rate in the calculation is very high, it is nothing for me to come by the way, come, let me see your power."

Yelan stretched out a hand.

In her hands, there is a wonderful and sacred water spray, a sea of flowers in the water mass, a scene of many trees in the next, or it has returned to the stage of divine water that exudes three kinds of brilliance.

The two types of water themselves are fused together.

During this period, Yelan's mind moved, and a sea of flowers and plants was born here under her feet, spreading towards the surroundings.

Brings life to all things.

Water is the source of life.

The relationship with the grass and trees is very close.

Su Bai thought thoughtfully.

"Well, the power is still constantly being conceived and stable, and after a while, it will become a complete body, not bad."

"That's when you can develop more abilities."

"Anyway, helping trees grow this can't run, the Great Mercy Tree King's good helper, the water god can help her speed up the cultivation and research of trees, just with a series of thousand tree battle ships."

And remembering something, he asked.

"Have you thought of the name of Quan Neng, or do you think about it slowly?"


Yelan shook her head, and then smiled beautifully.

"Or, you can pick one for me."

This made Su Bai think about it, if you name the power of water according to the Liyue style, well.

Or are the three forces the main one.

"Then, let's call it [Sanguang Divine Water]."

"In other worlds, there is a mythical one called this name, Lanlan, you can try to develop it in that direction."

"Hey? How? "

Then Su Bai probably explained.

The Sanguang Divine Water itself is divided into three types, Nikko Divine Water, Moonlight Divine Water, and that Starlight Divine Water.

They all work differently.

One can melt and destroy the body.

One specifically for Genshin and Soul!

The last one is to restrain spirit and consciousness.

Zhibao suddenly stepped on it angrily.

How many meanings?

And the Sanguang Divine Water has the most critical ability in mythology, that is, after combining these three together, it has become an earth-shattering healing divine medicine, and the effect is extremely amazing and powerful.

Both lethal and therapeutic.

Listening to Yelan bluffed and bluffed.

It's really powerful.

Not bad.

Then her future power will be called [Sanguang Divine Water]. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is very unique involving the power of three gods who are not weak, each of them is not small, there are two of the seven rulings of the earthly world alone, which is much more precious than any pheasant demon god.

Some demon god powers, that's simply spicy chicken.........

Attack Mighty, then add a little, really just a little.

Let Su Bai think before, I'm afraid I'm melting a fake!

Here, there is no insult to anyone.

Nor did they name names.

So Yelan's next thing is to continue to cultivate.

After the purification of those filthy and purified with the ten thousand mother trees, the heavenly phenomenon of burning truth in the sky also disappeared, after all, this thing is known by name, a kind of celestial phenomenon.

Indicates a bad warning.

And Nasida also looked at this situation and smiled happily.

Very good.

In this way, the affairs of Meru became more and more peaceful and on the right track.

When she gave the sages a word about the work on this ground.

Su Bai's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Nasida, think strong?"

"Huh? Think! "

Nasida was first startled, then nodded fiercely.

The eyes are full of longing!

She's really weak.

Always wanted to be stronger.

Then Su Bai's laughter continued to come.

"Well, King Dacishu felt that her contribution would not be used for the time being, so he came to me for your consideration."

"Here you go."

In an instant, a grass element scroll appeared in front of Nasida and floated here.

This made her reach out and catch it curiously.

And carefully felt the information in it, and saw a large number of green streamers rushing into her mind.

A moment later.

Nasita murmured.

"Is the Demon God-level grass elemental martial arts like a divine palm?"

"Great, Lord Su Bai, Lord King of the Great Compassion Tree."

She was filled with gratitude and joy.

I will definitely work hard and cheer hard!

After all, she is very aware of her own shortcomings and weaknesses, far inferior to Lord Dacishu Wang, and because of this, she must continue to learn and grow.

Make progress with an open mind.

Along the way, she received the help of the Great Cishu King, Su Bai, and many friends of Liyue, how could she not be moved.

After that.

Liyue Immortal Palace Mansion.

At this time, at a table, there was still a white fairy mist lingering, Yelan, Condensing Light, and Su Bai were sitting here.

And Ning Guang smiled at Yelan with a happy 1.0.

"Congratulations to Lan Lan for successfully condensing his power, this is better than condensing alone, it will save a long time, I believe that becoming a demon god is not far away."

"And according to the power, it will directly be a powerful demon god at that time."

Not to mention.

There are also a series of treasures.

Su Bai will also update and upgrade her, especially her Taiyi Wuyanluo, and this colorful cloud smoke is even more amazing.

A series of added up, Lan Lan is very strong!

Yelan glanced at the sister with white eyes.

"Almost, condensing light, obviously even now, I can't see through you, you who have long been the Golden Rule Demon God, and now it is already unfathomable."

"What a pervert."

"Hmph, if you say this, Su Baifujun will laugh and say nothing, he knows me very well."

In fact, the condensation is indeed very strong.

She is not a normal demon god.

It is the God who rules the Golden Law.

Being able to constantly improve and diffuse the law so that people obey it, she can be fed back by a steady stream of strength, and is an existence that grows with civilization.

At this point alone, I know her perversion.

And Liyue's side can obey the law one by one, which invisibly creates too much advantage for her.

So her strength is a mystery in the eyes of everyone.

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